EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 D4 SETUP B Q4 Q16 COM Problem 1. Black to play. Black has made a niren-sei formation on the right. If Black wants to play on the left side, which approach move should he make ? ENDCOM B 1 D15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black usually plays the one-space high approach move at 1. This move is preferred because White does not have a good pincer against Black 1 in relation to his marked stone in the lower left. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 C15 COM The low approach. If Black plays a low approach with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 D12 COM ... White pincers at 2. ENDCOM VAR W 2 C11 MARK \t@D4 COM The three-space pincer. The three-space pincer of White 2 is a good extension from White's marked stone below. ENDCOM B 3 D16 W 4 E17 B 5 C17 W 6 C18 B 7 B17 COM Black would most likely settle his stones with the sequence to 7, but ... ENDCOM W 8 H17 COM ... then White 8 would reduce the influence of Black's star-point stones on the right. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 D14 W 4 F16 B 5 B17 W 6 K17 COM If the joseki to 6 follows, the white stone at 6 reduces the influence of Black's star-point stones on the right. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 O3 R3 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q10 Q4 C10 M3 MARK 1@O3 2@M3 3@R3 \t@Q10 COM Problem 2. Black to play. Black has made a sanren-sei with the marked stone. Against White 1, the pincer of Black 2 is often played. How does Black answer White 3 ? ENDCOM B 1 R4 MARK \t@Q10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. With the marked stone in the middle of the right side in place, Black 1 is the only move. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q3 MARK \t@Q10 COM Failure. With the marked black stone in place, Black 1 is the wrong direction. ENDCOM W 2 R4 B 3 Q5 W 4 Q2 B 5 P2 W 6 R2 B 7 P3 W 8 R6 MARK \t@Q10 COM After White 8, the marked stone is misplaced and is not working efficiently. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q3 B 3 P4 W 4 O2 B 5 N5 COM The sequence to Black 5 is a joseki which is often seen in sanren-sei fusekis. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 SETUP B Q16 Q9 Q3 MARK 2@D16 4@D4 1@Q16 5@Q9 3@Q3 COM Problem 3. White to play. Black has played the high version of the Chinese opening with 5. How should White respond to this move ? ENDCOM W 1 K4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 and ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 O17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is also possible. ENDCOM B 2 Q14 COM In response, Black will respond with 2. ENDCOM W 3 K16 COM White will then play on the side star point with 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 K16 W 3 D10 MARK B@Q5 A@R14 1@K4 COM ... 3 are the standard responses. It is not a good idea for White to play 1 at A or B without any preparatory moves. Whether Black has played the low ore high version of the Chinese opening, White 1 is still the correct move. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 D3 SETUP B R16 Q3 MARK 1@R16 3@Q3 4@D3 2@D17 COM Problem 4. Black to play. White has played 4 in the lower left corner. What should Black do now ? ENDCOM B 1 P16 MARK B@O17 A@P17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should take this opportunity to make a corner enclosure with 1. Instead of 1, making a corner enclosure with A or B would also be a good move. ENDCOM W 2 R5 COM Allowing Black to make a second corner enclosure in the lower right corner would give him a large territorial advantage, so White must make an approach move with 2. ENDCOM VAR W 2 Q5 COM Variation. If White makes a high approach move with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 Q8 MARK B@R5 A@R7 COM Black will play a two-space pincer with 3 or a pincer at A. Black 3 at B is also possible. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 R9 COM However, Black can now take the initiative by playing a pincer with 3. This move is also an extension from his corner enclosure above. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 F17 C16 C15 D4 SETUP B D15 D14 C14 Q16 Q4 MARK 4@D4 1@Q16 3@Q4 2@D17 5@D15 6@C15 7@C14 8@C16 9@D14 10@F17 COM Problem 5. Black to play. After the sequence to White 8, 9 is the usual way for Black to play. After White settles her position at the top with 10, where should Black play ? ENDCOM B 1 D10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play the high extension at 1. ENDCOM W 2 R10 COM If White plays 2 on the right side, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 C8 COM Variation. White could also strike at Black's weak underbelly by extending to 2. Although this seems to be a severe move, Black has adequate countermeasures. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 C6 COM ... the approach move at 3 gives Black an ideal position on the left side. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 O3 R3 SETUP B C10 M3 Q4 Q16 MARK \t@C10 A@Q10 1@O3 2@M3 3@R3 COM Problem 6. Black to play. Instead of making a sanren-sei at A, Black has played the marked stone. When White plays 3, in which direction should Black block ? ENDCOM B 1 Q3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Blocking from the left side with Black 1 is the correct direction. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R4 COM Failure. If Black does not have a stone in the middle of the right side, he should not block from above ... ENDCOM W 2 Q3 B 3 P4 W 4 O2 B 5 N5 COM ... and play this joseki ... ENDCOM W 6 R10 COM ... because White 6 eases the influence of Black's wall below. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 R4 B 3 Q5 W 4 Q2 B 5 P2 W 6 R2 B 7 P3 W 8 R6 COM The sequence to White 8 is a joseki. Even though White has taken profit, Black is happy with his thickness. Moreover, he still retains sente. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 K16 O17 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 MARK 1@O17 2@Q14 3@K16 COM Problem 7. Black to play. How should Black play after White extends to 3 ? ENDCOM B 1 K4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black's aim in playing the Chinese opening is both to take territory and to make a moyo. Therefore, Black extends to 1, mapping out a moyo in the lower right. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 C10 COM Too flat. Black 1 is contrary to the spirit of the Chinese opening. ENDCOM W 2 K4 COM White will extend to 2 and Black's formation on the right side is too flat. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 F3 COM A little unsatisfactory. No one can say that the approach move of Black 1 is bad, but ... ENDCOM W 2 K4 MARK A@C6 B@D6 C@C3 COM ... White will pincer with 2 and, whether Black plays A, B, or C next, he must give up any hope of building a moyo. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 SETUP B R16 Q3 MARK 1@R16 3@Q3 2@D17 COM Problem 8. White to play. White 4 in Problem 4 is not bad, but some players prefer not to let Black get the advantage on the right side. What is White's counter strategy ? ENDCOM W 1 P17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. An approach move in the upper right corner with White 1 is a strong move. ENDCOM B 2 C4 COM After that, Black will play in the lower left corner with 2. This position is known as the Shusaku opening. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 F17 C16 C15 C8 D4 SETUP B C14 D14 D15 D10 Q16 Q4 MARK 1@D10 2@C8 COM Problem 9. Black to play. In response to Black 1, White has extended to 2, attacking the weak underbelly of Black's position. With the whole board in mind, where should Black play his next move ? ENDCOM B 1 Q10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Instead of defending his stones on the left side, Black makes the sanren-sei formation on the right side with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 C10 COM Failure. Black is thinking on a small scale if he defends at 1. ENDCOM W 2 R10 COM White will immediately take the big point on the right side with 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 C12 COM Black now welcomes the invasion of White 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 D12 W 4 C11 B 5 D11 W 6 C10 B 7 D9 COM ... because the thickness he builds with the sequence to 7 words very well with the influence of his three stones on the right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 O17 SETUP B Q4 Q10 Q16 M16 MARK \t@M16 A@M17 COM Problem 10. White to play. Instead of the usual low pincer at A, Black has pincered on the fourth line with the marked stone. How should White respond ? ENDCOM W 1 O15 MARK A@O16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black is threatening to shut White out of the center with A. Therefore, jumping to White 1 is essential. ENDCOM VAR W 1 R17 COM Failure. Invading with 1 may be possible in some positions, but here, with Black's sanren-sei formation in place, it is a bad move. ENDCOM B 2 R16 W 3 Q17 B 4 P16 W 5 P17 B 6 O16 W 7 N17 B 8 N16 COM Up to 8, Black gets a thick wall without any defects. Compare this with the result when Black makes the low pincer, as in the Correct Answer of Problem 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q14 COM After Black 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 Q18 B 4 R17 W 5 M18 MARK 3@Q18 COM ... White settles her stones with 3 and 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 Q5 D4 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 K4 MARK 1@Q5 COM Problem 11. Black to play. White has played in the middle of Black's moyo with an approach move at 1. How should Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 O4 MARK \t@Q9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should take the territory at the bottom with the knight's move of 1. This move, in combination with the marked stone, strongly attacks the solitary white stone on the lower right side. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 P5 MARK B@R4 A@R5 COM Failure. There is a proverb which advises, 'Don't attach against a weak stone.' Black 1 violates this proverb. As you will later see, Black A and Black B are also bad. ENDCOM W 2 P6 B 3 P4 W 4 Q7 COM Now the white stones, which were previously weak, become strong and Black has no good way to attack them. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 P17 R5 SETUP B R16 Q3 C4 MARK 1@R16 4@P17 3@D17 5@C4 3@Q3 6@R5 COM Problem 12. Black to play. The pattern of Black 1, 3, and 5 is known as the Shusaku opening. After White 6, where should Black play ? ENDCOM B 1 Q15 MARK A@M16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the famous diagonal move of Honinbo Shusaku. It is a solid move and White will have a hard time equalising. In Shusaku's time, however, games were played without a komi, but today a 5.5-point komi is given White as compensation for her playing second. For that reason, Black 1 is considered to be a bit passive, so nowadays professionals usually make a pincer around A. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 F17 C16 C15 D4 SETUP B C14 D15 D14 Q4 Q10 Q16 MARK 1@D15 2@C15 3@C14 4@C16 5@D14 6@F17 7@Q10 COM Problem 13. White to play. After White 6, Black does not complete the joseki, but rushes to make a sanren-sei with 7. What should White do ? ENDCOM W 1 D10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should pincer Black's stones with 1 to make them heavy. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K4 COM Failure. White 1 is a good move because it erases the influence of Black's sanren-sei. However, it is bigger to attack the black stones on the upper left side. ENDCOM B 2 D10 MARK \t@Q10 COM Black has now played the important moves of 2 and the marked stone on the right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 G15 COM If Black escapes into the center with 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 H16 COM ... White takes profit at the top with 3 while keeping up the pressure on the black stones. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D10 D4 O17 L18 O15 Q18 SETUP B Q4 Q10 Q16 K4 L16 Q14 R17 MARK 1@O17 2@L16 3@O15 4@Q14 5@Q18 6@R17 7@L18 COM Problem 14. Black to play. In this sanren-sei opening, Black makes a high two-space pincer with 2. The joseki to White 7 follows. Where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 O13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Capping with Black 1 is absolutely essential. Black has now transformed his sanren-sei formation into a large-scale moyo. ENDCOM VAR B 1 F3 COM Failure. Clearly, Black 1 is a good point locally, but ... ENDCOM W 2 O13 MARK B@Q12 A@Q6 1@F3 COM ... White will take the vital point of 2, and Black's stone at the top is drifting in the shadow of White's influence. For the same reason, Black 1 at A is also bad. After 2, White can aim at the invasion at B. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 F3 MARK \t@O13 COM Black's aim. If White doesn't respond to the marked stone but plays 2 at the bottom, ... ENDCOM B 3 N16 COM ... Black can force with 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 O16 B 5 M13 MARK A@K18 COM ... then jump to 5. Black can next aim at A. Black's sanren-sei strategy is now a success. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 R3 R4 Q5 R7 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 O4 K4 R2 S2 MARK 5@R7 4@S2 3@R4 2@R2 1@R3 COM Problem 15. Black to play. White has staked out a narrow position with the sequence to White 5, a standard joseki in the Chinese opening. What should Black do next ? ENDCOM B 1 S8 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should attack the white stones with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 F3 COM Failure. With respect to the black stones at the bottom, Black 1 is an excellent move, but ... ENDCOM W 2 S9 MARK B@M3 A@P3 COM ... White will slide to 2, intruding into Black's territory on the upper right while securing a base for her stones. Now that her stones are safe, White can aim at Black's territory at the bottom by attaching at A or invading at B. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R8 COM Unsatisfactory. The diagonal attachment of Black 1 is inferior to the Correct Answer. ENDCOM W 2 Q7 B 3 O9 W 4 O7 MARK A@R10 COM Not only are White's stones secure, but White can also aim at the invasion at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 P7 COM If White jumps to 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 O9 COM ... Black keeps up the pressure with 3, attacking White while building influence towards the top. White's stones are still insecure. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E3 D17 P17 R5 SETUP B C4 R16 Q15 Q3 MARK 1@E3 \t@Q15 COM Problem 16. Black to play. After Black plays the marked stone, the approach move of White 1 is not good. How should Black take advantage of this mistake ? ENDCOM B 1 R9 MARK \t@R5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should take this opportunity to pincer the marked white stone with 1. This move makes a nice extension from Black's two stones above. Black has now taken the initiative on the right side. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K4 K6 K8 C4 C6 D3 E3 SETUP B Q16 Q10 Q4 M4 E4 F4 F3 F7 MARK 2@D16 1@Q16 11@Q10 3@Q4 13@M4 12@K4 14@K6 16@K8 4@C4 6@E3 MARK 8@D3 10@C6 15@F7 5@E4 9@F4 7@F3 COM Problem 17. Black to play. This problem is a bit different from Problem 13. After 167, Black's four stones on the left seem to be in trouble. How can Black relieve the pressure on these stones and go on the attack ? ENDCOM B 1 D7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should first play the forcing moves of 1 ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 K16 COM Failure. If Black neglects to strengthen his stones on the left and plays a big point at 1 instead, ... ENDCOM W 2 E6 COM ... White will force with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 F6 W 4 G5 COM ... and 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 F5 W 6 F9 COM ... then cap with 6. Black's stones are now in trouble. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 C7 B 3 D8 COM ... and 3, strengthening his stones on the left, ... ENDCOM W 4 C9 B 5 K10 COM ... then cap with 5. It is now the three white stones in the middle of the lower side that are under attack, caught between the sanren-sei formation on the right and Black's strengthened position on the left. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 O3 O5 Q2 SETUP B Q16 Q14 L4 Q4 Q6 R3 Q10 MARK A@L2 7@L4 4@D4 2@D16 14@K16 12@O17 1@Q16 13@Q14 5@Q10 9@Q6 MARK 3@Q4 11@R3 8@O5 6@O3 10@Q2 COM Problem 18. Black to play. After Black 11, White has neglected to complete the joseki by sliding to A. How should Black punish White for this omission ? ENDCOM B 1 N4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should peep with 1 ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 C10 COM Failure. Black would like to establish a presence on the left by playing at 1, but ... ENDCOM W 2 L2 COM ... White would then be able to settle her stones at the bottom by sliding to 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O4 B 3 N3 COM ... and rob White of her eye shape with 3. ENDCOM W 4 O2 COM If White descends to 4, ... ENDCOM VAR W 4 H4 COM If White 4 here, ... ENDCOM B 5 O2 COM ... Black will hane at 5, leaving the white stones eyeless and under a severe attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 5 G3 COM ... Black will take up a position at the bottom by extending to 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 D6 R7 Q5 R4 R3 SETUP B Q16 Q14 R9 Q3 F3 K4 O4 R2 S2 MARK 1@R7 \t@R9 COM Problem 19. Black to play. This time Black has played the low Chinese opening. How should Black continue after White 1 ? ENDCOM B 1 O6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Jumping to 1 is Black's best move. ENDCOM VAR B 1 P9 COM Failure. Black 1 doesn't put much pressure on White. ENDCOM W 2 S9 COM White will play 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 S10 W 4 S8 COM ... and 4, easily securing a base for her stones on the right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 P7 COM White will jump out into the center with 2, but ... ENDCOM B 3 P6 COM ... Black will harass White by forcing with 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 Q6 B 5 Q8 COM ... and peeping at 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 P17 R5 SETUP B R16 R9 Q3 C4 MARK 1@R9 \t@R16 COM Problem 20. White to play. Black neglects to reinforce his marked stone and pincers at 1. How should White counter this mistake ? ENDCOM W 1 Q15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should press Black with 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 R15 W 3 Q14 COM ... and 3. ENDCOM B 4 R13 COM Black's position on the right side is now rather flat. ENDCOM W 5 R14 COM White can continue with the forcing sequence from 5 ... ENDCOM B 6 S14 W 7 S13 B 8 S12 W 9 Q13 B 10 R12 W 11 S15 B 12 T13 W 13 R17 COM ... to 13. ENDCOM B 14 S16 MARK \t@R9 COM The marked black stone is now too close to his thick position above, so his stones are overconcentrated. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 D4 C7 C16 C15 F17 SETUP B Q16 Q4 D15 C14 D13 C9 MARK 1@D15 4@C16 2@C15 3@C14 5@D13 6@F17 7@C9 8@C7 COM Problem 21. Black to play. If Black plays the joseki to 7, how should he respond to White 8 ? ENDCOM B 1 E9 MARK A@C12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White is threatening to invade at A, so Black should defend his position on the left side by jumping to 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q10 COM Failure. It is tempting to make a sanren-sei on the right side with 1, but ... ENDCOM W 2 C12 COM ... in that case White would invade at 2 and ... ENDCOM B 3 B13 W 4 D10 B 5 C10 W 6 C11 B 7 B11 W 8 B12 B 9 A12 W 10 B10 B 11 A11 W 12 D9 B 13 B9 W 14 C8 MARK \t@F17 COM ... make thickness with the sequence to 14. This thickness and White's marked stone now serve to diminish the power of the sanren-sei formation on the right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 R10 MARK B@R8 B@R12 COM White would then invade at 2. From this position, Black would play one of the points marked B and a joseki which involves the whole right side would be put in motion. (See Get Strong at Joseki 3, Joseki 9.) <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 F17 C16 C15 C7 D4 E7 K4 O3 O5 SETUP B D15 C14 D13 C9 E9 Q16 Q10 Q4 Q6 O16 COM Problem 22. Black to play. This game has become a contest of moyos. Where should Black play ? ENDCOM B 1 O7 MARK A@Q8 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the focal point of the white and black moyos, expanding Black's moyo and reducing White's. Moreover, this move defends against a white invasion at A. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R15 COM Failure. If Black rushes to make territory at the top with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 O7 COM ... White will exchange 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 Q8 COM ... for Black 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 E3 COM ... then solidify her moyo with 4. The scale of White's moyo is now quite satisfactory. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 M17 COM White 2 is the last big point, but ... ENDCOM B 3 G15 COM ... Black finishes up the fuseki with 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 H16 B 5 R15 COM ... and 5, solidifying his moyos on the left and the right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 R3 R4 Q5 Q6 R7 P7 D4 D6 SETUP B Q16 Q14 R9 Q3 R2 S2 Q8 P6 O6 O4 K4 F3 MARK 1@Q8 COM Problem 23. White to play. There is a proverb which says 'Only a fool neglects to connect against a peep.' But what about in this case ? Should White connect against the peep of Black 1 or is there something else she should do ? ENDCOM W 1 S9 MARK A@Q7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Connecting at A is certainly an important move, but before doing so, White should play 1 ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 Q7 COM Failure. Blindly following the proverb by connecting at 1 is bad. ENDCOM B 2 S8 COM Black plays 2 and White's stones are rootless, so they will have to run away into the center. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 S10 W 3 S8 COM ... and 3, ... ENDCOM B 4 R10 W 5 Q7 COM ... then connect at 5. In this way, White creates a base for her stones and Black's subsequent attack against them will not be so severe. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 P17 R5 SETUP B R16 Q15 Q3 C4 MARK \t@Q15 COM Problem 24. White to play. After Black has played the marked stone, what should White do ? ENDCOM W 1 R10 MARK \t@R5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend along the right side with 1 to reinforce her marked stone and prevent it from being pincered. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C16 C15 C14 D4 SETUP B D15 D16 E17 Q16 Q4 MARK 1@D15 3@D16 5@E17 2@C15 4@C16 6@C14 COM Problem 25. Black to play. In response to White 2, Black 3 and 5 are large-scale strategic moves which work well with Black's niren-sei on the right. What should Black do after White 6 ? ENDCOM B 1 Q10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Making a sanren-sei on the side with 1 is strategically an interesting move. ENDCOM W 2 D18 COM If White fortifies her corner territory with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 K16 COM ... Black will take another star point at the top with 3. (See Get Strong at Joseki 1, Problem 105.) <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 O17 P17 Q17 R17 SETUP B Q4 Q10 Q16 R16 P16 L16 MARK \t@O17 COM Problem 26. