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A decade of magnetic vestibular stimulation_ from serendipity to physics to the clinic_ B K Ward_ D Roberts_ J Otero-..> | 9M | 20-Jun-2019 22:37 |
DC_GVS.flv | 8M | 13-Jul-2011 13:55 |
Design of a Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation based Collision Avoidance System for the Visually Impaired_ Paul Quevedo_..> | 2M | 13-Jul-2011 14:09 |
Determing the direction of vestibular-evoked balance responses using stochastic vestibular stimuation_ J Physiol-2009..> | 251K | 09-Jul-2011 04:12 |
Effects of galvanic mastoid stimulation in seated human subjects_ J Appl Physiol-2009-Ghanim-893-903.pdf | 783K | 09-Jul-2011 04:12 |
Effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation during human walking_ J Physiol-1999-Fitzpatrick-931-9.pdf | 400K | 09-Jul-2011 04:17 |
Four-pole galvanic vestibular stimulation causes body sway about three axes_ K Aoyama et al_ 2015.pdf | 943K | 26-Aug-2017 06:03 |
Frequency-Specific Modulation of Vestibular-Evoked Sway Responses in Humans_ J Neurophysiol-2010-Dakin-1048-56.pdf | 1M | 09-Jul-2011 04:15 |
Functional Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation of the Vestibular System_ Gary E Riccio_ 1995.pdf | 831K | 13-Jul-2011 14:28 |
GVS RIDE_ Providing a Novel Experience Using a Head Mounted Display and Four-pole Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation_ K ..> | 431K | 26-Aug-2017 06:05 |
GVS_Schematic_robomoticdesign.pdf | 16K | 25-Oct-2011 21:00 |
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Applied to Flight Training_ Joel Hanson_ 2009.pdf | 3M | 13-Jul-2011 13:59 |
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Introduction_ circuit design.mht | 823K | 13-Jul-2011 14:03 |
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Unit Design for the Therapeutic Treatment of Neglect Syndrome Patients_ Goutham C Yap..> | 2M | 13-Jul-2011 14:16 |
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation.pdf | 499K | 04-Mar-2004 04:58 |
Galvanic vestibular stimulation in primates recording vestibular afferents during transmastoid stimulation_ Annie Kwa..> | 4M | 26-Aug-2017 06:09 |
Galvanic vestibular stimulation: new uses for an old tool_ J Physiol-1999-Day-631.pdf | 67K | 09-Jul-2011 04:20 |
Galvanic vestibular stimulation_ from basic concepts to clinical applications_ J Dlugaiczyk_ K D Gensberger_ H Straka..> | 7M | 12-Jun-2019 01:44 |
IRF7105_power_mosfet.pdf | 266K | 25-Oct-2011 14:22 |
Influence of galvanic vestibular stimulation on egocentric and object-based mental transforms_ lenggenhager_lopez_bla..> | 510K | 09-Jul-2011 04:18 |
Latency and Initiation of the Human Vestibuloocular Reflex to Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation_ J Neurophysiol-2006-Aw-925..> | 1M | 09-Jul-2011 04:14 |
Non-linear vector summation of left and right vestibular signals for human balance_ J Physiol-2010-Day-671-82.pdf | 572K | 09-Jul-2011 04:13 |
PRGVSactivation.flv | 1M | 13-Jul-2011 13:51 |
Position and velocity responses to GVS.pdf | 348K | 04-Mar-2004 06:52 |
Probing the human vestibular system with galvanic stimulation_ Richard C Fitzpatrick_ Brian L Day_ J Appl Physiol-200..> | 557K | 09-Jul-2011 04:11 |
S7856_No_GVS_FMT.flv | 2M | 13-Jul-2011 13:52 |
S7856_PR_GVS_FMT.flv | 3M | 13-Jul-2011 13:53 |
Schematic.jpg | 27K | 13-Jul-2011 13:56 |
Short-duration galvanic vestibular stimulation evokes prolonged balance responses_ J Appl Physiol-2008-Son-1210-7.pdf | 477K | 09-Jul-2011 04:13 |
The Vestibular System_ Day Fitzpatrick Curr Biol.pdf | 2M | 09-Jul-2011 04:19 |
Transcranial direct current stimulations effect on novice versus experienced learning_ s00221-011-2764-2_ 2011.pdf | 216K | 07-Feb-2012 10:27 |
VestibularProsteses.pdf | 154K | 29-Jun-2011 17:31 |
galvanicwalking.pdf | 405K | 04-Mar-2004 06:57 |
gvs-psu-circuit-schematic.jpg | 2M | 13-Jun-2016 13:07 | | 2326 | 10-Jun-2011 18:50 |
gvs_vectors.gif | 66K | 10-Jun-2011 18:50 |
hbridge00.jpg | 14K | 10-Jun-2011 18:50 |
hbridge01.jpg | 11K | 10-Jun-2011 18:50 |
hbridge02.jpg | 21K | 10-Jun-2011 18:50 |
hbridge03.jpg | 22K | 10-Jun-2011 18:50 |
radiocontrolledhuman.mpg | 8M | 13-Jul-2011 13:47 |