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Radio Astronomy/ | - | 02-Jul-2024 20:38 |
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KIC 8462852 Faded Throughout the Kepler Mission_ arxiv1608.01316v1.pdf | 1M | 29-Aug-2016 01:13 |
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3D photophoretic aircraft made from ultralight porous materials can carry kg-scale payloads in the mesosphere_ Thomas..> | 2M | 18-Apr-2024 02:59 |
A Citizen Science Network for Measurements of Atmsopheric Ionizing Radiation Levels_ GLE Measures_ B J Clewer K A Ryd..> | 6M | 21-Jun-2019 19:34 |
A Delta-V map of the known Main Belt Asteroids_ A Taylor_ J C McDowell_ M Elvis_ actaastro 2018.pdf | 2M | 09-Apr-2018 02:42 |
A Dispersed Heterodyne Design for the Planet Formation Imager_ arxiv14077036v1.pdf | 682K | 19-Aug-2014 04:49 |
A New Class of SETI Beacons That Contain Information_ arxiv12116470v1.pdf | 2M | 15-Jan-2013 11:41 |
A New Cosmological Distance Measure Using AGN_ D Watson_ K D Denney_ M Vestergaard_ T M Davis_ arxiv11094632.pdf | 187K | 28-Sep-2011 12:53 |
A Radio Continuum Survey of the Galactic Plane at 10 GHz_ Yoshiaki Sofue et al_ PASJ 1987.pdf | 1M | 11-May-2014 16:25 |
A Review of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Phenomena Related to Tropospheric-Ionospheric Coupling Mechanisms_ Fer..> | 393K | 06-Jul-2016 05:53 |
A Rotation Measure Image of the Sky_ A R Taylor_ J M Stil_ C Sunstrum_ apj 2009.pdf | 2M | 13-May-2016 15:02 |
A Statistical Analysis of the Accuracy of the Digitized Magnitudes of Photometric Plates on the Time Scale of Decades..> | 4M | 11-May-2016 02:46 |
A Unified Model for the Fan Region and the North Polar Spur_ A bundle of filaments in the local Galaxy_ arxiv2109.147..> | 14M | 15-Feb-2024 00:18 |
A luminous quasar at a redshift of z 7.085_ natureletter_ june-30-2011_ eso1122.pdf | 365K | 30-Jun-2011 20:46 |
A new sub-mm source within a few arcseconds of Alpha Centauri_ ALMA discovers the most distant object of the solar sy..> | 2M | 24-Jan-2016 04:38 |
A plethora of diffuse steep spectrum radio sources in Abell 2034 lrevealed by LOFAR_ arxiv160306591.pdf | 8M | 24-Mar-2016 12:20 |
A possible direct exposure of the Earth to the cold dense interstellar medium 2-3 Myr ago_ M Opher_ A Loeb_ J E G Pee..> | 1M | 26-Jun-2024 00:26 |
A technical comparison of three low earth orbit satellite constellation systems to provide global broadband_ j actaas..> | 3M | 18-Mar-2019 19:40 |
A temperate rocky super-Earth transiting a nearby cool star_ J Dittmann et al_ eso1712a_ Nature 2017.pdf | 7M | 19-Apr-2017 19:51 |
A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri_ Guillem Anglada-Escude et al_ Nature 201..> | 3M | 25-Aug-2016 02:20 |
A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri_ eso1629a_ 2016.pdf | 1M | 24-Aug-2016 19:40 |
A two-cell photoelectric polarimeter at the Uppsala Observatory used for observations of some magnetic variables and ..> | 2M | 02-Nov-2011 03:08 |