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone. Taking in account his sanren-sei formation on the right side, where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 O16 COM There is no other move for Black except to block at 1. Confining White to the top is absolutely essential in the sanren-sei strategy. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K4 COM Failure. Black 1 is certainly a big point and Black would like to play there first, but ... ENDCOM W 2 O16 MARK \t@L16 COM ... White will turn at 2 and the marked stone at the top will be isolated from its allies on the right. Moreover, the three black stones to the right of 2 are now heavy because they are short of liberties. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 N15 MARK @@O16 COM In the right direction. Black 1 here is in the right direction, but it is not as tight as a move at @ in the Correct Answer. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 N16 COM White resists with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 N15 W 4 M15 COM ... and 4 to get some aji in the center. ENDCOM B 5 M16 W 6 N17 B 7 N14 COM With Black 7, the joseki comes to a pause. ENDCOM W 8 O3 COM White 8 is now the most natural move. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 Q5 R4 R3 Q7 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 K4 O4 R2 S2 MARK 1@Q7 COM Problem 27. Black to play. This time White has tried a different tack by jumping along the fourth line with 1. What should Black do ? ENDCOM B 1 F3 MARK C@R9 B@O7 A@O9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black doesn't really have a convincing attack against the four white stones on the right. If he jumps to A, White will follow him out by jumping to B. Black's best move is to make an 'iron pillar' at C. However, White doesn't have any convincing moves here either. Therefore, it is best for Black to leave the situation as it is and switch to the left side by approaching with Black 1. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 P17 R10 R5 SETUP B R16 Q15 Q3 C4 MARK \t@R10 COM Problem 28. Black to play. After White has extended with her marked stone, what should Black do ? ENDCOM B 1 P4 MARK A@O4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play another diagonal move with 1 or play the knight's move at A. ENDCOM VAR B 1 O4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Also correct. ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 D3 SETUP B C15 Q16 Q4 MARK 1@Q16 3@Q4 2@D17 5@C15 4@D3 COM Problem 29. White to play. The formation of White 2 and 3 is known as mukai-komoku (opposing komoku). Black 5 is not necessarily bad, but White can get the initiative on the left side. Where should she play ? ENDCOM W 1 D12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should pincer around 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 D14 W 3 F16 B 4 B17 W 5 K17 COM ... play out the joseki, and let Black approach again at the bottom with 6. ENDCOM B 6 C5 W 7 D8 MARK 1@D12 A@C8 COM Now White can pincer again with 7 (or A), but this time, besides being a pincer, it is also an extension from her stone at 1. White is satisfied with this result. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D10 D4 Q14 N16 O17 P17 R18 SETUP B K4 K16 Q16 Q15 O16 O15 Q10 Q4 COM Problem 30. Black to play. Black has made a sanren-sei on the right side and occupied both star points in the middle of the upper and lower sides. What is Black's best move in this position ? ENDCOM B 1 N15 MARK \t@K16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should push along the fifth line, forcing White in the direction of the marked stone. All of Black's stones are now working together harmoniously. ENDCOM VAR B 1 O4 COM Failure. If Black plays somewhere else, such as at 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 N15 COM ... White will seize the initiative at the top with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 P13 W 4 G16 MARK \t@K16 COM ... and 4. The marked black stone is now under a severe attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 M16 COM If White 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 M15 COM ... Black continues to press White with 3. ENDCOM W 4 O3 COM If White next approaches with 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 O5 MARK C@L16 B@N18 A@M18 COM ... Black 5 builds a magnificent moyo on the right side . Moreover, Black still threatens White with the sequence Black A - White B - Black C. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 Q5 O5 R3 Q2 SETUP B Q16 Q14 R9 Q3 F3 K4 O4 N5 R2 MARK 1@O5 2@N5 3@R3 4@R2 5@Q2 \t@R9 COM Problem 31. Black to play. Black has played the low Chinese opening with the marked stone. How should Black respond to White 5 ? ENDCOM B 1 Q4 MARK \t@R9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. With the marked stone on the third line in place, bumping against the white stone with Black 1 is the best move. ENDCOM W 2 R4 B 3 S2 W 4 R6 B 5 O3 MARK \t@R9 B@S9 A@Q9 COM The sequence to Black 5 is now inevitable, and White's group is still under attack. Comparison. If Black had played the high Chinese opening with the marked stone at A, White could easily settle her group by sliding to B. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 R5 R11 P17 SETUP B C4 P4 Q3 R16 Q15 MARK \t@P4 \t@R11 COM Problem 32. White to play. White has made a wide extension with her marked stone. How should she respond to Black's marked stone ? ENDCOM W 1 Q7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should play the knight's move of 1, reinforcing her position on the right side. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 C15 COM Failure. Making a corner enclosure with White 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 R9 COM ... gives Black the chance to invade at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C16 C15 D3 SETUP B C14 D15 Q4 Q16 MARK \t@D17 \t@D3 4@C16 2@C15 3@C14 1@D15 COM Problem 33. Black to play. This time Black encounters White's mukai-komoku formation (the marked stones) with a high approach move at 1. After exchanging 3 for 4, what should Black do ? ENDCOM B 1 D5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play another high approach move with 1. ENDCOM W 2 D14 COM It would be natural for White to cut at 2, but ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 C5 COM Variation. White could also attach at 2. ENDCOM B 3 C6 W 4 C4 B 5 D14 W 6 F17 B 7 D6 W 8 F3 COM The sequence to White 8 would then be the natural flow. ENDCOM B 9 D10 COM However, Black 9 becomes an excellent move, making an ideal extension from his stones at the top and the bottom. ENDCOM W 10 R10 COM White would then play 10 on the right side. ENDCOM B 11 R8 W 12 R13 B 13 R15 W 14 N17 B 15 P17 W 16 O3 B 17 Q3 W 18 L4 COM The sequence to 18 is from a game between Takagawa (Black) and Sakata. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 2 F4 MARK 1@D5 A@C7 COM Variation. White could also respond to Black 1 with 2 or a pincer at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 F4 COM ... then 3 would give Black wonderful influence in the center which combines well with his niren-sei formation on the right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W O17 K16 D16 D10 D6 D4 C3 C2 SETUP B E3 D3 F4 K4 Q4 Q10 Q16 Q14 COM Problem 34. Black to play. Both sides have occupied all the star points. Where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 F6 MARK B@D8 A@H4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White A is a good invasion point, so Black should defend by jumping to 1, expanding his moyo at the expense of White's, and aim to invade at B. ENDCOM VAR B 1 N15 COM Failure. If Black plays 1 in the upper right, ... ENDCOM W 2 F6 COM ... then White 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 H4 COM ... would force Black to defend at 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 Q6 COM Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 F6 MARK A@G6 COM ... White will jump to 2 or A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D8 COM White has many ways to respond, but if she defends with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 Q6 MARK A@O4 COM ... Black will strengthen his moyo by 3 or A. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 Q5 R3 O5 Q2 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 K4 O4 N5 R2 MARK 1@O5 2@N5 3@R3 4@R2 5@Q2 COM Problem 35. Black to play. This time Black has played the high Chinese opening. How should Black counter White's attempt to make sabaki with the sequence to 5 ? ENDCOM B 1 P3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Drawing back with 1 is a powerful move here. ENDCOM VAR B 1 P2 COM Failure. The atari of Black 1 is just what White wants. ENDCOM W 2 P3 COM White will respond with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 Q1 W 4 O3 COM ... and 4. ENDCOM B 5 P4 COM If Black next plays 5, ... ENDCOM W 6 Q4 MARK \t@O5 \t@N5 COM ... White plays 6. The exchange of the marked stones has now become bad for Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R4 COM Failure. Playing atari from the other side with Black 1 is also bad. ENDCOM W 2 P3 B 3 S3 W 4 Q4 B 5 R3 W 6 P4 COM After the sequence to White 6, Black's moyo has been ripped apart. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 S2 B 3 R4 W 4 S3 B 5 Q4 W 6 P2 B 7 O2 W 8 N3 B 9 O3 W 10 S4 B 11 R5 COM The sequence to Black 11 will follow. Black gets a thick position in the center, while White gets some territory in the corner. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 P17 R5 Q8 R11 SETUP B C4 Q3 R16 Q15 O4 MARK 1@R16 7@Q15 4@P17 2@D17 3@Q3 5@C4 6@R5 8@R11 9@O4 10@Q8 COM Problem 36. Black to play. This is a game between Shusaku (Black) and his teacher Honinbo Shuwa. After White 10, where do you think Shusaku played ? ENDCOM B 1 C15 MARK B@F3 A@E3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black made an approach move at 1. It might seem that making a corner enclosure at A or B would also be good, but Black preferred to let White make an approach move there. ENDCOM W 2 E3 COM White's approach move. Against White 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 M3 COM Continuation. In the Shuwa - Shusaku game, White played 2 and ... ENDCOM B 3 F3 COM ... Black made a corner enclosure with 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 J3 MARK \t@O4 COM ... the pincer of Black 3 makes an ideal extension from his marked stone on the right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C4 SETUP B Q4 Q16 MARK 1@Q16 2@D17 4@C4 3@Q4 COM Problem 37. Black to play. When White makes this komoku formation on the left side with 2 and 4, from which side should Black approach ? ENDCOM B 1 E4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The high approach of Black 1 in the lower left corner works best with Black's niren-sei formation on the right. ENDCOM W 2 E3 B 3 F3 W 4 D3 B 5 F4 VAR B 5 G4 COM Variation. In this game, White answered Black 5 ... ENDCOM W 6 D6 COM ... with 6, so ... ENDCOM B 7 Q10 COM ... Black switched to the right side, making a sanren-sei with 7. ENDCOM W 8 O3 COM White then approaches with 8, but ... ENDCOM B 9 M3 COM ... Black 9 became an ideal move, being both a pincer and an extension from his stones on the left. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 6 C6 COM If the joseki to White 6 is played, ... ENDCOM B 7 K4 MARK B@Q10 A@D15 COM ... Black makes an ideal extension to 7 at the bottom. A corner enclosure at White A would now seem natural, but Black would make a sanren-sei with B, so ... ENDCOM W 8 R6 COM ... White plays 8 to prevent this. ENDCOM B 9 R8 W 10 R3 B 11 Q3 W 12 R4 B 13 Q5 W 14 S6 B 15 P7 COM Still, Black gets a moyo at the bottom when he plays 15. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 F3 H3 K16 L17 O17 SETUP B K4 H5 Q4 Q10 Q16 Q14 M15 K14 COM Problem 38. White to play. Black mapped out a vast moyo. White has to prevent Black from solidifying it. Where should she play ? ENDCOM W 1 O4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should play the high approach move with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 D10 COM Failure. White 1 is too passive. ENDCOM B 2 Q6 COM Black strengthens his position with 2 and, because of the presence of the four marked stones, White will find it hard to reduce the scale of Black's moyo. Therefore, White must invade the bottom right before Black has a chance to reinforce his moyo with 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q6 COM Black 2 is the natural response, but ... ENDCOM VAR B 2 M4 MARK @@Q6 A@O6 COM Variation. Black might pincer with 1. If White answers by jumping to A, Black will jump to @ and White's two stones will be in trouble, floundering in the middle of Black's moyo without a base. ENDCOM W 3 Q5 COM Therefore, White attaches with 3. ENDCOM B 4 R5 COM If Black 3, ... ENDCOM VAR B 4 R4 COM The ladder favours White. Black could respond to White's attachment by extending to 2 and White will not be able to make sabaki. ENDCOM W 5 P5 COM If White 5 here, ... ENDCOM VAR W 5 R5 COM Therefore, White plays 5 here and, ... ENDCOM B 6 P5 COM ... if Black 6, ... ENDCOM W 7 P4 COM ... White cuts with 7. Since the ladder is in White's favour, she can fight in this position. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 6 S6 COM ... Black 6 puts White on the spot. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 5 R4 COM ... White crosscuts with 4 to make sabaki. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 M4 COM ... now White 3 threatens to link up with its allies on the left, so ... ENDCOM B 4 J3 COM ... Black must play 4 ... ENDCOM W 5 H4 B 6 J4 COM ... and 6. ENDCOM W 7 M6 COM White can now come out into the center in good style with 7 ... ENDCOM B 8 K6 W 9 M8 COM ... and 9. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 Q5 D4 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 R4 K4 MARK A@O4 1@R4 COM Problem 39. White to play. Instead of A, Black plays the diagonal move of 1. As we mentioned in Problem 11, this is not a good move because Black's stones become heavy. How should White respond ? ENDCOM W 1 N5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The two-space jump of White 1 is a light move. Whenever you play near your opponent's strong stones, playing lightly is an iron rule. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 P4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The diagonal move of White 1 is also a strong move. ENDCOM B 2 P3 COM Against Black 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 N4 COM ... White plays lightly with 3 ... ENDCOM B 4 O3 W 5 N7 COM ... and 5. ENDCOM B 6 O4 COM Note the tesuji of Black 6 ... ENDCOM W 7 O5 B 8 M4 COM ... and 8. In any case, White should not be unhappy, since she has forced Black to crawl along the third line. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 R5 COM Failure. White gets a heavy shape if she plays 1. ENDCOM B 2 O4 COM After Black 2, her two stones will come under a severe attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C14 K3 R5 R10 P17 SETUP B C4 E4 P4 Q3 R12 R16 Q15 MARK 1@R12 COM Problem 40. White to play. How should White respond to Black 1 ? ENDCOM W 1 Q7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It should be obvious that White has to defend her position on the right with 1. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C14 G3 K3 R5 R10 P17 SETUP B C4 E4 P4 Q3 R12 Q15 R16 MARK 1@G3 COM Problem 41. Black to play. White makes a two-space extension with 1. What should Black do now ? ENDCOM B 1 R8 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should take this opportunity to invade White's thin position on the side with 1. ENDCOM W 2 P10 COM If White jumps to 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 P5 COM Variation. White could also attach with 2. ENDCOM B 3 O5 COM Black will hane with 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 P6 B 5 P8 MARK B@O3 A@O4 COM ... then jump to 5. The cut at A might look worrisome, but Black can secure his stones at the bottom by playing an atari at B. (See Problem 17 in Get Strong at Invading.) <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 Q6 COM ... Black will play 3, and the lone white stone on the lower right side is in trouble. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 C3 SETUP B Q4 Q16 COM Problem 42. Black to play. White has occupied the two 3-3 points on the left side. How should Black play in this position ? ENDCOM B 1 F16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. A high large-knight's approach with 1 is the perfect move. ENDCOM W 2 D14 COM White will most likely respond with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 K16 COM ... then Black will occupy the star point in the middle of the upper side with 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 D4 N5 Q5 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 K4 Q3 R4 MARK 1@N5 COM Problem 43. Black to play. White 1 is a good move because it is light and aims to make sabaki. Black, however, must not play passively. Instead, he must pursue White persistently. Where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 P4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Before anything else, Black must play 1, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 R5 COM Failure for Black. If Black crawls at 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 N3 MARK \t@K4 COM ... White will jump into the bottom with 2, separating the marked stone from its allies on the right. This stone could come under attack later on. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O6 B 3 N3 COM ... then take territory at the bottom with 3. ENDCOM W 4 O9 COM After White caps at 4, this skirmish will come to a pause, but Black still has attacking chances. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E3 D17 P17 SETUP B C4 R16 Q3 MARK 1@R16 2@D17 3@Q3 4@P17 5@C4 6@E3 COM Problem 44. Black to play. How should Black respond to the approach move of White 6 in the lower left corner ? ENDCOM B 1 Q5 MARK A@H4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should make a corner enclosure with 1 and aim to make a pincer at A. ENDCOM W 2 L3 MARK B@M3 A@K3 COM White might next play at 2. (If White 2 at A, Black can make an ideal checking extension form his corner enclosure with B.) ENDCOM B 3 D5 MARK C@H4 COM Black can now continue with either 3 or C. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 SETUP B Q4 Q16 MARK 1@Q16 2@D16 4@D4 3@Q4 COM Problem 45. Black to play. Both Black and White have made niren-seis. If Black wants to make an approach move on the left, where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 F17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the usual approach move. ENDCOM W 2 D14 COM If White answers with 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 H17 MARK W@K4 B@Q10 COM Depending on the circumstances. If Black had a sanren-sei formation on the right (suppose Black B - White W), the sequence in the Correct Answer might not be to White's liking because Black would have built up a large moyo. In that case, she would pincer with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 C17 W 4 D17 B 5 C16 W 6 D15 B 7 D18 W 8 E18 B 9 C18 W 10 E17 COM ... making a thick position with the sequence to 10. ENDCOM B 11 C14 COM <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 K16 MARK A@C6 A@C14 COM ... Black will extend to 3. Approaching between White's niren-sei formation at the points A D is rarely played. <= ENDCOM VAR B 3 D18 MARK 2@D14 COM Variation. In response to White 2, Black could also play the sequence from Black 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 C17 B 5 J17 COM ... to Black 5. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C3 D6 R17 Q17 P17 O17 SETUP B F4 K4 Q4 Q10 Q16 P16 R16 MARK 2@D16 6@D6 4@C3 5@F4 7@K4 9@Q10 3@Q4 1@Q16 11@R16 13@P16 MARK 14@P17 8@O17 10@R17 12@Q17 COM Problem 46. Black to play. After White 14, how should Black play so as to make the most efficient use of his moyo below ? ENDCOM B 1 N15 MARK B@F6 A@O16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the vital point of Black's moyo. Without this move, White would turn at A and the three black stones in the upper right would become heavy. Jumping to Black B instead of 1 is also a good move, but Black must take countermeasures against White A first. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D4 D16 K16 O17 R6 Q5 K4 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 R4 R5 MARK 1@R5 3@R4 2@R6 COM Problem 47. White to play. Black 1 violates the proverb which instructs us not to attach against weak stones. After Black draws back with 3, where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 P8 MARK B@Q6 A@O6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. When your opponent's stones are strong, you must play lightly to make sabaki. White 1 or White A is such a move. Cutting at B would be a bad move for Black. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 O6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 Q6 COM Failure. Connecting at 1 leaves White with a heavy group. ENDCOM B 2 P4 COM After Black 2, is becomes a good target for Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 P17 Q5 R6 Q7 SETUP B R16 C4 Q3 O3 R4 R5 MARK 6@O3 5@Q7 4@R4 3@R6 2@R5 1@Q5 A@Q15 COM Problem 48. White to play. This time White has made a high approach with 1. Instead of the diagonal move at A, Black plays the joseki to 6. How should White continue ? ENDCOM W 1 R13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should pincer the black stone in the upper right corner with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 R11 COM Failure. Playing the joseki move of White 1 is not good. ENDCOM B 2 R13 MARK A@R8 COM Black can settle his stones in the upper right corner by extending to 2 and threaten to invade White's position at the bottom with a move at A. (See Problems 30, 33, 36, 39, and 42 in Get Strong at Invading.) <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q15 COM If Black plays 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 P13 COM ... White will jump to 3 and make a moyo on the right side. Black's stones are still under attack, so White will end in sente. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C3 D4 D6 SETUP B Q16 Q4 D2 F3 MARK \t@C3 COM Problem 49. Black to play. What should Black do after White plays the marked stone ? ENDCOM B 1 J3 MARK \t@D2 \t@C3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. After exchanging the marked stones, Black must extend to 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q10 COM Failure. Rushing to make a sanren-sei with 1 is bad. ENDCOM W 2 H3 COM White 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 F5 W 4 H5 COM ... and 4 severely attack the black stones, robbing them of a base. ENDCOM B 5 F7 COM After Black 5, ... ENDCOM W 6 D9 COM ... White takes profit on the left side with 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D10 COM White 2 would then be the usual move in this position and ... ENDCOM B 3 Q10 COM ... Black would make a sanren-sei on the right side with 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 H16 D11 D6 D4 Q3 R3 O3 O2 SETUP B K16 Q16 Q10 G4 M3 N5 P4 Q4 R4 COM Problem 50. Black to play. White has countered Black's sanren-sei opening with a Chinese opening. Where should Black play ? ENDCOM B 1 J14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the focal point of the two moyos. ENDCOM VAR B 1 G7 COM Failure. Black 1 is also a good point because it strengthens his thin position at the bottom. However, ... ENDCOM W 2 J14 COM ... White takes the vital point of 2 and ... ENDCOM B 3 L14 W 4 K12 COM ... marches into Black's sphere of influence with 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 G14 COM If White defends her moyo with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 H12 COM ... Black keeps advancing with 3, making the scale of his moyo even greater while diminishing the scale of White's. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 Q5 R6 P8 D4 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 R4 R5 K4 MARK 1@P8 A@Q6 COM Problem 51. Black to play. White 1 is a light move. You might think that the cutting point at A is a serious weakness in White's position, but Black must not cut there. What should he do instead ? ENDCOM B 1 P9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q6 COM Failure. It is tempting to cut at 1, but this falls into a trap. ENDCOM W 2 P6 COM White forces ... ENDCOM B 3 Q7 W 4 Q8 B 5 R7 W 6 R8 COM ... with the sequence to 6 and Black's potential territory and moyo on the upper right suddenly disappears. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O8 B 3 O9 COM ... and 3 are the most natural moves. ENDCOM W 4 N8 COM After White 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 M10 COM ... Black jumps to 5 and a black moyo on the right side emerges. Moreover, White's stones are still not settled. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D3 SETUP B Q4 R16 P17 MARK 1@R16 5@P17 3@Q4 4@D3 2@D16 COM Problem 52. White to play. What should White do after Black makes a corner enclosure with 5 ? ENDCOM W 1 R10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should break up Black's formation on the right side by playing at 1. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 C5 COM Failure. Making a corner enclosure in the lower left corner with 1 is passive. ENDCOM B 2 R10 COM Black will take this opportunity to build a strong formation on the right side with 2, which is an ideal extension from both the corner enclosure at the top and the star point at the bottom. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 G17 D12 Q4 SETUP B F15 C15 D4 Q16 MARK 1@C15 2@D12 3@F15 4@G17 COM Problem 53. Black to play. Black has played the two corner star points on diagonally opposite sides of the board. After the sequence from Black 1 to White 4, how should Black continue ? ENDCOM B 1 D9 MARK A@H16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should either make a pincer around 1 or press White at A. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 D10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. A severe one-space against the white stone is also frequently played in professional games. ENDCOM W 2 F12 COM After White 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 H15 COM ... Black forces with 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 K16 B 5 H12 COM ... then caps at 5. ENDCOM W 6 E10 B 7 D9 W 8 D11 B 9 E9 W 10 F10 B 11 G8 COM The sequence to Black 11 is one possible continuation. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 H16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D10 D6 D4 K16 O17 L17 SETUP B G4 K4 Q4 Q6 Q10 Q16 Q14 M15 MARK 1@Q6 COM Problem 54. White to play. Black has strengthened his moyo on the right side with 1, but this is not a good move, as it is premature. Where should White play to punish Black for his mistake ? ENDCOM W 1 K13 MARK A@K14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 (or A) is the focal point of the two opposing moyos. This move expands White's moyo while reducing the scale of Black's. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 D14 COM Failure. White misses her chance to seize the initiative when she meekly defends with 1. ENDCOM B 2 K15 COM Black extend the scale of his moyo with 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 J15 B 4 K14 COM ... and 4. White has fallen behind. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 K15 MARK A@K14 1@K13 COM The two-space jump of White 1 is thinner than the tight one-space jump at A in the Correct Answer, but it is a lot more severe. Don't worry about Black trying to break through with the sequence from 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 J15 B 4 K14 W 5 J14 B 6 J13 COM ... to 6. ENDCOM W 7 K12 MARK 5@J13 A@M14 COM After White 7, White can aim at A or capture the black stone at 5 in a ladder. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K16 O17 R5 D4 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 K4 MARK 1@R5 COM Problem 55. Black to play. White 1 is a bad move. How should Black answer ? ENDCOM B 1 R4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Attaching with Black 1 is the only move. It robs White of her base and, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 P4 COM Failure. Black 1 is a lukewarm move, it is lacking a plan. ENDCOM W 2 S3 COM White is happy to slide to 2, making a base for her stones in the lower right. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q5 COM ... when White stands at 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 O4 COM ... Black launches a powerful attack on the two white stones with 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 R10 D3 SETUP B Q4 R16 P17 MARK \t@R10 COM Problem 56. Black to play. How should Black respond after White plays her marked stone ? ENDCOM B 1 D5 MARK A@C5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It is best for Black to make an approach move at 1 or A to prevent White from making a corner enclosure. ENDCOM VAR B 1 C5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 C5 COM If White attaches at 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 C6 W 4 C4 B 5 D7 W 6 F3 B 7 C11 COM ... the joseki to 7 will follow. ENDCOM W 8 C13 COM Attacking Black's formation on the left with White 8 is now the most reasonable move. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 G17 H17 J17 L17 D12 Q4 SETUP B C15 F15 H16 J16 K16 Q16 D4 MARK 6@L17 5@K16 4@J17 3@J16 2@H17 1@H16 COM Problem 57. Black to play. Black will sometimes press White at the top with the sequence to 5. What should Black do after White 6 ? ENDCOM B 1 D10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should use his thickness along the top by pincering with 1. ENDCOM W 2 F12 COM If White jumps to 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 H12 COM ... Black caps at 3. ENDCOM W 4 E10 B 5 E9 W 6 F10 B 7 D11 W 8 E12 COM After the sequence to White 8, ... ENDCOM B 9 D7 MARK A@H10 COM ... Black can play at 9 or at A. For an analysis of the joseki in the Problem Diagram, refer to Get Strong at Joseki 1, Problems 142, 144, 148, 151, 156, and 158. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D16 F16 H16 K16 O17 F3 D4 C13 D13 D12 D11 E11 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q10 Q4 K4 B16 B14 C14 D14 E14 G14 E12 F12 COM Problem 58. Black to play. Black's stones in the upper left are a bit cramped. How should he play so as to take the lead in this game ? ENDCOM B 1 G10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play the knight's move at 1. This move threatens the five white stones in the upper left side, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q6 COM Failure. If Black immediately strengthens the right side with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 G10 COM ... White will take the initiative with the knight's move of 2, expanding her moyo in the left and attacking the black stones in the upper left. Moreover, the potential scale of Black's moyo has been greatly reduced. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D7 COM ... so White must respond with 2. If White omits this move, Black 3 at 2 is a severe attack. ENDCOM B 3 Q6 MARK A@O4 COM Next, Black strengthens his moyo on the right with 3 (or A). <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 O17 K16 H3 D4 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 K4 MARK 1@H3 COM Problem 59. Black to play. White has extended all the way to 1. How should Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 H5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should expand his moyo by capping with 1. This move is in keeping with the spirit of the Chinese opening. ENDCOM VAR B 1 P4 MARK A@Q5 COM Strengthening the lower right. Making a corner enclosure with Black 1 or A is not necessarily bad, but it is a little slack. ENDCOM W 2 D10 MARK C@F3 B@H5 COM White can make an ideal moyo on the left with 2. If Black now caps with B, White has other responses besides C. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 F3 COM White 2 is the proper response, but ... ENDCOM B 3 J3 COM ... Black thickens his position in the center by attaching at 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 H4 B 5 J5 COM ... and drawing back with 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C13 C5 C4 D3 F3 R10 SETUP B C11 D7 C6 D5 Q4 R16 P17 MARK \t@C13 COM Problem 60. Black to play. The marked white stone threatens to invade the black formation on the left side. Should Black defend against this threat or is there something else he should do ? ENDCOM B 1 R12 MARK \t@C13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Instead of defending against the marked stone, Black should start operations against the white stone on the right by extending from his corner enclosure above with 1. ENDCOM W 2 R7 B 3 N3 VAR B 3 K17 COM Failure. Black must not rush to play the big point at the top with 3. ENDCOM W 4 O3 MARK \t@Q4 COM White will take the initiative at the bottom by playing a double approach against the marked black stone with 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 4 S4 COM The sequence to 4 is the best continuation. <= ENDCOM VAR W 4 K17 COM If White 4 here, ... ENDCOM B 5 R5 COM ... Black 5 takes the corner territory while attacking the white stones above. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 F16 R11 P11 Q4 Q6 R3 B3 C4 B5 D6 F5 SETUP B B16 C14 R16 P17 R13 Q2 O3 M4 J3 G4 E4 D3 C3 MARK 1@B16 COM Problem 61. White to play. How should White respond to Black 1 ? ENDCOM W 1 C12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Taking into account her position in the lower left, White should pincer with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 C17 COM Failure. White 1 is a passive move. ENDCOM B 2 C11 COM Black will take the opportunity to extend to 2, establishing a position on the left side while inhibiting the development of White's position below. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 C17 W 3 C15 B 4 B15 W 5 D14 B 6 B14 W 7 D13 COM With the sequence to 7, White gets a thick position in the center which works well with her stones in the lower left. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 H3 R6 S6 R4 R3 SETUP B Q16 K4 Q3 Q4 Q5 P7 R8 MARK 1@Q16 2@D16 4@D4 14@H3 5@K4 4@Q4 9@Q3 8@R3 10@R4 6@R6 MARK 7@R8 13@P7 12@S6 COM Problem 62. Black to play. After White 14, how should Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 H5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should cap with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K16 COM Failure. If Black rushes to play 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 J5 COM ... White expands her position with 2, while limiting the scale of Black's moyo. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 C10 COM Failure. Trying to gain a foothold on the left side with 1 is dubious. ENDCOM W 2 O17 COM White will establish a position at the top with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 Q14 W 4 K16 MARK 1@C10 COM ... and 4. A move like 1 is played when Black intends to go for territory, so it is inconsistent with his moyo strategy here. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 F3 COM White will most likely respond with 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 K16 COM Variation. If White takes the big point at 2 and doesn't defend the bottom, ... ENDCOM B 3 G3 COM ... the attachment of Black 3 is big. ENDCOM W 4 G4 COM If White 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 H4 COM ... Black will cut at B and he will have no problem defending his position here. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 K16 COM ... so Black can take the big point at the top with 3, mapping out a magnificent sphere of influence. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D10 D4 K16 O17 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 K4 MARK 1@D10 COM Problem 63. Black to play. White concentrates on building her own moyo by making a sanren-sei with 1, ignoring what Black might do next. How should Black play ? ENDCOM B 1 F3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should approach with 1, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 C14 COM Failure. In this kind of position, Black must never make an approach move inside White's sphere of influence, ... ENDCOM W 2 C15 COM ... for he will come under a severe attack with the sequence from 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 D14 W 4 F16 B 5 D12 W 6 C11 COM ... to 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D6 COM ... then, when White answers with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 P4 MARK A@Q5 COM ... strengthen his corner with 3 or A. Black has taken the initiative and is on the road to victory. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C13 C5 C4 D3 F3 S4 R7 R10 SETUP B C11 D7 C6 D5 N3 Q4 Q16 O17 MARK \t@S4 COM Problem 64. Black to play. After White has played the marked stone, what should Black do ? ENDCOM B 1 F17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should approach with 1. ENDCOM W 2 D17 COM If White defends the corner with 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 K17 MARK 1@F17 COM Variation. White might pincer the black stone at 1 with 2. ENDCOM B 3 C17 COM In that case, Black must take the corner territory with the sequence from 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 D17 B 5 D18 W 6 E18 B 7 C18 W 8 E17 B 9 B15 COM ... to 9. Black should be satisfied with this result. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 K16 COM ... Black will extend to 3, making a moyo in the upper right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C15 D6 D4 Q4 Q5 P3 Q2 O4 SETUP B F3 K4 Q3 R3 R4 R5 R6 R16 P17 COM Problem 65. Black to play. There are big points still to be played on the left side and at the top, but Black has an even bigger point somewhere else. Where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 N3 MARK A@H3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a huge move. It attacks the white group on the right and defends against an invasion at A. ENDCOM VAR B 1 J17 MARK A@C10 COM Failure. Black 1 is certainly a big point, as is Black A on the left side, but ... ENDCOM W 2 H3 COM ... the invasion of White 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 H4 W 4 J4 COM ... and 4 is severe. ENDCOM B 5 J5 W 6 J3 B 7 G4 W 8 K3 COM With the sequence to 8, White has settled her stones at the bottom and disrupted Black's stones there. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 N4 B 3 M3 W 4 P7 B 5 Q8 COM After Black 5, White's group is still unstable and Black will build a moyo on the right side while attacking White. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W B17 C17 D17 E16 E15 C14 C13 D11 D4 Q5 Q7 R6 R11 SETUP B B18 D18 E18 E17 B16 C16 D16 C15 Q3 O3 R4 R5 R16 P17 COM Problem 66. White to play. There is a wide space between White's thickness on the upper left and her stone below. However, Black has a good attacking move on the upper right. What should White do ? ENDCOM W 1 D6 MARK A@R14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White might be tempted to extend to A on the right side, but, in this case, it is better to strengthen the stone in the lower left with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 R14 COM Failure. If White extends to 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 C6 COM ... Black approaches at 2 and breaks up White's position on the left side ... ENDCOM W 3 C5 B 4 D6 W 5 F4 B 6 C9 COM ... with the sequence to 6. The effectiveness of White's thickness above is now neutralised. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 R13 COM If Black 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 N4 COM ... White will play 3 ... ENDCOM B 4 O4 W 5 N6 MARK B@R8 COM ... and 5, mapping out a large-scale moyo. Note that White 5 indirectly defends against the invasion at B. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 K4 SETUP B Q3 Q9 Q16 MARK 1@K4 COM Problem 67. Black to play. In this variation of the Chinese opening, White takes the star point in the middle of the lower side. How should Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 K16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should take the bit point at 1 to map out a large-scale moyo in the upper right. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 C10 COM Failure. Jumping in between White's two star-point stones on the left side is not good. ENDCOM W 2 O17 COM Black's natural strategy of making a large-scale moyo at the top is thwarted by White 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 Q14 W 4 K16 COM ... and 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 F17 COM Failure. There are many examples in professional games of Black approaching with 1, but when he plays this way, ... ENDCOM W 2 K16 COM ... White will pincer at 2 and Black can no longer play a moyo strategy. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 F17 L16 R10 R7 D3 F3 C5 C4 SETUP B Q16 R13 Q4 N3 D5 D6 C6 D10 C14 COM Problem 68. Black to play. The fuseki is coming to a close, but there are still important points left. Where is Black's biggest move ? ENDCOM B 1 E14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the biggest move. If White were to play there, she would be able to build a moyo at the top. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R5 COM Failure. Black 1 is certainly a big point, but ... ENDCOM W 2 E14 COM ... White will force with 2, building a moyo at the top, ... ENDCOM B 3 D12 W 4 O17 MARK \t@R13 COM ... then approach with 4. Note that the marked black stone is two spaces away from the white formation below, so White's stones there are not being attacked all that severely. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 S4 MARK A@R5 COM White 2 is necessary to prevent Black A, which defends the corner and attacks the white stones. ENDCOM B 3 G16 COM However, Black will now reduce White's potential territory at the top with 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 G17 B 5 J16 COM ... and 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D14 C10 D4 K3 O3 SETUP B Q4 R6 Q16 Q14 F17 K17 COM Problem 69. Black to play. Each side has staked out his sphere of influence. However, Black must now invade White's moyo. Where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 C3 MARK A@K5 A@E10 \t@K3 \t@C10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should invade the lower left corner with 1. Since both the marked stones are on the third line, White can't expect to make a large-scale moyo because Black can cap at one of the points marked A. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q10 COM Failure. If Black continues to map out his own territory by taking the big point at 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 F4 MARK A@D6 COM ... White will defend her position with 2 (or A) and Black will have a harder time erasing White's moyo. That is not to say that Black has a bad position, but he has lost his chance to decisively take the lead. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D3 COM If White blocks with 2 and ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 C4 COM Variation. White could also block from the other side with 2. ENDCOM B 3 D3 W 4 E3 B 5 E2 W 6 F3 B 7 F2 W 8 G3 B 9 B4 W 10 B5 B 11 B3 W 12 C6 B 13 G14 MARK B@K5 B@E10 A@G15 COM This time, however, Black will map out his moyo at the top with 13. This move also neutralises White's thickness below. If Black omits this move, White will map out a large-scale moyo by playing at A. After 13, Black still has the capping moves at the points B. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 C4 W 4 C5 B 5 B5 W 6 C6 B 7 B6 W 8 C7 B 9 D2 W 10 E2 B 11 C2 W 12 F3 COM ... plays the sequence to 12, ... ENDCOM B 13 O5 COM ... Black will cap at 13 to build his own moyo on the right and prevent White from making one herself. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D10 D4 K4 N4 SETUP B P4 Q3 Q9 Q16 K16 COM Problem 70. Black to play. All the big points have been taken, with both sides staking out their own moyos. Where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 Q14 MARK \t@Q9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Now is the time for Black to solidify his moyo. He should play 1 in the direction of the marked stone so as to strengthen the thinnest part of his position. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 F17 COM Failure. Expanding his moyo with 1 is certainly a good point, but ... ENDCOM W 2 R14 COM ... White will approach at 2. ENDCOM B 3 R15 W 4 Q14 B 5 O16 W 6 R11 MARK B@C16 A@C17 COM With the sequence to White 6, Black's moyo has been erased. Black can aim at the invasion at A, but White would block at B and build a moyo along the left side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 K4 SETUP B Q3 Q9 Q16 K16 MARK C@D10 A@O17 B@R14 COM Problem 71. White to play. Where should White play in this position ? Should she make an approach move at one of the points A or B, or should she map out a moyo at C ? ENDCOM W 1 R14 MARK \t@K16 \t@Q9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should approach with 1. The marked stone on the right is more widely spaced than the one at the top, so White has more room to expand. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 O17 COM Failure. White 1 is in the wrong direction. ENDCOM B 2 P17 W 3 O16 B 4 Q14 COM After 4, ... ENDCOM W 5 M16 COM ... White has to play a narrow extension with 5. ENDCOM B 6 K14 COM Black jumps out into the center with 6 and is satisfied. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 D10 COM Failure. Making a sanren-sei on the left side with 1 is quite appealing, but ... ENDCOM B 2 Q14 COM ... 2 is too good a point to allow Black to take. With one move, Black solidifies his moyo in the top right. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 C3 R6 R9 SETUP B C10 Q3 R4 R16 P17 MARK 1@R16 2@C17 9@C10 4@C3 6@R6 8@R9 5@P17 3@Q3 7@R4 COM Problem 72. White to play. In this opening, all the corners have been occupied and Black has taken a big point with 9. Where should White play next ? ENDCOM W 1 R12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is the only move. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K3 COM Failure. If White plays here, ... ENDCOM B 2 R11 COM ... Black 2 would be a severe attack against the white stones. Black 2 is also an ideal extension from his corner enclosure above. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 K3 MARK A@C5 B@C15 COM Black 2, Black A, or Black B all have the same value. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D16 D14 D4 R11 P11 Q7 R6 Q5 SETUP B D18 F17 J17 Q16 R13 R5 R4 Q3 O3 MARK \t@P11 COM Problem 73. Black to play. When White jumps into the center with the marked stone, the skirmish on the right side comes to a pause. Where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 C9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should break up White's position on the left with 1. ENDCOM W 2 C11 COM If White next plays 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 C7 COM Variation. If White 2 here, ... ENDCOM B 3 C12 MARK 1@C9 COM ... Black will extend to 3. No matter how White attacks, Black can easily settle his stones on the left side, so Black 1 is the perfect point to play. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 C6 COM ... Black can extend to 3. ENDCOM W 4 C5 COM After the exchange of White 4 ... ENDCOM B 5 D6 COM ... for Black 5, ... ENDCOM W 6 F4 MARK A@F3 COM ... White will play either 6 or A. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 D6 Q5 P9 O17 K16 SETUP B F3 K4 Q3 O4 R9 Q16 Q14 MARK 1@Q5 2@O4 3@P9 COM Problem 74. Black to play. After 2, White strikes at the weak point of the low Chinese opening by capping at 3. How should Black prevent White from making sabaki ? ENDCOM B 1 R7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a sharp move. White has to keep her stones linked, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q11 COM Failure. The proverb advises us to answer a cap with a knight's move, but if Black plays 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 R8 B 3 S8 W 4 S9 B 5 S10 W 6 Q9 B 7 R10 W 8 S7 COM ... White makes sabaki within Black's moyo, ... ENDCOM B 9 T9 COM ... ending in sente. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q8 COM ... so she plays 2 ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 P6 MARK @@Q8 COM Failure for White. The forcing move at @ in the Correct Answer is necessary. If White simply plays 2 here, ... ENDCOM B 3 P7 COM ... Black will play 3 and, ... ENDCOM W 4 O7 B 5 O8 W 6 P8 B 7 Q7 W 8 N7 COM ... after 8, ... ENDCOM B 9 O9 COM ... Black can fight with 9. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 R8 W 4 Q7 COM ... and 4. ENDCOM B 5 Q11 COM When Black now plays 5, White's stones are rootless, floating in the center, so Black will be able to gain more profit by attacking them. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 K4 R14 SETUP B Q3 Q9 Q16 K16 MARK 1@R14 COM Problem 75. Black to play. Black welcomes White's approach at 1. Now he can utilise the power of his Chinese-opening formation to attack White. Where is the strongest move ? ENDCOM B 1 R15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should attach at 1, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 O16 COM Failure. Black 1 is a bad move. ENDCOM W 2 S16 COM White can settle her stones by sliding to 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 R17 W 4 R11 MARK \t@Q9 COM ... and extending to 4. As a result, the marked stone is misplaced and Black's Chinese-opening strategy has fallen apart. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R12 COM Failure. The pincer of Black 1 is not good. ENDCOM W 2 R17 COM White will invade with 2. ENDCOM B 3 R16 W 4 Q17 B 5 P16 W 6 S16 B 7 S15 W 8 S17 B 9 R15 W 10 O17 MARK A@Q5 \t@Q9 COM After White 10, the marked stone is too near the thickness above. This stone would be more efficient if it were at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q14 COM ... forcing White to stand at 2. ENDCOM B 3 O16 W 4 Q11 MARK \t@Q9 COM Because of the marked stone, White can extend only as far as 4. Next, Black will attack the three white stones. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C4 R5 P5 O4 SETUP B E3 N3 Q3 P3 R16 P17 COM Problem 76. White to play. What should White do ? Should she make a corner enclosure or should she take a big point ? ENDCOM W 1 R10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Taking the big point of White 1 is the only move. White not only makes an extension from her three stones below, but she also limits how far Black can extend from his corner enclosure above. ENDCOM VAR W 1 R11 MARK @@R10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 here is also possible, but White @ is the preferred move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 D15 COM Failure. Making a corner enclosure with 1 is out of the question. ENDCOM B 2 R10 COM Black 2 becomes too good a move. It is an ideal extension from his corner enclosure above and it makes the three white stones below thin. ENDCOM W 3 R8 COM If White strengthens them by extending to 3, ... ENDCOM B 4 P10 COM ... Black jumps to 4, expanding his moyo on the upper right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 C15 COM If Black makes an approach move at 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 R14 COM ... White extends all the way to 3, threatening Black's corner enclosure. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C4 D3 R9 R14 S16 SETUP B C6 C9 P3 R4 R17 Q16 O17 MARK \t@R17 COM Problem 77. White to play. After Black defends the corner with the marked stone, where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 Q12 MARK \t@R9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The marked white stone is far way from its allies above, so White should defend at 1, which makes a good high-low balance. ENDCOM VAR W 1 C11 COM Failure. White 1 is certainly a good attacking move, but ... ENDCOM B 2 R12 COM ... Black will invade at 2. ENDCOM W 3 P14 B 4 P12 W 5 N14 COM After the sequence to White 5, ... ENDCOM B 6 R7 COM ... Black takes the initiative on the right side with the checking extension of 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 C13 COM Black 2 is also a good move. ENDCOM W 3 K3 MARK A@F17 COM Next, White extends along the bottom with 3, but White 3 at A would also be big. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C6 D4 SETUP B F3 L3 R4 Q16 MARK 1@Q16 2@D17 4@D4 6@C6 5@F3 7@L3 3@R4 COM Problem 78. White to play. The formation of 3, 5, and 7 is known as the mini-Chinese opening. Where should White play next ? ENDCOM W 1 R10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. If Black is able to take the big point (oba) on the right side, a large-scale moyo will come into being. Therefore, it is important for White to establish a presence there by playing 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 D15 COM Failure. If White makes a corner enclosure with 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 Q10 COM ... Black will map out a large-scale moyo on the right side with 2. His opening strategy has been a great success. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 R12 COM If Black 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 R7 COM ... White settles her stones by extending to 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 K4 R11 R14 Q14 SETUP B Q9 Q4 R15 Q16 O16 K16 MARK 1@R11 \t@Q9 COM Problem 79. Black to play. After White plays 1, the marked stone seems to be a bit thin. How should Black continue ? ENDCOM B 1 S10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play 1, a move which attacks White and strengthens his position on the lower right. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q6 COM Failure. Making a corner enclosure with 1 is bad. ENDCOM W 2 S9 COM White slides to 2, settling her stones while eating into Black's territory on the lower right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C15 C4 Q5 R6 Q7 R11 SETUP B E3 Q3 O3 R4 R5 R13 R16 P17 MARK 1@R13 A@R8 COM Problem 80. White to play. Black has just played 1, threatening to invade at A. How should White respond ? ENDCOM W 1 K17 MARK A@P11 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Locally, White A is the proper move, but, taking the whole board into account, White should extend from her corner enclosure to 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 P11 MARK \t@R13 COM Failure. White 1 is the proper move, but this makes the marked stone a forcing move and ... ENDCOM B 2 J17 COM ... Black can take the big point of 2. ENDCOM W 3 P13 COM If White 3, ... ENDCOM VAR W 3 G17 COM If White 3 here, ... ENDCOM B 4 P13 COM ... Black jumps to 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 4 F17 COM ... Black extends to 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 R8 COM Even if Black invades at 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 S7 COM ... White can fight and get a reasonable result. ENDCOM B 4 Q10 COM If Black then goes for thickness with the sequence from 4 ... ENDCOM VAR B 4 S10 MARK @@Q10 COM Variation. Instead of 4 at @, Black could go for territory with 4 ... ENDCOM W 5 Q9 B 6 Q10 COM ... and 6 here. ENDCOM W 7 R10 B 8 R9 W 9 P9 B 10 S11 W 11 P4 B 12 P3 W 13 R12 B 14 S12 W 15 P11 COM However, White settles her stones and gets thickness with the sequence to 15. (See Get Strong at Invading, Problems 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, and 42 for other versions of this joseki.) <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 5 R10 B 6 R9 W 7 S9 B 8 S8 W 9 T8 B 10 S10 W 11 T9 B 12 Q11 W 13 S11 B 14 R12 W 15 S12 B 16 S13 COM ... to 16, White's group is safe and ... ENDCOM W 17 P8 MARK \t@K17 COM ... the marked white stone and 17 neutralise Black's thickness. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D16 D4 P16 SETUP B F17 C14 Q4 R16 MARK 6@P16 1@R16 3@Q4 5@F17 7@C14 2@D16 8@C17 4@D4 COM Problem 81. Black to play. Against the double approach of Black 5 and 7, White anchors her stones in the corner with 8. What should Black do next ? ENDCOM B 1 E15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should confine White to the corner with 1. Never hesitate to make such confining moves because they will give you a strategic advantage. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q14 COM Failure. Locally, Black 1 is a good move, but ... ENDCOM W 2 E15 COM ... White takes command of the situation when she moves out into the center with 2. Black's two stones on the left can no longer play a cohesive strategy. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 E16 MARK A@D15 1@E15 COM When Black plays 1, he must expect White to cut through with 2 (Note that White could also play 2 from the other side at A.) ... ENDCOM B 3 F16 W 4 F15 COM ... and 4. ENDCOM B 5 E14 W 6 G15 COM In answer to White 6, ... ENDCOM B 7 J17 MARK B@B16 B@D18 COM ... Black will extend to 7. Black is now strong on the outside and he can also harass the white stones in the corner by playing on one of the points marked B. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C4 D4 E6 K3 K5 SETUP B C6 C9 M4 Q3 Q9 Q16 COM Problem 82. Black to play. Black has played the Chinese opening on the right side. What should Black do in this position ? Play for territory or make a moyo ? ENDCOM B 1 C12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. When you play a stone on the star point, it is, in principle, important to develop influence and make a moyo, but there are times when it is more important to strengthen stones elsewhere, as in this position. Black should extend to 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K16 COM Failure. Black 1 is an excellent point with respect to his stones an the right side, but ... ENDCOM W 2 C11 COM ... Black finds himself on the run when White attacks with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 E9 W 4 E11 COM ... and 4. ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O17 B 3 Q14 W 4 K16 MARK 2@O17 COM If White 2 and 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 Q5 MARK 3@Q14 COM ... Black takes territory with 3 and 5. All of Black's stones are now strong and he is ahead in territory. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 K4 S11 R11 R14 Q14 SETUP B Q3 Q9 S10 R15 Q16 O16 K16 MARK 1@S11 COM Problem 83. Black to play. White 1 is a calm move which emphasises the security of her stones. How should Black continue ? ENDCOM B 1 R10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should keep up the pressure on White by playing 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 N4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black could also extend to 1. ENDCOM W 2 R10 B 3 R9 W 4 S9 B 5 S8 W 6 T10 COM If White secures her group with the sequence to 6, ... ENDCOM B 7 R7 COM ... Black can connect with 7. He is satisfied with his profit in the lower right. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q11 COM If White 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 O10 COM ... Black continues the attack with 3, a move which also expands Black's influence in the lower right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C15 Q3 R5 SETUP B J17 Q16 O17 E3 C4 COM Problem 84. White to play. Black has extended to 1. Where should White play so as to maintain the balance of territories ? ENDCOM W 1 R11 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It is imperative that White extends along the right side with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 C9 COM Failure. If White extends to 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 R10 COM ... Black will make a double-wing formation from his corner enclosure in the upper right with 2. This in considered to be advantageous for Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 L3 COM The remaining big points at 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 C9 COM ... and 3 will now be shared by Black and White. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 Q17 D4 SETUP B C15 R15 Q4 MARK 1@C15 2@Q17 COM Problem 85. Black to play. An approach move at White 2 would seem to be common sense to prevent Black from making a corner enclosure. But White 2 is a mistake. How should Black punish White ? ENDCOM B 1 P16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should press White with 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 P17 B 3 O16 COM ... and 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 N17 B 5 E16 COM ... followed by 5 ... ENDCOM W 6 E17 B 7 F16 COM ... and 7. ENDCOM W 8 G17 B 9 Q10 MARK 1@P16 \t@Q17 COM He then extends along the right side with 9. If White wants to make an approach move, the high approach at 1 (instead of the marked stone) would give her a better result. <= ENDCOM VAR B 9 O17 COM Overconcentrated. Black could also force White's stones at the top to become overconcentrated with the forcing sequence from 9 ... ENDCOM W 10 O18 B 11 N18 W 12 M18 B 13 N16 W 14 M17 B 15 P18 W 16 N19 B 17 R17 W 18 Q18 B 19 F17 W 20 F18 B 21 G18 W 22 H18 B 23 G16 W 24 H17 B 25 E18 W 26 G19 B 27 C17 COM ... to 27. ENDCOM W 28 D18 B 29 Q10 COM Black now has a big lead. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 K4 N4 R11 R14 Q14 SETUP B Q3 Q9 S10 R15 Q16 O16 K16 MARK 1@N4 COM Problem 86. Black to play. Suppose White doesn't defend her stones in the upper right and extends to 1 at the bottom instead. How should Black continue ? ENDCOM B 1 P11 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The cap of Black 1 keeps up the pressure on White. ENDCOM VAR B 1 P4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It is also possible for Black to simply defend with the diagonal move of 1 and wait to see how White will play at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 S11 B 3 R10 W 4 Q11 B 5 P10 W 6 P12 B 7 O12 W 8 P13 COM After White 8, ... ENDCOM B 9 P4 COM ... Black can defend his territory in the lower right with 9. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 K4 Q14 R14 Q11 SETUP B Q3 Q9 K16 O16 Q16 R15 MARK 1@Q11 COM Problem 87. Black to play. This time White defends with the extension of 1 on the fourth line. How should Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 N4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a flexible move. It defends against a white approach move. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 O9 COM Failure. If Black jumps to 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 O11 COM ... White will also jump to 2. It is better for Black to defer this defence until later because, since White's stone on the upper right is high, she has no good way to invade on the side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C15 C9 Q3 R5 R11 SETUP B C4 E3 L3 R16 P17 J17 MARK 2@C9 1@L3 COM Problem 88. Black to play. Black 1 and White 2 are the last big points (oba) of the fuseki. Where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 R13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The two-space extension to Black 1 is the biggest move. ENDCOM W 2 G17 COM White will respond with 2. ENDCOM B 3 C7 COM Next, Black 3 and ... ENDCOM VAR B 3 O3 COM However, Black 3 here, ... ENDCOM W 4 C6 COM ... followed by White 4, is also possible. From here on the middle game commences. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 4 N3 COM ... White 4 are the natural continuation. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 C15 D17 D18 E18 E16 F17 F15 G16 C3 C6 D4 Q5 R10 R13 SETUP B B17 C17 D16 D15 E15 E14 C14 D13 D2 F3 J3 O4 Q3 R16 P16 COM Problem 89. White to play. The proverb advises us, "Don't play near thickness !" White has thickness in the top left and Black on the upper side, but White is thin on the right. Where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 N17 MARK B@M17 A@Q17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend all the way to 1. This move is the proper distance from her thickness on the left and also aims at A, the weak point of Black's corner enclosure. White 1 at B would be too close to her thickness. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 R3 COM Failure. Locally, playing the sequence from White 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 R2 W 3 R4 B 4 S2 W 5 Q7 COM ... to 5 is good, but ... ENDCOM B 6 M17 COM ... Black will then play 6, erasing the influence of White's thickness and defending the weak underbelly of his corner enclosure at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 F17 G16 E16 C15 E15 C5 R4 O3 O17 N16 P16 O14 P15 SETUP B C17 D18 E18 E17 F16 D3 E4 R16 Q17 P17 O18 N18 O15 Q14 COM Problem 90. Black to play. At the top, Black has taken profit while White has gotten influence in the center. Taking the whole board into consideration, where is Black's best move ? ENDCOM B 1 P4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play 1, breaking the ladder. ENDCOM VAR B 1 C8 COM Failure. Locally, the pincer of Black 1 is a good point, but ... ENDCOM W 2 F15 COM ... White will capture with 2 and the aji of the ladder-breaking move disappears. ENDCOM B 3 D6 COM Although Black will become thick with 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 C6 B 5 D7 COM ... and 5, White is also thick at the top, so it balances out. ENDCOM W 6 B3 MARK 4@C6 COM Moreover, White can live in the corner with 4 and 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 F15 COM White has to capture with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 P3 MARK \t@N18 COM ... so Black can then play 3, breaking through White's corner enclosure. Of course, White becomes thick when she captures, but the marked black stone serves to diminish the effect of this thickness. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C6 C17 C18 D16 D15 E15 E14 E13 C14 B14 B13 C12 F16 R17 R15 R12 S6 Q5 Q3 K3 SETUP B C4 E3 B18 B17 C16 C15 B15 D14 C13 D17 E17 E16 F15 G16 M17 P17 R10 R7 S7 F14 MARK \t@C6 COM Problem 91. Black to play. White has just made a wide extension from her thickness above with the marked stone. Where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 F13 MARK \t@C6 A@E12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a strong move because it expands Black's moyo at the top and threatens to force at A. Instead of playing the marked stone, White should have turned at 1. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 H3 COM Failure. Responding to the marked stone by extending to 1 is not good. ENDCOM W 2 F13 MARK \t@C6 A@C7 COM White turns at 2. If White played the marked stone at 2, Black would extend to A, neutralising White's thickness above. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 Q4 C1 B2 B3 B4 C4 D3 E3 D2 F5 SETUP B Q16 D4 E4 F4 G4 F3 C5 D6 E2 COM Problem 92. Black to play. In the lower left corner, White has taken profit while Black has made thickness and ended in sente. Black must now make an approach move against one of the white stones. Which approach move should he make ? ENDCOM B 1 O3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Approaching the lower right corner with Black 1 is the best move. ENDCOM VAR B 1 C14 COM Failure. If Black approaches the stone in the upper left with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 F17 B 3 D11 MARK A@B6 COM ... Black cannot be certain of getting the territory on the left side after 3 because White has a big endgame move at A. ENDCOM W 4 N3 COM Next, White extends to 4, curtailing the influence of Black's thickness at the bottom. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 R6 MARK A@Q6 COM Instead of 2, White A is also a good move. ENDCOM B 3 L4 MARK B@C14 COM Black gets an ideal position at the bottom when he plays 3. An approach move at B would be in the wrong direction. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C15 C3 Q4 S17 R17 Q16 R15 P16 O15 O18 O17 SETUP B R16 O16 N16 N17 N18 P17 P18 Q17 R18 COM Problem 93. Black to play. Black has made a thick position in the top right. He must now prevent White from making a corner enclosure in the upper left. How should Black approach the white stone there ? ENDCOM B 1 E16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The high approach of Black 1 works best with Black's thick position in the upper right. ENDCOM VAR B 1 D17 COM Failure. The usual approach move at 1 is not good. ENDCOM W 2 E16 COM White presses Black in a low position with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 E17 W 4 F16 COM ... and 4. ENDCOM B 5 G17 COM After 5, ... ENDCOM W 6 D10 MARK A@G16 COM ... White can map out a moyo on the left side with 6 or she can continue to press the black stones with A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D17 B 3 E17 W 4 D16 B 5 E15 W 6 D14 B 7 F13 COM Even though White gets the territory in the corner, Black maps out a moyo at the top with the sequence to 7. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C15 C10 C4 E4 S4 R6 R9 SETUP B D17 K3 O4 Q4 R3 R11 R16 COM Problem 94. White to play. Playing at the top is now urgent, but whatever move White makes should have a relationship with her stones on the left side. Where should she play ? ENDCOM W 1 E16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should press with 1 ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 H3 COM Failure. If White plays 1 here, ... ENDCOM B 2 E16 COM ... Black will play 2 without hesitation. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 G17 COM Failure. If White pincers with 2, ... ENDCOM B 2 E16 COM ... Black plays 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 K17 B 4 C16 W 5 D15 B 6 B16 COM ... to 6, securing the corner. ENDCOM W 7 H3 COM If White now extends to 7, ... ENDCOM B 8 C12 MARK 1@H3 2@E16 COM ... Black invades at 8, so White won't be able to make a moyo on the left side. If it were Black's turn, he would play 2, so White 1 provokes the move Black wants to play. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 E17 W 3 F16 COM ... and 3, ... ENDCOM B 4 G17 W 5 H15 COM ... then jump to 5, mapping out a moyo on the left side. ENDCOM B 6 H17 COM If Black next defends at 6, ... ENDCOM W 7 H3 COM ... White will fortify her position at the bottom by extending to 7. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E17 H16 L17 R4 P4 C3 D4 C6 SETUP B C17 D15 C12 P16 R16 R9 D2 F3 H4 COM Problem 95. White to play. White has to strike at Black's weak point. If White doesn't play on this point, she will miss her chance to take the lead. ENDCOM W 1 K3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White must play the checking extension of 1, attacking the weak underbelly of the three black stones and defending her own weak stones on the right. ENDCOM B 2 J3 COM Black must play 2 and ... ENDCOM VAR B 2 R6 MARK A@K4 COM Variation. Black might not like the exchange of @ for A in the Correct Answer because it strengthens White, but if he omits it, ... ENDCOM W 3 H2 COM ... White will slide to 3. ENDCOM B 4 H3 W 5 G2 B 6 F2 W 7 K5 COM Black's stones are left without a base after White jumps to 7. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 K4 B 4 R6 W 5 Q10 MARK A@M3 1@K3 COM ... the sequence to 5 follows. If White omitted 1, Black would play A. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D15 D16 D17 E17 E18 Q4 C5 C4 D3 F2 D11 K17 SETUP B C18 D18 C17 C16 C14 F17 P17 R16 R10 C6 D5 D6 F4 COM Problem 96. White to play. It seems as if White should play in the lower right or at the top. But look at the whole board before deciding on your move. ENDCOM W 1 D14 MARK \t@D11 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It is essential that White maintain a link with the marked stone by pushing with 1 ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 N17 COM Failure. If White makes a checking extension with 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 D14 COM ... Black will push up with 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 E14 B 4 E13 COM ... and 4, and, ... ENDCOM W 5 F14 B 6 D12 MARK \t@D11 COM ... after Black 6, the marked white stone has become isolated and a black moyo on the left side comes into being. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 C13 W 3 D13 COM ... and 3. These moves have increased Black's profit on the left, but White has become thick in compensation. ENDCOM B 4 D12 COM If Black 4 next, ... ENDCOM W 5 C12 COM ... White cuts with 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 E17 G17 O17 R5 O5 C3 C11 D8 SETUP B C17 D17 B16 C14 D13 Q16 Q14 R9 N3 Q3 COM Problem 97. White to play. White's stones at the top are thin and it is clear that she must reinforce them. But choosing the right point ins crucial. Where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 L16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is the perfect point not too far from her stone on the right and an ideal distance from her three stone on the left. Playing this move high on the fourth line also strikes a good balance with her stones on the third line. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 K16 COM Failure. You may not think that one line to the right makes much of a difference, but, if White plays 1 here, her position at the top right is still thin and ... ENDCOM B 2 M17 COM ... Black will invade with 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 E4 COM Failure. If White 1 here, ... ENDCOM B 2 L17 COM ... Black will invade at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E4 F3 D17 C14 P17 M4 N4 O4 P4 R5 SETUP B C4 D3 E3 F4 R16 Q15 N3 O3 Q3 P3 MARK \t@M4 COM Problem 98. Black to play. White has just extended with the marked stone, making a thick wall at the bottom. How should Black answer this move ? ENDCOM B 1 R11 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black must extend down the right side to neutralise White's thickness, but because White is so thick below Black should extend only as far as 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R10 COM Failure. Extending one line farther with 1 leaves Black vulnerable ... ENDCOM W 2 Q13 MARK A@R12 COM ... to an invasion at 2 or A. White may not make this invasion immediately, but Black must always worry about it. ENDCOM B 3 R7 COM Black could settle his stones with 3, but White will use her thickness below to attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q13 COM Next, if White 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 R13 COM If White 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 Q13 COM ... Black plays 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 R13 COM ... Black can defend at 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 B17 C16 C15 B15 D14 D13 C13 B13 C3 SETUP B C18 C17 D16 D15 E17 E14 Q4 Q16 COM Problem 99. Black to play. A joseki has been played out in the upper left corner and White has gotten a thick position on the upper left side. However, Black has kept sente. Where should he play now ? ENDCOM B 1 D4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Since White's stone in the lower corner is low, Black can strike at 1. The reason for Black chose the joseki in the upper left was because he had this move. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q10 COM Failure. It is not appropriate for Black to make a sanren-sei in this position. ENDCOM W 2 D6 COM White will extend to 2, making an ideal position on the left side. If Black wanted to make a sanren-sei, he should have played differently in the upper left corner. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 C4 COM Crawling with 2 is the right direction. ENDCOM B 3 D5 W 4 E2 B 5 G4 COM After Black 5, White's thickness has been neutralised. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 D14 C4 E4 R4 R5 R8 SETUP B E17 K17 Q16 L3 R3 S3 Q4 P4 COM Problem 100. White to play. There are a lot of good points that White wants to play. However, one of these points takes precedence over all the others. Where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 R11 MARK A@R10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The extension of White 1 is the most important point on the board for White. With this move, all of her groups are strong. If Black is allowed to make the checking extension to A, the game would become difficult for White. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 C10 COM Failure. White gets a nice position on the left if he plays 1, but ... ENDCOM B 2 R10 COM ... the checking extension of Black 2 leaves the white stones vulnerable and White must defend them. But Black will make profit by attacking them. ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 R14 COM Failure. If White 1 here, ... ENDCOM B 2 R10 COM ... Black 2 is still a severe move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W Q3 E3 C18 D18 C17 C16 D15 C15 E17 F17 F18 SETUP B R16 C4 D5 C11 D17 D16 E16 E15 E18 G16 G14 D14 COM Problem 101. White to play. The joseki in the upper left corner has come to a pause. White has taken profit, but Black has thickness in the center. What should White do next ? ENDCOM W 1 G4 MARK A@F4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Although it is important to quickly make an approach move or a corner enclosure in the fuseki, White 1 is an urgent move that must be played before any other. It is played to counter Black's thickness at the top and to prevent him from pressing at A. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 R5 MARK A@P16 COM Failure. If White makes a corner enclosure at 1 or an approach move at A, ... ENDCOM B 2 F4 COM ... Black will immediately play 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 G3 B 4 H4 COM ... and 4, and an enormous moyo comes into being on the left. The moves to Black 4 are a joseki. (See Problem 49 in Get Strong at Joseki 1.) ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 D3 C4 C5 Q5 R6 Q7 R11 SETUP B D5 C6 D7 Q3 R4 R5 O3 R16 P17 COM Problem 102. White to play. A basic joseki is in progress in the lower left corner. Should White complete this joseki or is there something else she should do ? ENDCOM W 1 C14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should make a corner enclosure with 1 and ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 F3 MARK \t@O3 COM Failure. With the marked black stone in place, playing the joseki with White 1 is not very efficient. ENDCOM B 2 C15 MARK A@C14 COM Black can now seize the initiative on the left side with an approach move at 2 or A. You should never blindly follow a joseki without looking at the whole board. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 E3 COM ... let Black attach with 2. ENDCOM W 3 E2 B 4 D4 W 5 C2 B 6 F3 W 7 F2 COM White will secure her stones in the lower left corner with the sequence to 7. ENDCOM B 8 G3 COM Black makes a thick position on the outside with 8, but ... ENDCOM W 9 N6 COM ... this thickness is neutralised when White jumps to 9. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C10 D17 F16 M17 R10 R6 Q6 Q5 E4 C5 SETUP B B17 C15 C12 O17 R16 R13 R5 R4 Q3 O3 COM Problem 103. Black to play. Black and White have established positions in all four corners and on the sides. All of Black's positions are strong, so Black should now go on the offensive. Where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 J16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Since White's position at the top is thin and Black has strong positions on the left and the right, Black should seize the initiative by invading at 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 G3 COM Failure. The checking extension of Black 1 is certainly a good move, but, with respect to the whole board, it is not the focal point of the game. ENDCOM W 2 J16 COM White will defend the top with 2 and Black has lost his chance to take the decisive lead as in the Correct Answer diagram. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 M15 COM After the exchange of 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 J14 COM ... for 3, White is left with weak stones on the left and on the right. Black has taken the lead. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E16 F17 G16 D14 B15 P17 R4 P3 SETUP B B16 C16 D17 E17 R16 Q15 R10 D4 COM Problem 104. Black to play. Even though only one stone has been played in the lower left corner, there is no hurry for Black to play in this part of the board; the upper right takes precedence. Where should Black play ? ENDCOM B 1 O16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It is important for Black to inhibit White's expansion in the upper right with 1 ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 R6 COM Failure. The checking extension of Black 1 is a big move, but ... ENDCOM W 2 N16 COM ... White will play 2, making it hard for Black to take measures against White at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 L17 COM Black 1 here is greedy: ENDCOM W 2 P15 COM White would take the initiative by attaching at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 N17 B 3 M16 COM ... and 3. With these moves, a black moyo emerges and White is prevented from making one for herself. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E17 G16 K17 R10 R7 C4 D3 F4 C9 SETUP B C17 D15 P16 R16 R12 Q5 Q3 L4 C5 COM Problem 105. Black to play. There are a number of big extensions Black can play. Which one is the biggest ?? ENDCOM B 1 C12 MARK B@D8 A@C13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. If White makes a checking extension at A, the two black stones in the upper left will come under a strong attack. Therefore, Black extends to 1 to prevent this. The reason Black extends so tightly is because he intends to make a shoulder hit at B next. ENDCOM VAR B 1 M17 COM Failure. The checking extension of Black 1 is also a good move, ... ENDCOM W 2 C13 COM ... but White 2 is too big to allow; the Black stones there could find themselves uprooted and they would have to run for their lives. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 C11 COM Failure. Black 1 here ... ENDCOM W 2 E9 MARK \t@C5 A@C13 COM ... could provoke White to jump to 2 and the marked black stone would be swallowed up in the white moyo. After this, White could aim at the invasion at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 N17 COM White 2 and ... ENDCOM B 3 S6 COM ... Black 3 are the natural continuation. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W Q4 Q12 J17 L17 M17 N17 P17 Q17 SETUP B C16 D3 R15 P16 O15 M16 L16 K16 MARK \t@Q12 COM Problem 106. Black to play. The marked white stone is in the shadow of Black's thick wall at the top. How should Black attack it ? ENDCOM B 1 Q9 MARK \t@Q12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black doesn't want to pincer too severely because White might decide to sacrifice her marked stone. Therefore, Black plays a two-space pincer with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R6 MARK @@Q9 A@O4 COM Failure. When Black plays the approach move of 1, he thinks that White is going to respond with A, enabling him to pincer the white stone by extending to @. But this is too much to expect. ENDCOM W 2 R8 COM White would pincer at 2 instead, ... ENDCOM B 3 R3 COM ... and Black has no other alternative but to invade at 3. ENDCOM W 4 R4 B 5 Q3 W 6 P4 B 7 S4 W 8 S5 B 9 S3 W 10 R5 B 11 O3 COM With the joseki to 11, White has made thickness at the bottom, effectively neutralising Black's wall at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O11 COM If White plays 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 R6 COM ... Black approaches with 3. ENDCOM W 4 R5 B 5 Q6 W 6 O4 B 7 O9 W 8 M11 B 9 H15 COM With the sequence to 9, Black is making good use of his thickness at the top. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C18 C17 D16 D14 R14 R11 Q4 Q6 R3 C6 D10 SETUP B D17 E17 F16 F14 K16 P17 R16 Q2 O3 L3 D4 F4 COM Problem 107. White to play. The fuseki is almost over and the middle game is about to begin. Where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 P15 MARK A@O17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is the vital point. When White plays here, she is expanding her own moyo on the right and preventing Black from expanding his moyo at the top. If Black doesn't answer White 1 and plays elsewhere, White will attach at A. ENDCOM VAR W 1 N5 MARK A@E6 COM Failure. Playing at 1 (or A) misses the point. ENDCOM B 2 P15 COM Black will jump to 2 and a territorial moyo emerges at the top. If you compare this diagram with the Correct Answer, the difference should be obvious. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 E6 COM Failure. Also wrong. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 O16 W 3 O15 B 4 N16 W 5 M14 EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 C16 D15 C11 C8 D3 R10 SETUP B C18 D17 E18 F16 Q4 Q16 C5 MARK \t@C5 COM Problem 108. Black to play. White is strong on the upper left side, so what should Black do about his marked stone in the lower left ? ENDCOM B 1 G3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should make a counterpincer with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 F5 MARK \t@C8 COM Failure. Against the two-space pincer of the marked white stone, Black 1 is the usual move, but White is strong on the left side, ... ENDCOM W 2 G3 COM ... so White will extend to 2, making territory while keeping up the pressure on Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 E4 COM When White makes the diagonal move of 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 K3 MARK \t@C5 COM ... Black can extend to 3, taking up a position at the bottom. By treating the marked stone lightly, Black puts the burden of what to do about this stone on White. ENDCOM W 4 D6 COM If White next plays 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 R7 COM ... Black will extend to 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C15 F15 C6 Q3 N3 R5 SETUP B D17 G17 C12 D4 K3 R16 MARK \t@C6 COM Problem 109. Black to play. The marked white stone on the left is outnumbered. How should Black attack it ? ENDCOM B 1 C5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should make a diagonal attachment with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 F4 COM Failure. If Black jumps to 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 C9 MARK \t@C12 COM ... White plays the checking extension of 2, so Black's marked stone comes under attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D6 MARK A@F4 COM White will stand at 2, but instead of jumping to A, ... ENDCOM B 3 C9 COM ... Black will pincer with 3. The two white stones are now heavy and under attack. ENDCOM W 4 E4 COM If White attaches with 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 E3 COM ... after the exchange of Black 5 ... ENDCOM W 6 F4 COM ... for White 6, ... ENDCOM B 7 D5 COM ... Black 7 is the vital point. ENDCOM W 8 E6 COM After White 8, ... ENDCOM B 9 D3 COM ... Black secures his stones in the corner with 9. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D4 D16 K17 M18 N17 O17 O15 SETUP B M17 M15 Q16 Q14 Q10 Q4 K4 MARK \t@N17 \t@M15 COM Problem 110. Black to play. In answer to Black's marked stone, White has strengthened his position at the top with his own marked stone. How should Black continue ? ENDCOM B 1 O14 MARK A@O13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Attaching with Black 1 is absolutely essential so that Black can maintain a connection with his two stones on the right. If Black omits 1, White will jump to A. This black move also maps out a vast moyo on the right side, ... ENDCOM W 2 R6 COM ... so White must invade on the lower right with 2. ENDCOM VAR W 2 P15 MARK 1@O14 COM Variation. White might respond to Black 1 ... ENDCOM B 3 P14 W 4 Q15 B 5 R15 W 6 R16 COM ... with the sequence to 6. ENDCOM B 7 S16 COM Black sacrifices a stone when he ataris at 7 and ... ENDCOM W 8 R17 B 9 S14 W 10 S17 B 11 N15 W 12 N16 COM ... ends in sente with the sequence to White 12. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 2 N14 COM Variation. White might also play 2 here. ENDCOM B 3 N15 COM In that case Black will cut at 3, getting the advantage in the fight that follows. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 R5 COM However, Black goes on the attack with 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 Q6 B 5 O4 COM ... and 5. ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D18 E17 F16 F15 D16 D15 D14 E14 D13 C5 Q4 SETUP B C18 B17 D17 C17 C16 C15 D3 E4 R10 Q16 COM Problem 111. Black to play. White has a very thick position at the top left. Black wants to counter this thickness. What is the best move for him to do this ? ENDCOM B 1 N17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The large knight's move of black 1 is the ideal extension. In does not approach White's thickness too closely, yet it does not allow White to make a full extension from it. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K17 COM Failure. Black 1 is too near to White's thickness. ENDCOM W 2 M17 COM White will take the initiative by invading at 2. ENDCOM B 3 K15 W 4 M15 B 5 K13 W 6 M13 MARK 2@M17 4@M15 COM White now gets influence facing the right with the stones at 2, 4, and 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 L17 COM Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 N17 COM ... White will invade at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 M17 COM A bit dangerous. Black 1 is also a bit thin because ... ENDCOM W 2 O17 COM ... White can invade at 2. ENDCOM B 3 O16 COM If Black next attaches at 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 P16 COM ... White 4 is a good counterattack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 L17 COM White 2 is as far as White can extend, but ... ENDCOM B 3 L16 COM ... Black will attach with 3. ENDCOM W 4 K16 B 5 L15 W 6 M17 B 7 N16 MARK 4@K16 2@L17 6@M17 COM White's stones at 2, 4, and 6 do not fully utilise her thickness, so they are not working efficiently. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C3 R4 SETUP B D16 R16 MARK A@P17 B@R10 C@P3 COM Problem 112. Black to play. There are many ways for Black to play in this fuseki, but, if you were going to play on the right side, which one of the three moves from A to C would you choose ? ENDCOM B 1 P17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Making a corner enclosure with 1 is the simplest way for Black to keep his first-move advantage. ENDCOM VAR B 1 P3 COM Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 P17 COM ... White can equalise by approaching at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 R11 COM White must extend to 2 to stop Black from making a moyo on the right, but ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 P3 MARK 1@P17 COM Reference Diagram. If White responds to Black 1 by making a corner enclosure of her own, ... ENDCOM B 3 R10 COM ... Black will make an ideal extension with 3, taking control of the right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 P4 W 4 P3 B 5 O3 W 6 Q3 B 7 O4 W 8 Q5 B 9 K4 COM ... Black takes up a position at the bottom with the joseki to 9. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E16 F16 F17 Q4 D4 F3 SETUP B C16 D17 E17 R16 B4 C6 MARK A@D15 B@C14 C@D14 COM Problem 113. Black to play. In the upper left corner, all the moves from A to C are josekis, but, in relation to Black's other stones, only one of these choices is correct. Which one is it ? ENDCOM B 1 D15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The diagonal move of Black 1 is best. ENDCOM VAR B 1 C14 COM Failure. If Black 1, all his stones on the left are low. ENDCOM W 2 K17 VAR W 2 C3 COM If White 2 next, ... ENDCOM B 3 D8 MARK A@C10 COM ... Black plays 3 to maintain a high-low balance, but then an invasion at A remains. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 P17 COM <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 D14 COM Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 C12 COM ... White 2 is a severe attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 K17 B 3 P17 W 4 C3 B 5 C9 W 6 R7 B 7 Q10 W 8 N17 B 9 L3 MARK 5@C9 1@D15 COM The sequence to 9 is one possible continuation. Black 5 and the stone at 1 make an ideal high-low balance on the left side. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D3 S2 R2 R3 R6 P5 P4 P3 Q4 SETUP B S3 R4 R5 Q5 Q6 P6 R8 O5 Q3 R16 P17 MARK A@K17 B@C10 C@C5 COM Problem 114. White to play. In the joseki played in the lower right, White ended in sente. Of the three moves indicated, which one would you choose for White ? ENDCOM W 1 K17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Extending to 1 at the top is the right direction for White to play. This move will make it hard for Black to complete his moyo on the right side. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 C5 COM Failure. Making a corner enclosure with 1 on the left is not good. ENDCOM B 2 J16 COM Black will be able to expand the scale of his moyo with 2, giving him the advantage. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 G17 J16 D11 D10 F11 E9 G9 J9 Q4 SETUP B H15 F15 C15 D9 D8 E8 D4 G7 Q16 MARK \t@J9 C@D3 A@J7 B@K4 COM Problem 115. Black to play. White runs away with the marked stone. Should Black continue attacking with A, map out a moyo with B or secure territory with C ? ENDCOM B 1 D3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The first thing Black must do is to defend his territory on the left by enclosing with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 J7 COM Failure. Black 1 is not a very forceful attack. ENDCOM W 2 C3 COM White will snatch the corner territory from Black with the 3-3 point invasion of 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 K4 COM Failure. Against Black 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 C3 COM ... White will also invade at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O17 COM If White next approaches with 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 K3 COM If White 2 here, Black will play at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 K14 COM ... Black exchanges 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 L16 COM ... for 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 K3 COM ... then maps out a moyo with 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C16 C15 Q3 R3 O3 E4 SETUP B C14 D15 G14 Q16 Q10 Q4 R4 P5 MARK B@C4 C@N4 A@Q14 COM Problem 116. Black to play. Black has played lightly in the upper left, so his stones should encounter no problems and he can leave them as they are. Which of the three points indicated would you play ? ENDCOM B 1 N4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the vital point. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q14 COM Failure. If Black strengthens his position in the upper right with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 O5 COM ... White will play 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 O6 W 4 N5 COM ... and 4, reducing the scale of Black's moyo on the right. ENDCOM B 5 C4 COM If Black now approaches at 5, ... ENDCOM W 6 D6 COM ... White gets the advantage when she plays 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O4 COM White cuts through with 2 ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 N3 COM Variation. If White crawls to 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 M4 COM ... Black will extend to 3 and make a moyo in the center. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 O5 W 4 N5 COM ... and 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 L4 W 6 N6 B 7 N3 W 8 N2 B 9 M2 W 10 O2 B 11 L6 W 12 N8 B 13 Q8 MARK \t@G14 COM ... and the joseki to 13 follows. The marked stone will have an influence on the ensuing fight. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W Q17 N17 Q12 R8 Q4 SETUP B C15 D4 O15 R15 R6 MARK A@D17 B@P6 C@R3 \t@R8 COM Problem 117. Black to play. White has just pincered with the marked stone. Should Black answer it by jumping to B, invading at C or making a corner enclosure with A ? ENDCOM B 1 P6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Jumping to 1 is the ideal move. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R3 COM Failure. Invading with 1 is not good. ENDCOM W 2 R4 B 3 Q3 W 4 P4 B 5 S4 W 6 S5 B 7 S3 W 8 R5 B 9 O3 COM After Black secures his stones with 9, ... ENDCOM W 10 R13 COM ... White plays 10, attacking the two black stones at the top and strengthening her moyo on the right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O4 COM When White answers with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 R10 COM ... Black can invade with 3. ENDCOM W 4 Q10 B 5 R9 W 6 Q9 B 7 S8 COM After 7, Black's stones on the right have a secure base. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 G16 D4 K4 O3 M17 M15 N15 N14 SETUP B C9 Q4 Q6 Q10 Q16 K16 L15 L14 M14 MARK \t@N14 A@N13 B@P13 C@Q13 COM Problem 118. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone in order to prevent Black from confining her to the top. How should Black respond; at A, B, or C ? ENDCOM B 1 Q13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should defend the right side with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 P13 COM Failure. Black 1 here would be an overplay. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 N13 COM Failure. Black 1 aims to confine White to the top, but ... ENDCOM W 2 P15 COM ... she responds with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 Q15 VAR B 3 P13 COM If Black 3 here, ... ENDCOM W 4 Q15 COM ... White will play 4 and Black will be unable to put his thickness to good use. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 4 O13 COM ... and 4, leaving Black without a good follow-up. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 N12 COM White must escape with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 L12 W 4 N10 COM ... and 4, but ... ENDCOM B 5 L10 MARK 3@L12 COM ... Black moves out into the center with 3 and 5, pinning the white group against his stones on the right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D14 D3 N16 O16 P16 Q17 R16 S16 SETUP B Q3 F17 K16 M17 N17 O17 R15 Q15 Q13 MARK A@R9 B@R6 C@Q5 COM Problem 119. Black to play. How should Black play on the right side: at A, B, or C ? ENDCOM B 1 R9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Since it is a good idea to strengthen your weak stones, Black plays 1, the ideal move to defend his three stones in the upper right. It also works well with his stone below. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q5 COM Failure. If Black encloses the corner with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 Q10 COM ... White pincers with 2. ENDCOM B 3 R8 COM Black 3 is a good move, but ... ENDCOM W 4 P9 COM ... White 4 prevents the black stones above from linking up with their allies below. They must flee, so White gets the initiative. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 C5 B 3 K3 W 4 H3 B 5 C12 COM The game continues to Black 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W L17 O17 O16 R5 R4 Q3 P4 D3 D5 SETUP B D16 C10 J17 P17 Q16 Q14 Q10 Q5 Q6 R6 MARK A@L15 C@K3 B@C8 COM Problem 120. White to play. White has many good points to play, but there is one which takes precedence over all the others. Which of the three points indicated is best ? ENDCOM W 1 L15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should strengthen her group by jumping to 1 and aim at invading the upper right and left corners. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K3 COM Failure. White 1 is also a good point, but ... ENDCOM B 2 K15 COM ... Black 2 is a severe attack. White must escape, but then Black's moyo on both the left and the right will be strengthened. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 J15 COM If Black 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 C17 MARK 2@J15 A@D14 COM ... White 3 is the perfect invasion. Black could also play 2 at A. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D14 D4 R5 Q5 P7 Q8 R8 O17 SETUP B C9 Q3 R4 N3 R7 Q10 Q16 F17 K16 MARK A@M17 B@P17 C@Q14 COM Problem 121. Black to play. How should Black attack the lone white stone in the upper right: at A, B, or C ? ENDCOM B 1 P17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a basic attacking move in this kind of position. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q14 COM Failure. If Black plays 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 Q18 COM ... White will slide to 2 and secure her stone. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 M17 MARK A@R17 COM Failure. Against the pincer of Black 1, White will not invade at A. ENDCOM W 2 Q14 COM Instead, she will play 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 O16 W 4 Q12 COM ... and 4, attacking the black stone in the middle of the right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O16 COM When White stands to 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 Q14 COM ... Black jumps to 3. White's stones are now heavy and no matter how she defends, they will come under attack. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 G16 E10 C10 C7 Q4 R6 SETUP B C12 E12 G12 C4 F4 O3 Q16 MARK A@J17 B@G10 C@K3 COM Problem 122. Black to play. Should Black attack the two white stones at the top with A, attack the three white stones on the left side with B, or strengthen his position at the bottom with C ? ENDCOM B 1 J17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The two white stones at the top are thin, so Black can take profit by attacking them ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 K3 COM Failure. Black 1 is certainly a big point, but ... ENDCOM W 2 K17 COM ... White 2 is even bigger. Black has lost the chance to seize the initiative at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 H15 B 3 K15 W 4 H17 B 5 J16 COM ... with the sequence to 5. ENDCOM W 6 H18 COM After White 6, ... ENDCOM B 7 C17 COM ... Black invades with 7. Because of the three black stones below, White's stones will be under a lot of pressure. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 F17 D10 D4 L3 L5 L8 SETUP B K16 Q16 Q14 R9 N7 O4 Q3 MARK \t@L8 A@F4 B@F3 C@E2 COM Problem 123. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone, mapping out a huge moyo on the left, so the lower left is now the most important place to play. But where should Black play: at A, B, or C ? ENDCOM B 1 F4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should approach high with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 F3 COM Failure. White answers Black 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 F5 COM ... by capping at 2. ENDCOM B 3 C3 COM If Black invades the corner with 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 D3 B 5 C4 W 6 C5 B 7 B5 W 8 C6 B 9 B6 W 10 C7 B 11 D2 W 12 E2 B 13 C2 W 14 E3 MARK \t@L8 COM ... after the sequence to 14, the marked stone makes a huge moyo with White's other stones on the left. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 E2 COM Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 F3 COM ... White makes a bigger moyo with 1. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D6 COM If White 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 J4 MARK A@L7 COM ... Black extends to 3, aiming to exploit the thinness of White's two-space jump by attaching at A. ENDCOM W 4 K6 COM White will defend at 4, but ... ENDCOM B 5 H6 COM ... Black plays 5, wiping out much of White's moyo. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 E17 C5 C9 L3 O3 R11 SETUP B C4 D5 D3 F4 Q4 Q6 Q16 MARK B@R13 C@R9 A@K17 COM Problem 124. Black to play. White has played in the middle of the right side. Should Black ignore this move and extend to A, of should he attack White with a move at B or C ? ENDCOM B 1 R9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Attacking the white stone with 1, driving it toward the star-point stone above, is best. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K17 COM Failure. If Black extends along the top, ... ENDCOM W 2 R8 COM ... White will make a two-space extension down the right, attacking the black stones below. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R13 COM Failure. Black 1 is the wrong direction. ENDCOM W 2 R8 MARK A@R7 B@Q8 COM White plays 2, aiming at Black's weak underbelly. The exchange of Black A - White B strengthens White, so it is not good. ENDCOM B 3 P17 COM If Black defends his corner at the top, ... ENDCOM W 4 L16 COM ... White makes a double-wing formation in the upper left with 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 R14 COM White will extend to 2. ENDCOM B 3 R15 W 4 Q14 B 5 O17 COM The sequence to 5 is a joseki. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D18 D17 D16 C13 C12 C11 D14 E14 E15 F16 H17 D3 D5 SETUP B C17 C16 D15 C15 C14 B13 B12 E16 E17 E18 F18 Q16 Q3 MARK C@K4 A@Q9 B@Q5 COM Problem 125. Black to play. In the upper left corner, Black got profit while White made thickness. What is the best way for Black to counter this thickness ? ENDCOM B 1 K4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 reduces the power of White's thickness. ENDCOM VAR B 1 Q9 COM Failure. Black makes the Chinese-opening formation with 1, but ... ENDCOM W 2 K4 COM ... White gets a chance to take the vital point of 2. ENDCOM B 3 M4 COM If Black now plays 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 L6 COM ... White plays 4 and a huge moyo emerges in the center. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q5 COM If White approaches with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 R5 W 4 R6 B 5 R4 W 6 Q6 B 7 O4 COM ... Black plays the joseki to 7, taking profit in the lower right. ENDCOM W 8 Q10 B 9 Q12 COM After 9, Black is ahead in territory. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D13 D12 D15 D16 D17 E17 E18 H17 K3 D3 D4 D5 E7 C8 SETUP B C18 D18 C17 C16 C14 C13 F17 Q16 Q3 R5 B6 C6 C4 C3 MARK C@M3 A@N16 B@Q10 COM Problem 126. Black to play. White is thick at the left side from the top to the bottom. Although Black has a lot of profit, he still has to prevent White from expanding the scale of her moyo. Where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 N16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 blocks White from making a large-scale moyo at the top while making territory. ENDCOM VAR B 1 M3 COM Failure. Locally, Black 1 here is big, but ... ENDCOM W 2 N16 COM ... it is too dangerous to let White play at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 Q10 COM Failure. Black 1 is not good ... ENDCOM W 2 O16 COM ... because it lets White make an approach move at 2. ENDCOM B 3 Q14 W 4 Q17 B 5 R17 W 6 P17 B 7 R18 W 8 O14 COM After the sequence to 8, White has made a huge moyo at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O3 COM If White answers with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 L5 W 4 O5 B 5 J5 W 6 K6 B 7 K5 W 8 M3 B 9 H7 COM ... Black is satisfied to erase White's moyo with the sequence to 9. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 Q9 O9 O11 O7 J3 L3 M3 N3 Q3 P3 SETUP B C4 Q16 Q13 Q11 R5 P4 O5 M4 L4 K4 M7 M9 MARK B@R7 A@C10 C@E3 COM Problem 127. White to play. A sharp exchange took place on the lower right. It is White's move. Should she leave the right side as it is and play at A or C, or does she need to play a move at B ? ENDCOM W 1 R7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Before anything else, White must secure her position on the lower right by playing on the urgent move of 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 C10 COM Failure. If White plays on the left side with 1 or approaches the stone in the lower left, ... ENDCOM B 2 R7 COM ... Black will play 2, robbing White's stones of their base. These stones will now come under a severe attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 E3 COM Failure. Also wrong. ENDCOM B 2 R7 COM Black attacks with 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 C14 W 3 F17 B 4 G16 W 5 G17 B 6 J16 W 7 H16 B 8 H15 W 9 H17 B 10 J15 W 11 R17 B 12 R16 W 13 C10 COM The sequence to 13 is one possible continuation. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E16 F16 F15 F13 D4 P4 Q4 R4 R5 S5 Q9 Q12 L16 SETUP B D17 C16 D15 E15 D12 S4 S3 R3 Q3 O3 N3 R6 R16 P17 MARK A@E18 C@P6 B@C6 COM Problem 128. White to play. Where should White play: at A, B, or C ? ENDCOM W 1 P6 MARK \t@N3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. In response to the marked stone, White 1 is the proper response. ENDCOM VAR W 1 E18 MARK A@C6 COM Failure. Locally, both White 1 and White A are big moves, but ... ENDCOM B 2 S6 COM ... if Black is allowed to play 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 Q6 B 4 Q7 COM ... and 4, the right side could be thrown into confusion. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 C6 COM Failure. Also wrong. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 C6 COM As expected, Black will play 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 F4 B 4 D9 COM ... and 4, but ... ENDCOM W 5 P15 COM ... White will cap at 5, and suddenly a white moyo emerges in the center. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W G16 G17 J16 H13 F13 B16 B14 C14 D14 D15 D16 D4 SETUP B B17 C18 D18 D17 F18 F17 F16 F15 C16 C15 B15 Q3 R16 O17 MARK A@D7 C@K4 B@Q5 COM Problem 129. White to play. Taking into account White's position in the upper left, where do you think White should play ? ENDCOM W 1 D7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend to 1, making a moyo on the left side. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K4 COM Failure. White 1 is a big extension, but it is premature. ENDCOM B 2 C6 MARK A@D12 COM Black can approach at 2, as well as force with A, so White's moyo strategy will have failed. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 J4 COM This enables Black to make the good point of 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 Q5 COM ... but White can approach with 3, and, ... ENDCOM B 4 R5 W 5 R6 B 6 R4 W 7 Q6 B 8 O4 W 9 Q10 COM ... after the joseki to White 9, Black is unable to make a moyo on the right side. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 D17 C9 C6 D4 Q5 R5 R9 P5 SETUP B C14 C11 D2 F3 R4 Q16 Q4 P3 O4 MARK A@K17 C@J3 B@R11 COM Problem 130. Black to play. The biggest moves are the ones that have big follow-ups. Where do you think Black should play in this position ? ENDCOM B 1 K17 MARK B@E15 A@F17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a big move because it threatens A. Next, Black would play B, and a moyo would begin to form in the center. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R11 MARK B@Q7 A@R7 COM Failure. Black 1 aims at an invasion at A, but this is not much of a threat, since White B would be an adequate response. ENDCOM W 2 O17 COM Therefore, White will take the initiative and make an approach move at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 G17 COM This is not to White's liking, so she counters by extending to 2. ENDCOM B 3 R14 COM But Black plays 3 and he gets a strong position in the upper right. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 C15 D17 F17 D3 G3 R10 D8 SETUP B D15 D14 C14 C5 F5 Q4 R16 P17 MARK A@D10 C@C3 B@H4 COM Problem 131. Black to play. Before pincering the white stone on the left side, does Black need to make any preparatory moves ? Of course, Black would like to finish up on the left side in sente so he can play on the right side before White. ENDCOM B 1 D10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black must first play 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 H4 COM Failure. If Black plays 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 H3 COM White will play 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 J4 W 4 J3 COM ... to 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 K4 W 6 D11 COM ... then extend to 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 F8 COM When White jumps to 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 H4 W 4 H3 VAR W 4 G4 MARK 3@H4 COM White's failure. In response to Black 3, White must not cut through with 4 ... ENDCOM B 5 G5 W 6 H5 COM ... and 6. ENDCOM B 7 H3 W 8 H2 B 9 J2 W 10 G2 B 11 H6 W 12 J5 B 13 G7 COM After Black 13, White will be find herself in a severe fight. (See Problem 151 in Get Strong at Joseki 1.) ENDCOM ENDVAR B 5 J4 W 6 J3 B 7 K4 W 8 L3 B 9 E4 COM ... Black can force with the sequence to 9, ... ENDCOM W 10 E3 B 11 H8 COM ... then cap at 11. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 G17 K17 S16 R14 R11 Q5 R6 E3 E6 D12 SETUP B C15 B17 D14 O17 Q16 R17 Q3 R4 R5 C4 C7 H3 MARK C@K3 B@H5 A@Q6 \t@C7 COM Problem 132. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. Should White aggressively follow up with B or C, or should she calmly connect at A ? ENDCOM W 1 Q6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should connect at 1, ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 K3 COM Failure. White 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 H5 W 3 K5 COM ... and 3 are aggressive moves, but ... ENDCOM B 4 H7 W 5 O3 B 6 Q6 MARK 5@O3 COM ... Black gets to cut at 6 after 5. White's stones are now scattered throughout the board and she lacks a unified strategy. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 P4 W 3 N5 B 4 N3 MARK 2@P4 3@N5 COM ... then force Black to play 4 with 3 after Black 2. ENDCOM W 5 D8 B 6 C8 W 7 D9 B 8 C9 W 9 D10 MARK A@K3 COM Next, White links up with her lone stone at the top with the sequence to 9. White now threatens an invasion at A, ... ENDCOM B 10 L4 COM ... so Black must defend at 10. ENDCOM W 11 C3 COM <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 F16 K16 L15 O3 M4 J4 D5 D4 D3 E3 E2 SETUP B M17 Q16 Q14 Q10 Q4 O5 D2 C3 C2 C4 C6 C7 F3 MARK A@E7 B@F5 C@F4 \t@C7 COM Problem 133. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. In this position, which of the three points indicated is the best way for White to defend ? ENDCOM W 1 F5 MARK A@F4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is the correct shape here. It is more efficient than playing at A. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 E7 MARK @@F5 A@F2 COM Failure. White 1 is a large-scale move, but unfortunately Black A or @ could be quite annoying for White later on. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D10 D4 K16 K17 O17 O16 P16 Q4 R5 P6 Q6 R7 SETUP B C16 D12 H16 P17 Q17 R16 R14 Q7 R6 R3 Q3 O3 MARK C@C10 A@E16 B@F12 COM Problem 134. Black to play. The joseki in the lower right corner has ended with sente for Black. He must now turn his attention to his thin position at the top. Where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 E16 MARK C@C6 B@C8 A@E17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Even though Black's position at the top is open from the side, he must make a corner enclosure with 1 and not at A. Next, he can aim at B or C, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 C10 COM Failure. Black 1... ENDCOM W 2 C9 B 3 C11 COM ... and 3 are not good because they strengthen White's position on the left. ENDCOM W 4 D9 COM This is a big loss for Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D6 COM ... so White defends with 2. ENDCOM B 3 L3 COM In response to Black 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 J4 COM ... White 4 is a good move. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W H17 F16 E16 D16 C16 D10 D6 D4 C3 Q5 Q6 R6 Q10 M16 SETUP B B17 C17 D17 F17 F18 D2 F3 Q3 O3 R4 R5 Q12 R16 P17 MARK A@H4 B@J4 C@J3 COM Problem 135. Black to play. Black has taken a lot of profit, while White is staking the game on influence. It is now urgent for Black to play at the bottom, but which of the three points indicated should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 H4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 on the fourth line makes a good high-low balance with his stone on the right. An invasion at A remains, but this would cause White's moyo on the left to be reduced. ENDCOM VAR B 1 J3 COM Failure. Black 1 is too low. ENDCOM W 2 H4 COM White can force with the sequence from 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 H3 W 4 F4 COM ... to 4, expanding her moyo on the left. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 J4 COM Failure. Black 1 is bad shape. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 R14 COM If White 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 S8 COM ... Black will invade at 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D14 C11 C5 D4 F4 Q5 Q6 R6 Q10 Q11 R12 R13 Q13 R14 SETUP B C9 C6 D6 O3 Q3 R4 R5 R16 Q15 Q14 P13 P12 Q12 F17 L17 MARK A@L15 B@G14 C@E9 COM Problem 136. Black to play. In this position, White has profit while Black has a moyo at the top. However, the black stones on the lower side are not very strong. How should Black continue ? ENDCOM B 1 L15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should strengthen his position at the top with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 E9 COM Failure. Black strengthens his position with 1 and prepares to attack the top and bottom. ENDCOM W 2 L15 COM But White wipes out Black's moyo with the sequence from 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 J16 W 4 O14 B 5 P14 W 6 M17 COM ... to 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 G14 COM Failure. If Black 1 here, White could easily invade this moyo. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 E10 COM White attacks with 2, but ... ENDCOM B 3 F6 COM ... Black simply jumps to 3 and, ... ENDCOM W 4 H4 COM ... after White 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 L3 COM ... Black 5 is a big extension, aiming to slide under White's position on the left. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 C15 D17 F17 D4 C6 C3 C2 K4 L5 L4 L3 N3 R10 Q12 R14 S14 S15 SETUP B D15 D14 C14 D10 C8 D2 F3 H4 K3 J3 M4 P3 R4 Q6 R8 R15 S16 Q16 O16 MARK B@R17 A@M17 C@F15 COM Problem 137. White to play. After Black plays the marked stone, the only interesting points remaining are at the top. Does White have any special stratagem at B or is there something else she should do ? ENDCOM W 1 M17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. There are no special tricks that White can pull off in the corner, so it is best for her to play 1, ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 F15 COM Failure. A move like 1 does nothing to improve White's position. ENDCOM B 2 L17 MARK B@R16 A@R17 COM Black 2 strengthens his weak stones at the top and takes profit besides. If White now peeps at A, Black simply connects at B and the stone at A is lost. