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A Compact TEA CO2 Laser for Field-Based Spectrochemical Analysis of Geological Samples_ Wagini R_ K Kagawa.pdf | 268K | 08-Jul-2011 06:53 |
A 10 cm aperture high quality TEA CO2 laser_ GJ Ernst_ Optics Communications_ 1982_ Ernst82ten.pdf | 262K | 08-Jul-2011 06:40 |
A 40 Joule CO2 TEA Laser Module with a Uniform-field Electrode Profile and Side-Arc Preionization_ M R Green_ P D Mor..> | 7M | 08-Jul-2011 07:52 |
A 5 cm Single-Discharge CO2 Laser Having High Power Output_ G J Ernst_ A G Boer_ 1980.pdf | 150K | 11-Jul-2011 05:05 |
A Compact Simple Structure TEA C02 Laser with Dielectric Corona Preionization_ AR Bahrampour_ 2003_ 95520030410.pdf | 306K | 08-Jul-2011 06:41 |
A Fast Preionization Source for Diffuse Discharges Containing Attachers_ James R Cooper_ 1983.pdf | 5M | 08-Jul-2011 08:00 |
A New Single Mode Tunable TEA CO2 Laser_ Roger A Dougal_ 1980.pdf | 1M | 11-Jul-2011 06:39 |
A compact spark pre-ionized pulser sustainer TE-CO2 laser_ NS Benerji_ Neeraj Varshnay_ Lala Abhinandan_ U Nundy_ 200..> | 80K | 08-Jul-2011 06:48 |
A compacted Ernst-electrodes profile for pulsed high-pressure lasers_ I Leyva_ J M Guerra_ 1999.pdf | 126K | 08-Jul-2011 07:03 |
A double discharge high power TEA CO2 laser_ P Boulanger_ A Heym_ J M Mayor_ Z A Pietrzyk_ 1973_ lrp_60_73.pdf | 2M | 08-Jul-2011 07:12 |
An Ideal Thyratron-less Repetitive TE Laser Pulser_ D J Biswas_ radial rotating sparkgap.pdf | 1M | 08-Jul-2011 07:02 |
CO2 Laser Preionization_ Gary D Spiers_ 1990.pdf | 2M | 11-Jul-2011 06:15 |
CO2_measurements diagram.jpg | 490K | 13-May-2011 19:23 |
Compact uniform field electrode profiles_ G J Ernst_ 1983_ Ernst83compact.pdf | 272K | 08-Jul-2011 07:20 |
Comparison of several discharge electrodes for a TEA CO2 laser_ Chinese_ 2005_ 060411.pdf | 377K | 08-Jul-2011 06:50 |
Construction and performance characteristics of a rapid discharge TEA CO2 laser_ Ernst78construction.pdf | 885K | 08-Jul-2011 06:43 |
Development and Optimization of OFID-10 micrometer TEA CO2 Laser Systems_ Armin Walter Kalin_ 1991.pdf | 3M | 11-Jul-2011 06:51 |
Development of a Helium-Free Atmospheric Pressure Pulsed CO2 Laser_ DJ Biswas_ JP Nilaya_ Aniruddha Kumar.pdf | 3M | 08-Jul-2011 06:46 |
Energy_storage_kinetics_in_TEA-CO2-Laser.gif | 11K | 16-Jul-2011 08:29 |
High Power Helium-Free Superatmospheric CO2 Mini-TEA Laser_ S Marchetti_ R Simili_ M Giorgi_ ajp-jphyscol198748C707.pdf | 121K | 08-Jul-2011 09:04 |
Long Self-Sustained Discharge Pulses for CO2 Lasers_ Further Skirmishes_ M R Harris_ 1980.pdf | 529K | 08-Jul-2011 07:23 |
On the operation of switch-less transversely excited atmosphere CO2 lasers in the oscillator and amplifier configurat..> | 705K | 08-Jul-2011 06:59 |
On the repetitive operation of a self-switched transversely excited atmosphere CO2 laser_ PALLAVI RAOTE_ GAUTAM PATIL..> | 587K | 08-Jul-2011 07:00 |
Operation of a helium-free TEA CO2 laser_ D J Biswas.pdf | 95K | 08-Jul-2011 08:11 |
Parametric Measurements on a Doped CO2 TEA Laser_ B J Reits_ 1980.pdf | 274K | 08-Jul-2011 07:19 |
Propogation of High Power Pulses of 10.6 micrometer Radiation from a CO2 TEA Laser of Novel Design Through Clouds Pro..> | 6M | 08-Jul-2011 09:33 |
Pulser Driven Helium Free Transversely Excited Atmospheric-Pressure _TEA_ CO2 Laser_ D J Biswas_ US6950453.pdf | 114K | 11-Jul-2011 02:03 |
Simple Inexpensive Laboratory-Quality Rogowski TEA Laser_ H J Segui_ K Manes_ J Tulip_ RevSciInst_ 1972.pdf | 463K | 12-Jul-2011 05:55 |
Simpliefied UV-preionized long-pulse TEA CO2 laser amplifier_ RevSciInstrum_55_1545.pdf | 401K | 13-May-2011 19:20 |
Switching of a TEA CO2 laser with its own UV emitting parallel spark channels_ J Padma_ P Raote_ G Patil_ D J Biswas_..> | 228K | 11-Jul-2011 01:59 |
Switchless Operation of a TEA CO2 Laser_ D J Biswas_ J P Nilaya_ 2002.pdf | 76K | 08-Jul-2011 06:57 |
TEA_CO2_parallel_sparkgap_preionizer_resonator1.jpg | 63K | 08-Jul-2011 10:00 |
TEA_CO2_parallel_sparkgap_preionizer_schematic.jpg | 32K | 08-Jul-2011 10:00 |
The Influence of Additives and Contaminants in TEA CO2 Laser Discharges Evaluated by Electrical Measurements_ A Liett..> | 1M | 11-Jul-2011 05:14 |
Theoretical analysis of electrical transient behaviour in TEA CO2 laser with dielectric corona pre-ionization_ Alirez..> | 551K | 08-Jul-2011 06:42 |
Towards a triggerable switchless TEA CO2 laser_ Guatam C Patil_ 2011.pdf | 547K | 11-Jul-2011 02:14 |
Transversely Excited High Pressure Carbon-Dioxide Laser_ B S Patel_ 1973.pdf | 218K | 08-Jul-2011 07:17 |
Uniform Field Electrodes_ U Nundy_ D V S Satyanaraya_ N S N Bannerjee.pdf | 128K | 08-Jul-2011 08:07 |
Uniform glowlike plasma source assisted by preionization of spark in ambient air at atmospheric pressure.pdf | 83K | 08-Jul-2011 07:08 |
Uniform-field electrodes with minimum width_ GJ Ernst_ 1984.pdf | 212K | 08-Jul-2011 07:20 |
Various techniques for producing a single longitudinal mode TEA-CO2 laser_ S L Chin_ 024_OALT_1980_0085.pdf | 159K | 08-Jul-2011 07:14 |
Various techniques for producing a single longitudinal mode TEA-CO2 laser_ S L Chin_ 1980.pdf | 159K | 11-Jul-2011 06:41 |
co2laser_build.jpg | 160K | 13-May-2011 19:23 |
rogowski.xls | 58K | 20-Jul-2011 15:32 |