A very luminous magnetar-powered supernova associated with an ultra-long gamma-ray burst_ eso1527a.pdf | 552K | 08-Jul-2015 18:58 |
Alignment of quasar polarizations with large-scale structures_ D Hutsemekers_ L Braibant_ V Pelgrims_ D Sluse_ eso143..> | 240K | 20-Nov-2014 08:57 |
Amateur Telescope Making Book Three_ A Sequel to Amateur Telescope Making Book One and to Amateur Telescope Making Ad..> | 52M | 17-Nov-2011 16:25 |
An Earth mass planet orbiting Alpha Centauri B_ eso1241a_ 2012.pdf | 1M | 17-Oct-2012 12:03 |
An Experimental Platform for Creating White Dwarf Photospheres in the Laboratory_ arxiv12107197.pdf | 1M | 22-Feb-2014 15:48 |
An impenetrable barrier to ultrarelativistic electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts_ D N Baker et al_ Nature 2014..> | 6M | 28-Nov-2014 21:04 |
An improved map of the Galactic Faraday sky_ arXiv11116186.pdf | 2M | 04-Feb-2012 18:10 |
Anthropogenic Space Weather_ arxiv161103390.pdf | 4M | 18-Nov-2016 10:51 |
Are the heliosphere, very local interstellar medium, and local cavity in pressure balance with Galactic gravity_ arxi..> | 487K | 03-Dec-2022 20:08 |
Asteroid Retrieval Feasibility Study_ Keck Institute for Space Studies_ 2012.pdf | 2M | 28-Dec-2012 15:10 |
Asteroids and Dwarf Planets and How to Observe Them_ Roger Dymock_ 2010.pdf | 15M | 22-Apr-2012 07:05 |
Asteroseismology can reveal strong internal magnetic fields in red giant stars_ J Fuller_ M Cantiello_ D Stello_ R A ..> | 1M | 25-Oct-2015 04:37 |
Asteroseismology can reveal strong internal magnetic fields in red giant stars_ Supplementary_ J Fuller_ M Cantiello_..> | 692K | 25-Oct-2015 04:38 |
Astronomical Image and Data Analysis_ 2nd Ed_ J-L Starck_ F Murtagh_ 2006.pdf | 17M | 05-Oct-2011 01:10 |
Astronomical Optics_ Daniel J Schroeder_ 1987.djvu | 3M | 08-Nov-2011 18:07 |
Astronomical Photometry_ Past, Present, and Future_ Eugene F Milone_ C Sterken_ 2011.pdf | 5M | 28-Nov-2011 21:28 |
Astronomical Polarimetry_ Jaap Tinbergen_ 2005.pdf | 6M | 08-Nov-2011 00:56 |
Astronomical Spectrographs and their History_ John Hearnshaw_ 2009.pdf | 5M | 29-Aug-2011 14:20 |
Astronomical Spectroscopy for Amateurs_ Ken M Harrison_ 2011.pdf | 10M | 27-Oct-2011 12:38 |
Astronomy_ Principles and Practice_ 4th Ed_ A E Roy_ D Clarke_ 2003.pdf | 6M | 15-Jul-2011 06:13 |
Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry_ J Trujillo-Bueno_ F Moreno-Insertis_ F Sanchez_ 2002.pdf | 17M | 27-Oct-2011 12:27 |
Aurora_ Observing and Recording Natures Spectacular Light Show_ Neil Bone_ 2007.pdf | 5M | 04-Jul-2011 20:36 |
Basic Astronomical Data for the Sun_ Eric Mamajek_ 2012.txt | 101K | 04-Dec-2012 01:26 |
Bright Perseid fireball with exceptional beginning height of 170 km observed by different techniques_ Pavel Spunry et..> | 11M | 10-Mar-2014 12:43 |
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Chandra-HETGS Observations of the Brightest Flare Seen From Sgr A_ arxiv12096354v1.pdf | 404K | 08-Nov-2012 13:38 |
Chasing the Shadow_ The IOTA Occultation Observers Manual.pdf | 11M | 28-Mar-2011 21:04 |
