Parent directory/ | - | - |
868 MHz Traffic Detective_ A Software-Based Tool for Radio Traffic Monitoring_ J Saalmuller_ M Kuba_ A Oeder_ 2016.pdf | 646K | 21-Dec-2016 23:54 |
A Simple Solution To The Uncertain Delay Problem in USRP Based SDR-Radar Systems_ arxiv13094843.pdf | 212K | 15-Sep-2014 21:43 |
A Software-Defined Radio for the Masses_ Part 1_ Gerald Youngblood AC50G_ 2002.pdf | 849K | 24-May-2012 00:42 |
A Software-Defined Radio for the Masses_ Part 2_ Gerald Youngblood AC50G_ 2002.pdf | 452K | 24-May-2012 00:46 |
A Software-Defined Radio for the Masses_ Part 3_ Gerald Youngblood AC50G_ 2002.pdf | 577K | 24-May-2012 00:46 |
A Software-Defined Radio for the Masses_ Part 4_ Gerald Youngblood AC50G_ 2002.pdf | 2M | 24-May-2012 00:46 |
A readout for large arrays of microwave kinetic inductance detectors_ S Mchugh et al_ 2012.pdf | 1M | 12-Jul-2019 20:18 |
Accelerated FFT computation for GNU radio using GPU of raspberry Pi_ C Aneesh_ G Rajendran_ S Sabarinath_ K P Soman_ ..> | 224K | 08-Nov-2016 04:14 |
An inexpensive hyperbolic positioning system for tracking wildlife using off-the-shelf hardware_ SW Kruger_ Disserati..> | 5M | 31-Aug-2017 10:21 |
Basic RTL-SDR Tests_ Stability of a new RTL2838U R820T2 Dongle_ Peter M W Kalberla_ 2015.pdf | 503K | 04-Apr-2015 13:18 |
Basics of Sigma-Delta Modulation_ E Janssen_ A van Roermund_ 2011.pdf | 609K | 30-Apr-2018 22:42 |
Blind Signal Analysis_ Balint Seeber_ Ettus 2017.pdf | 13M | 30-Oct-2018 03:50 |
Complex Signal Processing is Not - Complex_ Ken Martin.pdf | 776K | 14-Feb-2013 03:46 |
Delta-Sigma ADCs in a nutshell_ Bonnie Baker_ 2007.pdf | 165K | 22-Jan-2017 19:19 |
Digital Modulation in Communications Systems_ An Introduction_ Agilent AN 1298.pdf | 482K | 12-Jun-2014 19:49 |
ECE 4670_ Software Defined Radio and the RTL-SDR USB Dongle_ Lab 6_ 2014.pdf | 3M | 13-Nov-2015 09:29 |
Enhancing ADC resolution by oversampling_ AVR121_ doc8003_ Atmel 2005.pdf | 118K | 08-Nov-2017 22:27 |
Evaluation of SDR Boards and Toolchains_ RTL-SDR Blog V3_ Airspy Mini_ SDRplay RSPduo_ LimeSDR Mini_ BladeRF 2 Micro_..> | 33M | 20-Mar-2020 23:31 |
FM Demodulation Using a Digital Radio and Digital Signal Processing_ James Michael Shima_ 1995.pdf | 146K | 12-Jun-2014 05:01 |
Finding MIMO_ Layered Space-Time Codes_ Charan Langton_ Bernard Sklar_ ComplexToReal 2001.pdf | 1009K | 13-Feb-2019 14:49 |
GNU Radio Development for DOA-Based Projectile Tracking_ C Campo_ L Bernard_ H Boeglen_ S Hengy_ J M Paillot_ 2018.pdf | 535K | 23-Aug-2018 18:40 |
Generalized Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software Defined Radio_ YiRan Sun_ 2006.pdf | 1M | 24-May-2012 00:48 |
Glaciological Monitoring Using the Sun as a Radio Source for Echo Detection_ S T Peters_ D M Schroeder_ W Chu_ D Cast..> | 936K | 08-Aug-2021 14:33 |
Ground penetrating radar prototype based on a low-cost software defined radio platform_ Jacek JENDO_ Mateusz PASTERNA..> | 509K | 05-Jan-2021 02:20 |
HackRF_ Ground penetrating radar prototype based on a low-cost software defined radio platform_ Jacek JENDO_ Mateusz ..> | 509K | 14-Feb-2020 03:35 |
High Frequency HF Radio Astronomy from a Small Satellite_ 3D Vector Antenna_ F C Robey_ M Knapp_ A J Fenn_ M Silver_ ..> | 1M | 15-Aug-2020 18:35 |
High-speed real-time heterodyne interferometry using software-defined radio_ L M Riobo_ F E Veiras_ M G Gonzalez_ M T..> | 1001K | 08-Jan-2018 07:41 |
Improvements in CPU and FPGA Performance for Small Satellite SDR Applications_ M R Maheshwarappa_ M D J Bowyer_ C P B..> | 680K | 10-Jan-2017 18:40 |