Clocks in the Sky_ The Story of Pulsars_ Geoff McNamara_ 2008.pdf | 3M | 04-Jul-2011 20:32 |
Coronal activity cycles in action - X-rays from alpha Centauri A B_ arxiv161206570.pdf | 635K | 27-Dec-2016 09:41 |
Cosmic Magnetic Fields_ Observations and Prospects_ Rainer Beck_ arxiv11043749.pdf | 1M | 13-Sep-2011 06:31 |
Cosmic Magnetic Fields_ Richard Wielebinski_ Rainer Beck_ 2005.djvu | 7M | 13-Sep-2011 06:44 |
Cosmic Ray Interactions, Propogation, and Acceleration in Space Plasmas_ Lev Dorman.pdf | 14M | 23-Jul-2010 23:59 |
Cosmic Rays in Magnetospheres of the Earth and other Planets_ Lev Dorman_ 2009.pdf | 47M | 13-Sep-2011 06:47 |
Cosmic rays, Cloud Condensing Nuclei and clouds_ a reassessment using MODIS data_ AtmosChemPhys_ 2008.pdf | 2M | 27-Sep-2011 05:05 |
Cosmical Electrodynamics_ 2nd Ed_ Hannes Alfven_ CY Falthammar_ 1963.djvu | 2M | 12-Aug-2011 21:11 |
Costs And Difficulties Of Large-Scale Messaging And The Need For International Debate on Potential Risks_ John Billin..> | 380K | 05-Jun-2012 05:59 |
Curiosity at Gale Crater, Mars_ Characterization and Analysis of the Rocknest Sand Shadow_ D F Blake et al_ Science 2..> | 1M | 26-Sep-2013 23:07 |
Demonstration designs for the remediation of space debris from the International Space Station_ T Ebisuzaki et al_ 20..> | 2M | 20-Apr-2015 15:16 |
Detection of Galactic Center Source G2 at 3.9 microns During Periapse Passage_ G Witzel et al_ ApJ 2014.pdf | 455K | 04-Nov-2014 09:03 |
Detection of orbital motions near the last stable circular orbit of the massive black hole SgrA_ arxiv1810.12641.pdf | 1M | 05-Nov-2018 17:18 |
Direct Observation of Radiation-Belt Electron Acceleration from Electron-Volt Energies to Megavolts by Nonlinear Whis..> | 3M | 16-Jul-2014 11:08 |
Direct Ultraviolet Imaging and Spectroscopy of Betelgeuse_ arxiv13042780v1.pdf | 313K | 12-Apr-2013 09:37 |
Does the worsening galactic cosmic radiation environment observed by CRaTER preclude future manned deep space explora..> | 2M | 08-Dec-2014 08:22 |
Draft Environmental Assessment for Issuing an Experimental Permit to SpaceX for Operation of the DragonFly Vehicle at..> | 3M | 22-May-2014 06:07 |
Dust in the Solar System and Other Planetary Systems_ SF Green_ I Williams_ T McDonnell_ N McBride_ 2002.pdf | 8M | 09-Jul-2011 08:54 |
Dusty Plasma Effects in Near Earth Space and Interplanetary Medium_ Ingrid Mann et al_ 2012.pdf | 2M | 30-Nov-2012 03:17 |
EIT Waves and Coronal Mass Ejections_ P F Chen_ C Fang_ arxiv11085274.pdf | 594K | 29-Aug-2011 15:40 |
ESA Solar-Orbiter_ Exploring the Sun-heliosphere connection_ brief-2011-07-22.pdf | 18M | 17-Aug-2011 09:03 |
Electron Acceleration in the Aurora and Beyond_ D Bryant.chm | 2M | 11-Oct-2011 14:05 |
Electron acceleration to relativistic energies at a strong quasi-parallel shock wave_ A Masters et al_ nphys2541 2013..> | 651K | 03-Apr-2013 00:07 |
Electronic Imaging in Astronomy_ Detectors and Instrumentation_ 2nd Ed_ Ian S McLean_ 2008.pdf | 13M | 27-Oct-2011 12:34 |
End-to-end interstellar communication system design for power efficiency_ arxiv13054684v2.pdf | 6M | 01-Dec-2013 11:41 |
Enhancing Science from Future Space Missions and Planetary Radar with the SKA_ Dayton L Jones_ Joseph Lazio_ POS 2014..> | 11M | 21-Dec-2014 12:27 |
Essential Spaceflight Dynamics and Magnetospherics_ V Rauschenbakh_ M Y Ovchinnikov_ Susan M P McKenna-Lawlor_ 2004.pdf | 13M | 13-Sep-2011 06:51 |
Evidence for Large Planetary Climate Altering Thermonuclear Explosions on Mars in the Past_ John E Brandenburg_ ijaa ..> | 7M | 15-Mar-2024 23:44 |
Evidence for a Distance Giant Planet in the Solar System_ Konstantin Batygin_ Michael E Brown_ 2016.pdf | 3M | 21-Jan-2016 01:49 |
Explaining sudden losses of outer radiation belt electrons during geomagnetic storms_ Drew L Turner et al_ Nature Phy..> | 3M | 25-Mar-2012 17:57 |
Explaining sudden losses of outer radiation belt electrons during geomagnetic storms_ supplementary info_ Drew L Turn..> | 4M | 25-Mar-2012 17:58 |
Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora_ 2nd Edition_ SI Akasofu.pdf | 78M | 09-May-2011 05:44 |
Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora_ SI Akasofu.djvu | 8M | 03-Dec-2010 23:48 |
Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora_ SI Akasofu.pdf | 19M | 23-Sep-2010 20:07 |
Explosive Nucleosynthesis_ What we learned and what we still do not understand_ arxiv180907187.pdf | 124K | 20-Sep-2018 03:34 |
Feasability Study of Water Vapor Adsorption on Mars for In Situ Resource Utilitzation_ S C Coons_ J D Williams_ A P B..> | 2M | 23-Feb-2017 05:48 |
Finding Earth 2 from the Focus of the Solar Gravitational Lens_ L D Friedman_ S G Turyshev_ 2015.pdf | 321K | 17-Oct-2017 06:18 |
Fundamental Astronomy_ 5th Ed_ Hannu Karttunen_ Pekka Kroger_ Heikki Oja_ Markku Poutanen_ Karl Johan Donner_ 2007.pdf | 21M | 03-Nov-2011 06:03 |
Geological Map of Io_ USGS 3168.pdf | 16M | 20-Mar-2012 17:03 |
Geological Map of Mars_ K L Tanaka_ J A Skinner_ J M Dohm_ R P Irwin_ E J Kolb_ C M Fortezzo_ T Platz_ G G Michael_ T..> | 34M | 08-Aug-2014 23:15 |
Geological mapping and characterizations of Gale Crater and implications for its potential as a Mars Science Laborato..> | 25M | 11-Aug-2012 03:44 |
Giant ripples on comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko sculpted by sunset thermal wind_ Pan Jia_ Bruno Andreotti_ Philippe ..> | 7M | 10-Mar-2024 01:41 |
Gigantic Circular Shock Acoustic Waves in the Ionosphere TRiggered by the Launch of FORMOSAT-5 Satellite_ Chou et al_..> | 2M | 15-Mar-2018 18:57 |
Global upper-atmospheric heating on Jupiter by the polar aurorae_ J ODonoghue_ L Moore_ T Bhakyapaibul_ H Melin_ T St..> | 5M | 15-Sep-2021 20:47 |
HD344787_ The Polaris Analogue That is Even More Interesting Than Polaris_ decreasing cepheid star_ arxiv11024848.pdf | 504K | 28-Feb-2011 02:51 |
High Energy Astrophysics_ 3rd Ed_ Malcolm S Longair_ 2011.pdf | 17M | 14-Sep-2011 04:13 |
High Energy Cosmic Rays_ Todor Stanev_ 2010.pdf | 3M | 13-Sep-2011 06:47 |