Jamming Protection of GPS Receivers_ Steve Rounds_ gpsworld 2004.pdf | 1M | 14-Nov-2018 15:39 |
Multichannel coherent receiver on the RTL-SDR_ Thesis_ MIkko Laakso_ 2019.pdf | 3M | 30-May-2022 23:01 |
Nearly Sample-Optimal Sparse Fourier Transform_ P Indyk_ M Kapralov_ E Price_ 2013.pdf | 441K | 13-Dec-2013 16:00 |
Passive bistatic radar using digital video broadcasting terrestrial dvb-t receivers as general-purpose software-defin..> | 13M | 31-Jan-2020 17:08 |
Passive emitter tracking_ rtlsdr_ Jan Hrach_ 2020.pdf | 28M | 05-Mar-2020 14:47 |
Phase-coherent multichannel RTLSDR sparse array_ Mikko Laakso_ Robin Rajamaki_ Risto Wichman_ Viasa Koivunen_ 2020.pdf | 6M | 03-Feb-2021 03:26 |
Putting the Radio in Software-Defined Radio_ Hardware Developments for Adaptable RF Systems_ William J Chappell_ Eric..> | 1M | 15-Sep-2015 17:27 |
Quad RTL SDR Receiver_ Peter W East_ 2016.pdf | 4M | 22-Jun-2016 14:09 |
Quadrature Signals_ Complex, But Not Complicated_ Richard Lyons_ 2008.pdf | 200K | 24-May-2012 04:05 |
R820T-Tuner-Mixer-Blocks.pdf | 44K | 27-Sep-2020 21:20 |
RF Ranging with LoRa Leveraging RTL-SDRs and GNU Radio_ Wil Myrick_ 2018.pdf | 2M | 09-Aug-2021 13:33 |
RTL-SDR_ GSM_ have we overslept the last wake-up call_ Domonkos P Tomcsanyi_ 2013.pdf | 622K | 15-Oct-2013 13:11 |
RasHAWK_ Distributed EM Situational Awareness Based on Raspberry Pi and REDHAWK_ AOC Challenge Entry by GEON LLC_ 201..> | 4M | 24-Dec-2015 10:17 |
SDR.png | 299K | 06-Aug-2020 03:43 |
Signal Chain Noise Analysis for RF-to-Digital Receivers_ Cheng-Wei Pei_ Linear Technology dn439f_ 2008.pdf | 83K | 30-Dec-2014 23:37 |
SirenJack_ ICSA-18-100-01_ Balint Seeber_ 2018.pdf | 1M | 16-Apr-2018 17:39 |
Software Defined Radio For Engineers_ T F Collins_ R Getz_ D Pu_ A M Wyglinksi_ 2018.pdf | 17M | 27-Jan-2021 18:44 |
Software Defined Radio Handbook_ 8th Ed_ Rodger H Hosking_ 2010.pdf | 1M | 12-Jun-2014 19:48 |
Software Defined Radio Receiver Application with Web-based Interface_ OpenWebRX_ Thesis_ Andras Retzler_ 2015.pdf | 4M | 01-May-2015 07:51 |
Some Measurements on DVB-T Dongles with E4000 and R820T Tuners_ Image Rejection, Internal Signals, Sensitivity, Overl..> | 448K | 29-Aug-2014 09:32 |
Some Measurements on E4000 and R820 Tuners_ Image Rejection, Internal Signals, Sensitivity, Overload, 1 dB Compressio..> | 448K | 30-Aug-2017 03:12 |
Steganography for Radio Amateurs_ A DSSS Based Approach for Slow Scan Television_ Andreas Wesfeld_ 2007.pdf | 5M | 12-Apr-2019 03:09 |
Streamlining Digital Signal Processing_ A Tricks of the Trade Guidebook_ Richard G Lyons_ 2007.pdf | 6M | 24-May-2012 04:08 |
Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers_ Umberto Mengali_ Aldo N DAndrea_ 1997.pdf | 34M | 22-Aug-2023 01:38 |
Tunable High-Q N-Path Band-Pass Filters_ Modeling and Verification_ A Ghaffari_ E AM Klumperink_ M CM Soer_ B Nauta_ ..> | 751K | 09-Feb-2018 20:28 |
Turning Overlap-Save into a Multiband Mixing Downsampling Filter Bank_ Mark Borgerding_ 2006.pdf | 140K | 04-Jun-2023 15:56 |
Understanding Digital Signal Processing_ 3rd Ed_ Richard G Lyons_ 2010.epub | 46M | 09-May-2012 10:46 |
Waves to Ones and Zeros_ Data Acquisition in Radio Astronomy_ Ryan Thornton_ Christopher Stoughton_ 2016.pdf | 242K | 28-Dec-2016 17:44 |
Why your high-speed ADC can never have enough SNR_ Tommy Neu_ TI.pdf | 249K | 21-Sep-2015 19:59 |
happysat_meteor_tuto.txt | 13K | 22-Jan-2020 21:30 |
librtlsdr-driver.pdf | 5M | 17-Oct-2020 04:15 |
rtl-sdr_ Wideband Transimpedance Amplifiers for Optoelectronics_ Applications to Dynamic Interferometry_ Lucas M Riob..> | 815K | 08-Jan-2018 07:38 |