Instrumentation for Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry_ Christopher U Keller_ 2000.pdf | 694K | 04-Dec-2011 11:43 |
Intensity Stellar Inferferometry_ Starbase.pdf | 577K | 11-Dec-2013 08:00 |
Interstellar Dust Close to the Sun_ Priscilla C Frisch_ Jonathan D Slavin_ arxiv12054017.pdf | 331K | 06-Feb-2013 02:37 |
Introduction to Spectropolarimetry_ Jose Carlos del Toro Iniesta_ 2003.pdf | 2M | 27-Oct-2011 12:26 |
Investigation of Ios Auroral Hiss Emissions Due To Its Motion in Jupiters Magnetosphere_ M H Moghimi_ ASEG_2012.pdf | 796K | 19-Sep-2011 08:46 |
Ionospheres_ Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry_ R Schunk_ A Nagy_ 2009.pdf | 7M | 03-May-2011 07:31 |
KIC8462852 Faded at an Average Rate of 0.165 Magnitudes Per Century from 1890 to 1989_ arixv160103256v1.pdf | 215K | 17-Jan-2016 07:36 |
KIC8462852 Faded at an Average Rate of 0.165 Magnitudes Per Century from 1890 to 1989_ arixv160103256v2.pdf | 498K | 04-May-2016 02:14 |
Life, Briefly, Near a Supernova_ Steven I Dutch_ 2005.pdf | 65K | 27-Sep-2011 04:40 |
Limits and Signatures of Relativistic Spaceflight_ arxiv150305845v1.pdf | 863K | 25-Mar-2015 14:01 |
Low-frequency Faraday rotation measures towards pulsars using LOFAR_ probing the 3-D Galactic halo magnetic field_ ar..> | 9M | 24-Jan-2019 19:48 |
Lunar and Martian Lava Tube Exploration as Part of an Overall Scientific Survey_ Andrew Daga_ 2013.pdf | 642K | 14-Jul-2016 03:10 |
Magnetic Fields of Galaxies_ A A Ruzmaikin_ D D Sokoloff_ A M Shukurov_ 1987.djvu | 3M | 13-Sep-2011 06:47 |
Managing Critical Disasters in the Transatlantic Domain - The Case of a Geomagnetic Storm_ FEMA_2010.pdf | 295K | 18-Feb-2011 21:37 |
Membrane diffractive space telescopes_ Geoff Anderson_ USAF 2012.pdf | 6M | 12-Aug-2012 03:01 |
Messaging with Cost Optimized Interstellar Beacons_ arxiv08103964v2.pdf | 951K | 15-Jan-2013 11:00 |
Mid-Latitude Sporadic-E_ A Review_ Michael Hawk_ 2001.pdf | 62K | 21-Dec-2013 17:52 |
Mini-magnetospheres above the lunar surface and the formation of lunar swirls_ arxiv12072076.pdf | 1M | 10-Jul-2012 23:34 |
Molecular gas in the immediate vicinity of Sgr A Prime seen with ALMA_ arxiv1707.02951.pdf | 3M | 13-Jul-2017 06:31 |
Monitoring the Dusty S-Cluster Object DSO G2 on its Orbit towards the Galactic Center Black Hole_ arxiv1410873v2.pdf | 2M | 30-Mar-2015 04:42 |
Motivation and possibilities of affordable low-frequency radio_ Applications to exoplanet research and two instrument..> | 139K | 25-Apr-2014 12:20 |
New analysis for the correlation between gravitational waves and neutrino detectors during SN1987A_ arxiv160305076v1.pdf | 430K | 21-Mar-2016 21:36 |
New evidence of meteoritic origin of the Tunguska cosmic body_ V Kvansnytsya_ R Wirth_ L Dobrzhinetskaya_ J Matzel_ B..> | 1M | 11-Jun-2013 22:29 |
New periodicity in Jovian decametric radio emission_ M Panchenko_ H O Rucker_ M L Kaiser_ O C St Cyr_ J L Bougeret_ K..> | 879K | 31-Aug-2012 06:37 |
Observational evidence for summer rainfall at Titans north pole_ Dhingra_ 2018.pdf | 1M | 18-Jan-2019 21:57 |
Observations of solar and stellar eruptions, flares, and jets_ Hugh Hudson.pdf | 12M | 21-Oct-2015 01:28 |
Observing a Black Hole Event Horizon_ Sub-Millimeter VLBI of Sgr A_ arxiv09064040.pdf | 472K | 24-Feb-2011 22:59 |
Oceanography on Saturns Moon, Titan_ Ralph D Lorenz_ Oceans 2013.pdf | 950K | 15-Sep-2013 14:22 |
On the Little-Known Consequences of the 4 August 1972 Ultra-Fast Coronal Mass Ejecta_ Facts Commentary and Call to Ac..> | 817K | 17-Nov-2018 03:59 |
Optical Astronomical Spectroscopy_ Christopher R Kitchin_ 1995.pdf | 19M | 31-Oct-2011 16:35 |
Origins of Magnetospheric Physics_ An Expanded Edition_ James A Van Allen_2004.djvu | 2M | 06-May-2011 08:42 |
Outer Magnetospheric Boundaries_ Cluster Results_ Goetz Paschmann_ S J Schwartz_ C P Escoubet_ S Haaland_ 2005.pdf | 14M | 12-Aug-2011 21:16 |
Phase diagram for magnetic reconnection in heliophysical, astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas_ Hantao Ji_ William D..> | 3M | 19-Jul-2012 11:42 |
Photophoretic Light-flyers with Germanium Coatings as Selective Absorbers_ Zhipeng Lu_ Gulzhan Aldan_ Danielle Levin_..> | 12M | 18-Apr-2024 02:58 |
Physical properties of asteroid Dimorphos as derived from the DART impact_ S D Raducan_ M Jutzi_ A F Cheng et al_ Nat..> | 4M | 28-Feb-2024 01:29 |
Physics of Space Storms_ From the Solar Surface to the Earth_ Hannu Koskinen_ 2011.pdf | 6M | 06-May-2011 07:41 |
Physics of the Earths Space Environment_ An Introduction_ Gerd Prolss_ 2004.djvu | 5M | 13-Jul-2011 10:35 |
Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium_ Bruce T Draine_ 2010.pdf | 17M | 10-Oct-2011 10:52 |
Planet Hunters X_ KIC 8462852_ Wheres the Flux_ arxiv150903622v1.pdf | 3M | 16-Oct-2015 00:55 |
Plasma Astrophysics Fundamentals and Practice_ Part II_ Reconnection and Flares_ Boris V Somov_ 2006.pdf | 3M | 12-Aug-2011 21:05 |
Plasma Astrophysics Fundamentals and Practice_ Part I_ Boris V Somov_ 2006.pdf | 2M | 25-Mar-2013 10:18 |
Plasma Physics of the Local Cosmos_ National Research Council.pdf | 17M | 04-Jun-2011 07:38 |
Plasma astrophysics_ J G Kirk_ D B Melrose_ E R Priest_ A O Benz_ TJ-L Courvoisier_ 1995.djvu | 3M | 25-Mar-2013 10:13 |
Plasma pressures in the heliosheath from Cassini ENA and Voyager 2 measurements: Validation by the Voyager 2 heliopau..> | 2M | 09-Jul-2019 03:59 |
Polarimetric Detection_ Characterization and Remote Sensing_ Michael I Mishchenko_ Yaroslav S Yatskiv_ Vera K Rosenbu..> | 41M | 27-Oct-2011 12:30 |
Polarimetry and astrometry of NIR flares as event horizon scale dynamical probes for the mass of Sgr A_ GRAVITY Colla..> | 2M | 11-Mar-2024 10:46 |
Polarisation_ Applications in Remote Sensing_ Shane Cloude_ 2009.pdf | 4M | 03-Nov-2011 06:15 |
Polarization and Cosmic Magnetic Fields_ Rainer Beck_ MPIfR_ 2010.pdf | 15M | 14-Sep-2011 04:31 |
Polarization in Spectral Lines_ E Landi Degl Innocenti_ M Landolfi_ 2004.djvu | 7M | 12-Aug-2011 23:39 |
Polarization in Spectral Lines_ E Landi Degl Innocenti_ M Landolfi_ 2004.pdf | 6M | 27-Oct-2011 12:42 |
Positron decrement in AMS-02 compared to Pamela due to solar cycle_ arxiv12110691.pdf | 731K | 09-Nov-2012 14:20 |
Practices in source code sharing in astrophysics_ arxiv13046780v1.pdf | 149K | 26-Apr-2013 07:14 |
Prediction of a Red Nova Outburst in KIC 9832227_ arxiv170405502.pdf | 12M | 01-Dec-2017 01:04 |
Project Icarus_ A review of local interstellar medium properties of relevance for space missions to the nearest stars..> | 288K | 21-Apr-2012 08:15 |
Quasi 9 and 30-40 days periodicities in the solar differential rotation_ J Javaraiah_ arxiv11054035.pdf | 384K | 24-Aug-2011 11:13 |
Recent Advances in Spectroscopy_ Theoretical Astrophysical and Experimental Perspectives_ Rajat K Chaudhuri_ M V Mekk..> | 4M | 12-Aug-2011 21:08 |
Reconstruction and Prediction of Variations in the Open Solar Magnetic Flux and Interplanetary Conditions_ Mike Lockw..> | 4M | 24-Jan-2014 08:45 |
Recovery of 150-250 MeV per nucleon Cosmic Ray Helium Nuclei Intensities between 2004-2010 Near the Earth, at Voyager..> | 627K | 12-Sep-2011 21:55 |
Reduction of Trapped Energetic Particles Fluxes in Earth and Jovian Radiations Belts_ Robert Hoyt_ Michele Cash_ 2007..> | 8M | 23-Sep-2011 11:23 |
Relative likelihood for life as a function of cosmic time_ A Loeb_ R A Batista_ D Sloan_ 2016.pdf | 690K | 28-Dec-2019 05:03 |
Removing Orbital Debris With Lasers_ arxiv11103835v1.pdf | 5M | 13-Aug-2016 17:36 |
Revised Geometric Estimates of the North Galactic Pole and the Suns Height Above the Galactic Midplane_ arxiv16100812..> | 663K | 27-Dec-2016 08:56 |
Robert Zubrin - The Case for Mars- The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must.epub | 3M | 18-Mar-2013 19:13 |
Searching for Cost Optimized Interstellar Beacons_ arxiv08103966v3.pdf | 408K | 15-Jan-2013 10:58 |
Self-Organized Criticality in Astrophysics_ The Statistics of Nonlinear Processes in the Universe_ Markus Aschwanden_..> | 28M | 13-Sep-2011 06:42 |
Semiannual Variation of Geomagnetic Activity_ C T Russell_ R L McPHerron_ 1973.pdf | 1M | 27-Sep-2023 22:15 |
Seven temperatre terrestrial planets around the nearly ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1_ Gillon et al_ Nature 2017.pdf | 3M | 23-Feb-2017 02:45 |
Soil Diversity and Hydration as Observed by ChemCam at Gale Crater, Mars_ P Y Meslin et al_ Science 2013.pdf | 5M | 26-Sep-2013 23:01 |
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Spectropolarimetric diagnostics of unresolved magnetic fields in the quiet solar photosphere_ arxiv12123048.pdf | 220K | 16-Dec-2012 13:44 |
Spectropolarimetry of a Sunspot at 1565nm_ Penumbral Moving Magnetic Features_ M J Penn_ S A Jaeggli_ C J Henney_ S R..> | 857K | 31-Oct-2011 03:11 |
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The Dynamic Magnetosphere_ William Liu_ Masaki Fujimoto_ 2011.pdf | 20M | 12-Aug-2011 21:23 |
The Edges of Our Universe_ Toby Ord_ arxiv2104.01191.pdf | 8M | 11-Apr-2021 21:48 |
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