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 O17 COM ... forcing Black to defend at 2. ENDCOM W 3 J16 COM She can take up a position on the top with 3. The middle game now begins. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D14 C8 D6 D5 D4 D3 K4 N4 N5 O5 R11 Q10 P10 P9 O12 R14 SETUP B C3 C4 B6 C6 C2 O4 P4 Q3 Q6 Q8 Q9 R10 S10 S15 P14 Q16 K16 F17 MARK A@G15 B@C7 C@P7 COM Problem 138. White to play. White has mapped out a huge moyo at the bottom. How should she now play ? ENDCOM W 1 P7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Before doing anything else, White should peep at 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 G15 COM Failure. If White jumps to 1, threatening Black's territory at the top, ... ENDCOM B 2 D7 COM ... Black will cut through with 2 and ... ENDCOM W 3 C7 B 4 E7 W 5 D10 B 6 F5 W 7 G3 B 8 G7 W 9 H4 B 10 F10 COM ... wipe out White's moyo with the sequence to 10. (See Get Strong at Joseki 3, Problems 153, 158, 163, and 168.) <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 P6 COM Black must defend with 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 O7 B 4 Q7 COM ... and 4 or else White will wipe out Black's territory on the right. ENDCOM W 5 C7 COM Next, White protects her weakness at 5. ENDCOM B 6 J12 COM If Black 6, ... ENDCOM W 7 G15 COM ... White plays 7. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C3 N4 M4 L3 K2 J2 N2 O2 Q4 Q5 P5 O5 R5 Q7 P8 O8 N8 SETUP B G3 J3 K4 L6 N6 N5 M2 O4 P4 P2 Q3 R3 R4 O9 P9 Q9 Q8 Q16 MARK B@Q14 C@L9 A@D15 COM Problem 139. Black to play. The proverbs instructs us to play the urgent point before the big point. But sometimes it is hard to tell which points are urgent or even how urgent it is. Where is the urgent point here ? ENDCOM B 1 L9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It is important for Black to play 1 because it not only confines White to the right side, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 D15 COM Failure. If Black rushes to play 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 L8 COM ... White will jump to 2. ENDCOM B 3 H2 COM If Black makes shape by forcing with a, ... ENDCOM W 4 O1 MARK 3@H2 COM ... White lives in sente with 4, so Black 3 is not a forcing move. As you can see, the black stones at the bottom are vulnerable. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 M7 B 3 L5 W 4 R7 COM ... but also forces her to make life for her stones by descending to 4. After this, ... ENDCOM B 5 D15 COM ... Black is free to play the big point of 5 and take a big lead. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 E15 F15 G16 G17 H14 Q4 L4 K7 H2 F6 F7 E5 E4 E3 C3 C2 SETUP B C17 C16 E18 F17 F16 L16 P17 R16 R10 H4 G6 B3 C4 D4 D6 D7 C10 C14 MARK A@P11 B@P10 C@P9 COM Problem 140. White to play. Black has made a big profit on the left side and has mapped out a huge moyo on the right, so it is urgent for White to reduce this moyo, but which point should she play: A, B, or C ? ENDCOM W 1 P9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White expands her moyo with 1 while limiting the size of Black's. ENDCOM VAR W 1 P11 COM Failure. If White plays 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 Q9 COM ... Black will respond with 2, and, ... ENDCOM W 3 R11 B 4 S11 W 5 R12 B 6 S12 W 7 R14 B 8 O10 COM ... with the sequence to 8, White's moyo has been greatly reduces and her stones in the upper right are under attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q8 W 3 P8 B 4 Q7 W 5 P7 B 6 Q6 COM Even though Black gains some profit up to 6, ... ENDCOM W 7 P6 COM ... the scale of White's moyo is enough to maintain the balance of territories. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 Q4 P17 L17 SETUP B C4 E3 R16 Q15 MARK C@R10 B@C10 D@L3 A@F17 COM Problem 141. Black to play. At the beginning of the game, you have to play the best move or your opponent may seize the initiative. Where is Black's biggest move ? ENDCOM B 1 C10 MARK A@L3 \t@E3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1, extending from his corner enclosure below, is the most effective move. Since the marked stone is on the third line, Black's position at the bottom would be too low if he played at A. ENDCOM VAR B 1 L3 COM Failure. Black's position at the bottom is too low. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R10 COM Failure. If Black extends to 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 C9 COM ... White will switch to the left side with 2, and, ... ENDCOM B 3 C14 W 4 C15 B 5 D14 W 6 F16 B 7 C11 W 8 C6 COM ... after the sequence to White 8, the value of the Black corner enclosure is diminished. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 F17 COM Failure. Approaching inside White's sphere of influence with 1 is not good at this early stage of the fuseki. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q11 B 3 R6 W 4 R5 B 5 Q6 W 6 O4 B 7 Q9 COM The game continued with the sequence to Black 7. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 N17 P17 R18 Q4 SETUP B L16 R16 Q14 R10 E3 C4 MARK B@C10 A@J16 C@R8 D@K3 COM Problem 142. White to play. A joseki has just been played out in the upper right. How should White continue ? Should she play an attacking move or should she be satisfied just making a big point ? ENDCOM W 1 C10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend to 1, limiting the influence of Black's corner enclosure. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K3 COM Failure. White 1 is not good ... ENDCOM B 2 C10 MARK C@R8 1@K3 A@J16 COM ... because Black can make an ideal extension from his corner enclosure with 2. White A or C are the next biggest points, but 1 and 2 take priority because no stones have been played in these areas yet. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 O3 W 3 R6 B 4 C8 VAR B 4 K4 MARK @@C8 COM If White neglects to play 4 at @ and plays 4 here instead, ... ENDCOM W 5 C7 COM ... White will extend down the left side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 5 P3 B 6 O4 W 7 K4 COM The game continued with the sequence to White 7. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 F17 H17 E3 D9 D12 SETUP B D15 F15 H15 K15 Q16 Q4 MARK A@K17 B@Q10 D@L4 C@C4 COM Problem 143. Black to play. In the upper left, Black has invested a lot of stones to attack White, but his four stones there aren't taking any territory and he seems to be falling behind. Where should he play to rectify the balance of territory ? ENDCOM B 1 Q10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should make a sanren-sei on the right with 1, aiming to make a moyo. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K17 COM Failure. The scale of Black 1 is too small. Also, it is not a serious threat against the white group, so ... ENDCOM W 2 R11 COM ... White plays on the right with 2, preventing Black from making a large-scale moyo. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 L4 COM Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ENDCOM W 2 R10 COM ... White will play 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O3 COM In the game, Black answered the approach move at 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 P5 COM ... with the diagonal move at 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W P16 R17 P3 Q3 R4 R6 D4 C10 SETUP B C16 E16 K17 R16 P4 O3 O4 C6 J3 MARK D@L3 C@C5 B@C8 A@C13 \t@C6 COM Problem 144. White to play. Black has played the marked stone, separating the white stones on the left. Black has strong positions above and below, so attacking this stone in not a good idea. Where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 C13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend to 1, strengthening her weakest stone. ENDCOM VAR W 1 C5 COM Failure. If White defends her corner with 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 D6 W 3 F3 COM ... and 3, the white stone on the side will come under attack ... ENDCOM B 4 C12 COM ... when Black extends from his corner enclosure with 4. ENDCOM W 5 E10 B 6 F6 COM After 6, Black has taken the lead. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 F3 COM Next, Black will approach with 2 and ... ENDCOM W 3 F4 COM ... White responds by attaching with 3. ENDCOM B 4 G4 W 5 E3 B 6 F5 W 7 E4 COM After White 7, all of White's stones are secure. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D14 D9 C7 C6 D3 D4 D5 E2 F3 K4 N4 SETUP B D18 F17 F15 B6 C5 C4 C3 C2 D2 Q5 Q3 R9 Q16 MARK B@F13 A@O17 C@B7 D@N7 COM Problem 145. White to play. Black has a lot of profit, while White has thickness in the center. However, Black is also threatening to build a moyo in the center. Where should White play in this position ? ENDCOM W 1 F13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Capping with 1 is the biggest move. ENDCOM VAR W 1 O17 COM Failure. Against White 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 M17 COM ... Black pincers with 2 and ... ENDCOM W 3 R17 COM ... White must invade with 3. ENDCOM B 4 Q17 W 5 R16 B 6 Q15 W 7 Q18 B 8 P18 W 9 R18 B 10 P17 W 11 R14 COM But, after 11, ... ENDCOM B 12 F13 MARK A@D12 COM ... Black jumps to 12, aiming at A, so White must defend. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 B7 COM Failure. White 1 here is big, but gote. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 N7 COM Failure. White 1 is another moyo focal point, but ... ENDCOM B 2 F13 COM ... Black 2 leaves White's moyo wide open. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 O16 COM If Black defends the upper right with 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 M9 COM ... White will stake out a vast moyo and wait for Black to try to invade. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 D14 H16 O3 K4 D4 D3 D5 E7 C8 SETUP B K16 K14 O17 Q16 Q4 Q6 B6 C6 C4 C3 Q10 MARK A@H14 B@E9 C@O5 D@Q2 COM Problem 146. White to play. This is another contest of moyos. Where is the crucial point for White to play in this position ? ENDCOM W 1 O5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is the biggest point. ENDCOM VAR W 1 H14 COM Failure. White 1 is too narrow. The bottom is bigger, ... ENDCOM B 2 M5 COM ... so Black will jump out to 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 E9 COM Failure. Only a defensive move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 Q2 COM Failure. White 1 here only seeks territory. ENDCOM B 2 M5 COM Black will ignore it and jump to 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 O7 COM If Black caps with 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 R12 COM ... White will switch to 3. She should have no trouble making a living group there. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C11 D9 D8 D6 D4 G4 J4 M4 SETUP B F3 F4 F5 F7 E9 E10 J6 Q3 Q16 MARK A@M6 D@J2 B@O4 C@Q5 COM Problem 147. Black to play. The white stones at the bottom are weak, so Black must find a good way to attack them. Note that Black gave White territory on the left in order to get a thick position in the center. ENDCOM B 1 M6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play a large-scale move by capping at 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 O4 COM Failure. Black 1 is very bad because ... ENDCOM W 2 M6 COM ... it drives White into the center, compromising Black's thickness there. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 D2 MARK A@G3 COM White 2 is a good move because it prepares for White A, which threatens to link up or help her group at the center bottom to make eyes. <= ENDCOM VAR W 2 O3 COM If White 2 here, ... ENDCOM B 3 Q5 COM ... Black 3 has a good feel to it. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W Q3 C16 D16 D17 D15 G17 H17 J17 F12 C12 D12 E11 E10 C10 SETUP B Q16 D4 J16 H16 K16 E15 F15 C15 C13 D13 D14 E13 E12 F11 G11 MARK A@L17 B@R10 C@R5 D@F3 COM Problem 148. White to play. Black has a thick position in the upper left, but in compensation White has made profit at the top. White has sente and would like to use it to get the most out of this position. Where should she play ? ENDCOM W 1 R5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White goes for territory by making a corner enclosure with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 L17 COM Failure. White 1 is a big move, ... ENDCOM B 2 Q5 COM ... but Black will approach at 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 R10 COM Failure. If White 1 here, ... ENDCOM B 2 Q5 COM ... Black will again play 2. White's stones will then be scattered and lack unity, so Black would now be able to utilise his thickness by attacking them. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 K17 COM If Black turns at 2, ... ENDCOM VAR B 2 Q10 COM If Black 2 here, ... ENDCOM W 3 L17 COM ... White will jump to 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 R17 COM ... White invades the corner with 2. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 R3 R4 R6 O3 N4 C3 D4 F4 SETUP B Q16 Q4 P3 O2 O4 O5 L4 B4 C6 C9 MARK A@K17 D@J3 B@R14 C@R9 COM Problem 149. White to play. The joseki played in the lower right corner has ended in sente for White. There seem to be a lot of big points for her to play, but which one is the biggest ? ENDCOM W 1 J3 MARK A@H3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is the biggest point. To convince you that it is really big, imaging the difference if Black were to play at A. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K17 COM Failure. Another big point, but it takes no actual profit. ENDCOM B 2 H3 MARK A@F2 COM Black plays 2. He is now threatening to slide at A, uprooting the white stones there. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 R9 MARK A@R8 COM Failure. White 1 here defends against Black A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 R14 COM Failure. If White 1 here, ... ENDCOM B 2 O16 COM ... Black will jump to 2, and another move on the side becomes necessary. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 O17 W 3 R9 COM <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E16 F16 F17 E14 E12 M16 Q4 D4 F4 SETUP B C16 D17 E17 C14 H16 O16 R16 C3 B4 C6 MARK A@K16 C@H14 B@J15 D@M14 \t@O16 COM Problem 150. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. How should White take control of the situation at the top ? ENDCOM W 1 J15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should play the shoulder hit of 1. Black will now find it hard to escape with his stone at the top. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 K16 COM Failure. If White plays 1 here, ... ENDCOM B 2 H18 MARK A@H14 COM ... Black jumps down to 2, threatening to link up to his stones on the left, then jumps to A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 H14 COM Failure. If White caps with 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 K16 COM ... Black can jump to 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 M14 COM Failure. White plays on a large scale when she jumps to 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 H13 COM ... but when Black jumps out into the center, White finds her stones at the top split apart. ENDCOM W 3 K4 COM White plays 3 to restore the territorial balance, but ... ENDCOM B 4 K16 COM ... Black secures his stones with 4 ... ENDCOM W 5 M18 B 6 K14 COM ... and 6. White has a lost game. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C13 C14 C15 D15 E16 F16 G16 D4 Q6 P13 Q11 SETUP B C17 C16 D16 E17 F17 B15 B14 O4 Q3 Q16 O16 R13 MARK A@D6 C@G3 B@O6 D@K3 COM Problem 151. White to play. White is satisfied with her thickness in the upper left. However, she would like to use this thickness to build a moyo. Where should she play ? ENDCOM W 1 O6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Since the right side is thin, White should first strengthen it by jumping to 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 D6 COM Failure. If White prematurely plays on the left with 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 O6 MARK A@Q9 COM ... Black will jump to 2, aiming at an invasion at A. ENDCOM W 3 R4 B 4 R3 W 5 Q8 B 6 J4 COM After extending to 6. Black's positions on both the right and left sides have been settled. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 M4 MARK A@M3 COM Black 2 at A is bad because it is too low. ENDCOM W 3 D7 COM Next, White 3 starts to build a moyo on the left side. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 R14 P16 O17 P17 Q17 R17 O15 O14 O13 SETUP B K4 Q4 Q10 Q13 R13 Q15 P15 Q16 R16 O16 N16 M15 COM Problem 152. White to play. Both White and Black have weak stones in the center. How should White continue ? ENDCOM W 1 M13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should force once with 1, ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 D10 COM Failure. White must defend her stones on the right. If she makes a sanren-sei on the left with 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 M13 COM ... Black will go on the offensive with the sequence from 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 O11 B 4 M11 W 5 O9 B 6 M9 W 7 O7 B 8 Q7 COM ... to 8. Black has secured territory on the right, made influence in the center, and White's stones are in big trouble. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 K15 VAR B 2 N17 COM Black could also play 2 here, but White's stones in the corner are safe, so she could just ignore it. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 N10 COM ... then jump to 3, reducing the potential of Black's moyo at the bottom. White's stones are now in no danger. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C4 M3 R5 SETUP B E3 Q3 Q5 Q8 Q16 COM Problem 153. White to play. Black has just attached against the white stone on the lower right side. How should White respond ? ENDCOM W 1 J3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend to 1. This move is both an extension and a pincer. ENDCOM VAR W 1 R4 COM Failure. It is not a good idea for White to try to live in the corner. ENDCOM B 2 Q4 W 3 R3 B 4 R6 W 5 S6 B 6 S7 W 7 R7 B 8 Q6 COM Black builds a thick wall with the sequence to 8 and, ... ENDCOM W 9 S8 COM ... after White 9, ... ENDCOM B 10 J3 COM ... Black pincers with 10, making a moyo at the bottom. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 R4 COM If Black secures the corner with 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 D3 COM ... White goes on the attack with 3 ... ENDCOM B 4 E4 W 5 D6 COM ... and 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 Q3 N3 Q8 P12 R17 Q16 R18 P17 P15 O15 SETUP B C4 E3 O5 R5 O16 O13 P14 Q14 R15 R16 S17 COM Problem 154. Black to play. A sharp encounter has taken place in the upper right. Black's stones are out in the center and he would like to play a big extension on the left. Should Black so this immediately or should he make another move on the right ? ENDCOM B 1 R12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the most urgent point. This move makes Black's stones in the upper right absolutely safe and it also takes away space for White to make her own stones safe. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R3 COM Failure. If Black makes a base for his stones in the lower right with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 R2 COM ... White will exchange 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 S3 COM ... for 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 R12 COM ... then secure her stones on the right side with 4. The black stones above are still insecure and the game now favours White. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O8 COM If White jumps to 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 R11 COM If White 2 here, ... ENDCOM B 3 S11 COM ... Black will play 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 P4 COM ... Black forces with 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 P3 B 5 M5 COM ... then jumps to 5. White is still under attack. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 F4 K4 O3 O17 L17 SETUP B C10 C6 Q3 R5 Q11 Q16 P15 COM Problem 155. Black to play. Kobayashi Koichi used to play the black formation on the right. Where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 P5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should jump to 1, aiming to attack White at the bottom. White must defend. ENDCOM VAR B 1 C13 COM Failure. Black 1 seems like a good point, but ... ENDCOM W 2 P5 MARK A@R6 COM ... White will press at 2, wiping out Black's moyo. Next, White A would be a severe move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O5 COM If she attaches at 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 O6 COM ... Black makes a moyo on the right with 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 N5 B 5 P6 COM ... and 5. <= ENDCOM VAR B 5 N6 COM Black 5 here is also a strong move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 F17 C5 C4 D3 F3 O17 O18 Q17 R17 S17 SETUP B C14 D10 C6 D5 D6 Q4 Q10 Q16 R16 P16 O16 M17 COM Problem 156. White to play. Black has made a moyo on the right with his sanren-sei formation, but there is still a weak point in his position. Where should White play next ? ENDCOM W 1 N16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Cutting through the black position with 1 ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 O3 COM Failure. If White approaches with 1 at the bottom, ... ENDCOM B 2 Q6 COM ... Black simply answers with 2. ENDCOM W 3 L4 COM White completes the sequence with 3, ... ENDCOM B 4 M15 MARK A@N16 COM ... letting Black defend against the threat of White A with 4. Black is satisfied with this result. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 N17 W 3 N15 COM ... and 3 is the standard follow-up to this joseki. ENDCOM B 4 K16 W 5 N13 B 6 Q13 W 7 K14 MARK \t@F17 COM It is particularly effective here because White has the marked stone in place, making White 7 a severe move. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D10 D4 Q17 P17 O16 K16 SETUP B K10 K4 Q4 Q10 Q16 Q14 R17 R18 COM Problem 157. White to play. When Black occupies the central star point, he has staked out a huge moyo in the lower right. How should White counter it ? ENDCOM W 1 O14 MARK A@M16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should jump to 1. This move defends against White's weak point of A, ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 G4 COM Failure. It is premature to play White 1 without any preparation. ENDCOM B 2 O14 COM Black will jump to 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 M16 COM ... forcing White to defend with 3. ENDCOM B 4 O4 COM Now Black solidifies his moyo with 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q12 COM ... forces Black to answer at 2, and expands White's moyo at the top. ENDCOM W 3 G4 COM White can now extend to 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C14 C11 C4 D3 G3 Q5 Q6 R6 R10 P17 Q14 SETUP B C9 C6 E6 O3 Q3 R4 R5 R16 R13 R14 F17 J16 M17 COM Problem 158. White to play. White's two stones in the upper right are floating without a base. How should White strengthen them ? ENDCOM W 1 R17 MARK \t@R14 \t@Q14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Since White exchanged the marked stones before attaching at 1, ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 D18 MARK A@K3 COM Failure. Territorially, White 1 and White A are big moves, but ... ENDCOM B 2 R17 MARK 1@D18 COM ... Black will descend at 2 and the two white stones are left floating in the center without a base. Before any other move, White 1 at 2 is absolutely essential. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 S17 COM ... Black is now forced to follow the joseki with 2 ... ENDCOM W 3 Q16 B 4 R15 COM ... and 4. ENDCOM W 5 R18 COM After descending to 5, White has made a base for her stones. All her groups are now safe. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C14 D16 K17 S12 S11 R11 R10 S9 T9 T8 S7 Q7 O6 R6 Q5 S5 T4 J3 D4 F4 C3 SETUP B P17 R16 R13 S13 R12 S10 R9 R8 S8 Q11 Q10 P8 R5 R4 S4 S2 Q3 O3 B4 C6 C9 COM Problem 159. Black to play. The fuseki has ended and the middle game has begun. Black has made a thick wall on the right. What is the best way for him to utilise this wall ? ENDCOM B 1 H17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Invading at 1 is the best way for Black to use his thickness. ENDCOM VAR B 1 M17 COM Failure. Thickness should be used to attack. If Black tries to make territory with 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 K15 B 3 M15 COM ... and 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 E17 MARK 2@K15 COM ... White takes the lead with 2 and 4. The black stones on the right are now overconcentrated, while White's stones are taking territory efficiently. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 K15 COM If White 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 H15 W 4 K13 COM ... and 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 H13 MARK 3@H15 COM ... Black keeps up the pressure with 3 and 5. ENDCOM W 6 N17 COM White makes a base for her stones with 6, but ... ENDCOM B 7 D18 COM ... Black slides to 7 and White is behind in territory. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 K3 R5 R10 R13 P17 N17 SETUP B C10 D4 P4 Q3 R16 Q15 L17 H17 COM Problem 160. White to play. It is White's turn and if she plays the right move she can seize the initiative. Where should she play ? ENDCOM W 1 R18 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is the vital point. With this move, White makes a base for her stones at the top right and deprives Black a base for his. ENDCOM VAR W 1 F17 COM Failure. White 1 puts pressure on the two black stones at the top, but ... ENDCOM B 2 Q17 COM ... Black turns the tables on White by attaching with 2. Black has taken nearly 10 points of territory and the two white stones at the top are under attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 P14 COM Therefore, Black must run into the center with 2. ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C15 D16 D14 E14 C13 C6 D4 S2 S1 R3 R4 R6 S6 P10 Q10 R10 K17 N17 R13 P13 SETUP B C17 D17 F17 C14 D13 F3 K4 R2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 R7 R8 P8 Q11 Q16 R15 O16 COM Problem 161. Black to play. Black has made a moyo in the bottom that may need some tending to, but his three stones in the upper right corner are under siege. What should Black do ? ENDCOM B 1 F5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black must complete his moyo at the bottom by jumping to 1. The black stones at the top are not in great danger. ENDCOM VAR B 1 O17 COM Failure. If Black defends the upper right corner with 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 O18 B 3 P18 COM ...and 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 H3 COM ... White will invade with 4 and ... ENDCOM B 5 H4 W 6 J3 B 7 J4 W 8 K3 B 9 L3 W 10 G3 B 11 G4 W 12 E3 COM ... wipe out most of Black's moyo with the sequence to 12. This is a big loss for Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 P18 COM The best White can do is to play 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 Q18 W 4 P17 COM ... and 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 Q17 MARK 3@Q18 COM ... but Black secures a large corner with 3 and 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C14 D4 S3 R5 Q6 SETUP B L3 O4 Q3 Q8 Q11 R16 P16 COM Problem 162. White to play. Where should White play in this position ? ENDCOM W 1 K17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend to 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 N17 COM Failure. White 1 is an overplay. ENDCOM B 2 K17 COM Black is strong on the right, so he can pincer at 2 and ... ENDCOM W 3 N15 B 4 G17 MARK 3@N15 COM ... extend to 4 after 3. Black has stabilised his stones at the top, but White's are now floating in the center. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 M17 COM If Black plays the checking extension of 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 K15 COM ... White will exchange 3 ... ENDCOM B 4 M15 COM ... for 4, ... ENDCOM W 5 D9 COM ... then make a double-wing formation in the upper left. White's moyo is bigger in scale than Black's. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 E16 P3 R4 O17 L17 Q18 SETUP B C15 C11 C5 D3 R10 Q16 R17 Q14 COM Problem 163. White to play. The only moves left are extensions on the side. Where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 J3 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend all the way to 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 J4 COM Failure. White must not make a high extension to 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 G3 COM ... because Black 2 threatens an invasion on the lower side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 R8 COM Failure. The checking extension on the ride side with 1 is not necessarily bad, but ... ENDCOM B 2 K3 MARK 1@R8 COM ... Black will extend to 2 and make an ideal double-wing formation from his corner enclosure in the lower left. For that reason, White 1 must be criticised. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 R7 COM If Black 2, ... ENDCOM VAR B 2 G3 COM If Black 2 here, ... ENDCOM W 3 R8 COM ... White takes the last big extension at 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 F3 COM ... White can make a checking extension with 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 C16 D15 F16 G16 J15 C11 Q3 R5 Q8 R11 J4 H4 J6 G7 SETUP B C18 D17 E18 F17 H17 D3 C6 J3 K3 K4 K5 N3 R13 R16 P17 COM Problem 164. Black to play. The game is on the border of the fuseki and the middle game. Now is Blacks chance to seize the initiative. If he plays the right move, victory will be within his grasp. ENDCOM B 1 D10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The shoulder hit of Black 1 is the perfect point. It prevents the four stones at the bottom from joining up with their allies in the upper left to make a huge moyo in the center. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 K16 COM Failure. Locally, Black 1 at the top is a good move. ENDCOM W 2 K15 COM However, White will push with 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 L16 W 4 L15 COM ... and 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 M16 W 6 D8 COM ... then play 6, making a deep moyo in the center. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 C9 COM Failure. Although in the right direction, Black 1 is too low. ENDCOM W 2 D9 COM White will attach with 2. ENDCOM B 3 D8 W 4 E9 B 5 C10 W 6 D11 COM After White 6, White has again made a large-scale moyo in the center. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 C16 D15 C13 C11 Q4 R16 SETUP B C18 D17 E18 F16 E14 D4 P16 COM Problem 165. Black to play. Taking into account Black's influence in the upper left, what is Black's strongest move ? ENDCOM B 1 Q14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play 1, making outside influence and restricting White to the corner. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K4 COM Failure. Extending to Black 1 at the bottom is not good. ENDCOM W 2 Q14 MARK \t@C13 \t@E14 COM White will play 2 and stake out a claim on the right side. White 2 also inhibits the development of a black moyo at the top, so now the exchange of the marked black and white stones in not good for Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R17 COM Failure. ENDCOM W 2 S17 B 3 Q17 W 4 S15 COM The sequence to White 4 is a joseki, ... ENDCOM B 5 M16 MARK \t@C13 \t@E14 COM ... but the extension of Black 5 is unsatisfactory because it doesn't make an efficient moyo with respect to the marked black stone on the left. ENDCOM VAR B 5 P14 COM Black 5 here certainly makes a moyo on a grand scale, but Black's position at the top is too thin to support it, so White will have an easy time invading it. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 6 K4 COM <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 P17 VAR W 2 R14 COM Variation. White could also attach on the right with 1. ENDCOM B 3 R13 W 4 Q13 B 5 R15 W 6 S14 B 7 P14 W 8 S15 VAR W 8 R12 COM If White 7 here, ... ENDCOM B 9 S15 COM ... Black takes profit in the corner ... ENDCOM W 10 S13 B 11 Q16 COM ... with the sequence to 11. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 9 Q12 COM The sequence to Black 9 is a joseki. Since the ladder favours Black, he is happy with this result. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 O17 W 4 Q17 MARK 2@P17 COM Against White 2 and 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 O16 MARK 3@O17 COM ... Black maps out a moyo at the top with 3 and 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C18 D17 E18 G16 C5 F5 Q4 SETUP B C17 C16 D15 C9 D3 G3 R16 COM Problem 166. Black to play. Black should be happy about his result on the left side. Can he now switch to the right side, or is there anything else still remaining to be done on the left ? ENDCOM B 1 D12 MARK \t@G3 \t@F5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Defending with Black 1 is the best move. This makes the exchange of the marked stones bad for White. White's two stones on the lower left are now caught between two strong black positions. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 P17 COM Failure. Making a corner enclosure with Black 1 in not good. Black's position on the left is too thin. ENDCOM W 2 C12 COM White will invade with 2 and ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 D12 MARK A@B12 COM Too high. White 2 on the fourth line is too high. If Black's stones get into trouble, he can always link up at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 F15 VAR B 3 E12 MARK 2@C12 COM The cap. Black might try to counter White's invasion at 2 by capping with 3, but ... ENDCOM W 4 D11 B 5 E9 W 6 E11 COM ... White simply moves out into the center. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 4 E12 B 5 E9 W 6 G12 COM ... Black is left with two weak groups to defend after White 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D4 E3 E2 F4 F5 F6 F8 F10 K3 M4 P4 SETUP B C3 C4 C6 H9 H7 G5 G4 G3 F3 K5 R4 R6 R17 COM Problem 167. White to play. In the lower left corner, Black and White both advanced into the center. However, White ended in sente. How should she play now so as take control of the game ? ENDCOM W 1 C8 MARK B@C9 A@B5 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White 1 is a strong move that takes control of the left side and threatens the black stones with a peep at A. An extension to Black B would be a very big move. ENDCOM VAR W 1 H11 COM Failure. With respect to the black stones in the center, White 1 is certainly a big point, but Black will ignore it ... ENDCOM B 2 C9 COM ... and extend to 2. There is a big difference between this diagram and the Correct Answer. Here, Black has expended his territory on the left, leaving the white stones thin. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 C7 COM Black has to defend with 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 D8 MARK A@B8 COM ... forcing White to strengthen her stones with 3. Instead of 3, White could also descend to A. <= ENDCOM VAR W 3 B8 MARK @@D8 COM Black's bad aji. Descending with White 3 (suppose a White stone at @) is sente against the black stones in the corner. If Black ignores this move, ... ENDCOM B 4 K10 COM (Black 4 is played to get 'White to move'.) ENDCOM W 5 B2 COM ... White will play 5 ... ENDCOM B 6 C2 W 7 B5 COM ... and 7, and Black's stones are dead. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C17 D17 E17 G17 H17 J17 P17 P10 P8 Q6 Q5 Q4 P3 O4 E3 J4 C11 E11 G11 SETUP B C15 F15 E16 H16 J16 K16 M16 P16 Q17 R16 Q3 R3 R4 R5 R7 R8 C4 D5 C9 E9 COM Problem 168. White to play. This is another after-the-fuseki problem. Where is the vital point for White to play ? ENDCOM W 1 H9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The knight's move of White 1 is the vital point. With this move, White builds a moyo in the center and Black is now unable to use his thick wall above to attack White. ENDCOM VAR W 1 G9 MARK @@H9 COM Failure. There is a big difference between White 1 and the knight's move at @ in the Correct Answer. ENDCOM B 2 F10 MARK \t@C9 COM The double peep of Black 2, anchored by his marked stone, is now a strong move. ENDCOM W 3 E14 B 4 D16 W 5 H12 MARK 3@E14 COM After White 3 and 5, ... ENDCOM B 6 G10 COM ... Black can cut through with Black 6 ... ENDCOM W 7 H10 B 8 H9 COM ... and Black 8. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 F9 COM Failure. Attaching with 1 only helps Black ... ENDCOM B 2 F8 W 3 G9 B 4 G8 W 5 H9 B 6 H8 COM ... to march into White's potential moyo with the sequence to 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 F5 COM Failure. Although White 1 is often a good move, in this case it is too small in scale. ENDCOM B 2 G9 W 3 J11 B 4 J9 W 5 L11 B 6 L9 COM Black advances into White's sphere of influence with the sequence to 6 while using his thickness to maintain the pressure on White. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 F10 COM If Black peeps at 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 E14 COM ... White defends by forcing with 3, ... ENDCOM B 4 D16 W 5 H12 COM ... then playing the diagonal move of 5. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E16 F17 G16 L17 D4 M4 N3 N5 Q6 R9 Q4 R4 R5 S4 S3 SETUP B C16 E17 D17 C14 F3 K3 Q5 P5 P4 P3 R3 R2 S2 P17 R16 COM Problem 169. Black to play. In this position it is urgent for Black to settle his stones in the lower right. Where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 O2 MARK B@T2 A@M2 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should defend his stones with 1. Black doesn't have to worry about their safety anymore because he can either link up his stones on the left with A or make two eyes with B. ENDCOM VAR B 1 P6 COM Failure. It might seem more natural for Black to prevent the blockade and advance into the center with 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 Q7 B 3 P7 COM ... and 3, but ... ENDCOM W 4 Q3 COM ... White could force with 4 ... ENDCOM B 5 Q2 W 6 O2 COM ... and 6. ENDCOM B 7 P2 W 8 N7 COM Black's group doesn't have two eyes and White goes on the attack with 8. ENDCOM B 9 P8 COM If Black 9 next, ... ENDCOM W 10 Q10 COM ... White will play at 10. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 P6 COM If White blocks with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 C6 MARK A@O6 COM ... Black is happy just to play the approach move of 3. Black is threatening to hane at A, so White cannot avoid a disadvantageous fight. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D14 D10 D4 K4 R14 Q9 P9 O9 O10 R8 SETUP B Q3 F17 K16 Q16 S15 R12 R10 R9 P10 P11 N12 COM Problem 170. Black to play. Black's moyo in the upper right has almost turned into sure territory. However, his stone in the lower right corner seems to have gotten left behind in the battle above. Black must not forsake this stone, but what is the best way to strengthen it ? ENDCOM B 1 N4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Because White is thick above, Black should extend tightly with the large knight's move of 1. Black's stones at the bottom are now safe. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 M4 COM Dubious. Extending all the way to 1 leaves Black a bit thin. ENDCOM W 2 K6 MARK A@O4 COM White will jump to 2, and Black will be troubled by the possibility of a white invasion at A. ENDCOM B 3 M6 COM If Black jumps to strengthen his stones, ... ENDCOM W 4 L8 COM ... White will play 4, building up a moyo in the center. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 R5 COM Failure. Making a corner enclosure with 1 is overly defensive. ENDCOM W 2 N4 MARK 1@R5 COM White now takes the strategic point of 2. Compare this diagram with the Correct Answer and you will understand why Black 1 is not an efficient move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C15 C6 C4 D3 E3 SETUP B E4 F3 F4 K4 Q4 Q16 COM Problem 171. Black to play. White has made a corner enclosure in the upper left corner. Where should Black now play ? ENDCOM B 1 Q10 MARK \t@K4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should make a sanren-sei on the right side with 1. With the marked stone at the bottom, this moyo is like an eagle, spreading its great wings in flight. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 R10 COM Failure. Black 1 here is too low, as it would be open to a capping move. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 K17 COM Passive. Black plays 1 in order to neutralise the influence of White's corner enclosure in the upper left corner, but this move is dubious. ENDCOM W 2 R10 COM White will play 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 R7 W 4 R13 COM ... and 4 to stake out a position on the right side. Of course, we can't say that Black's position is bad, but it is going to be a long, hard game for him. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O17 COM Next, White will approach with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 Q14 W 4 Q18 B 5 R17 W 6 L17 COM ... the continuation to White 1 is one possibility. ENDCOM B 7 Q6 COM At this point, Black will strengthen his position in the lower right with 7. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E17 R16 R15 R4 R6 Q3 P3 B4 C6 C9 SETUP B C16 P17 Q15 Q14 O3 O4 P4 K3 D4 F4 C3 MARK 1@Q15 2@R15 3@Q14 COM Problem 172. White to move. After Black 1 and 3, what are White's next two moves ? ENDCOM W 1 R14 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should crawl once with 1, ... ENDCOM VAR W 1 R13 COM Failure. Jumping to White 1 is not good. ENDCOM B 2 R14 W 3 S14 B 4 S13 W 5 S12 B 6 Q13 W 7 R12 B 8 S15 W 9 T13 B 10 R17 COM Black will strengthen his position with the forcing moves to 10, ... ENDCOM W 11 S16 B 12 J17 COM ... then pincer with 12. ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q13 VAR B 2 J17 MARK 1@R14 COM Failure for Black. If Black ignores White 1 and pincers with 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 Q13 COM ... White will hane with 3. ENDCOM B 4 P13 COM If Black also hanes at 4, ... ENDCOM W 5 P12 MARK 2@J17 \t@Q14 \t@Q15 COM ... White will play a two-step hane at 5 and the right side will have become big. In any case, the two marked black stones have become bad moves because they have given White profit. If Black wants to pincer with 2, he should do so without playing the marked stones. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 K17 COM ... then extend to 3 to neutralise Black's thick wall on the right. ENDCOM B 4 R13 MARK \t@R6 COM Black 4 is a thick move, but, in this case, White doesn't mind because her marked stone neutralises this thickness. ENDCOM W 5 R18 COM White next jumps to 5 in order to live in the corner. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C4 E3 O17 O16 O15 B17 C15 D14 SETUP B Q4 P16 P17 R16 Q14 D12 D17 F16 COM Problem 173. Black to play. Black has to make an important defensive move. Where is it ? ENDCOM B 1 J17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White's three stones to the right are thick, so Black should extend tightly to 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 K3 COM Failure. If Black doesn't defend the top, but plays 1 instead, ... ENDCOM W 2 H17 COM ... White will seize the initiative by attacking with 2. ENDCOM B 3 G15 COM When Black runs away with 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 J15 COM ... White makes territory at the top with 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 L17 COM If White answers with 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 O3 MARK 1@J17 COM Continuation. After Black 1, White will probably switch to the lower right and ... ENDCOM B 3 Q6 W 4 Q2 B 5 R3 W 6 L3 COM ... play the joseki to 6. ENDCOM B 7 D9 COM After exchanging 7 ... ENDCOM W 8 C7 COM ... for 8, ... ENDCOM B 9 O13 COM ... Black will attack the three white stones by capping with 9. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 K3 COM ... Black will take the big point at 3. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W B16 C16 D17 E16 R14 R10 R4 P3 C12 C11 D11 SETUP B G17 K17 O16 Q16 K3 D4 C15 D15 C13 D12 E12 COM Problem 174. Black to play. In this position, the first thing you should focus on is the group of three white stones on the left side. How should Black attack them ? ENDCOM B 1 C7 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the ideal point to attack the white stones. ENDCOM VAR B 1 C6 COM Failure. Black 1 leaves room ... ENDCOM W 2 C8 COM ... for a white extension to 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 C8 COM Failure. Black 1 would be too close to White's thick position above. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 E11 COM Failure. Black 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 E10 B 3 F10 COM ... and 3 are in the wrong direction. ENDCOM W 4 E9 B 5 C7 COM Black must now extend to 5, but ... ENDCOM W 6 B8 COM ... White settles her stones with 6. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 N3 COM Failure. Black has to attack the white stones on the left. If he extends to 1 at the bottom right, ... ENDCOM W 2 C6 COM ... White will approach to 2 and ... ENDCOM B 3 F4 W 4 B4 B 5 C3 W 6 E11 B 7 F12 W 8 G10 COM ... her stones on the left side will be settled. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 E11 MARK 1@C7 COM In response to Black 1, White must run away with 2 ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 B13 COM Variation. If White plays 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 B15 W 4 D13 B 5 E13 W 6 C14 B 7 D14 MARK B@E18 A@F15 COM ... the sequence to Black 7 would follow. After this, confining White with Black A or sliding to Black B would be a severe attack on the white stones. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 F12 W 4 G10 COM ... and 4. ENDCOM B 5 H11 COM While Black is chasing White, he is going to be building a moyo at the top and strengthening his stones in the lower left. <= ENDCOM EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C17 F16 R14 R11 Q5 R6 Q7 C3 D5 SETUP B H17 P17 R16 R5 R4 Q3 O3 C14 B16 C11 COM Problem 175. Black to play. There are a lot of points that Black might play, but he should focus on strengthening his position at the top. Where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 P15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the best point in this position, since it prevents White from expanding his own position on the right. ENDCOM VAR B 1 L16 COM Failure. Black 1 is a rather dull move. ENDCOM W 2 P15 COM White expands her moyo on the right while flattening Black with 2. ENDCOM B 3 O16 W 4 H16 COM She then defends her stones on the left with 4 ... ENDCOM B 5 J16 W 6 G17 MARK 1@L16 COM ... and 6. Black 1 thinks only of defending his territory at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 H15 COM Failure. Black 1 also misses the point. ENDCOM W 2 D14 COM White first forces with 2 to make sure that her stones on the left can escape, ... ENDCOM B 3 C13 W 4 P15 COM ... then plays the vital point of 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 J3 COM Failure. The top is most important in this position. If Black plays at the bottom with 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 P15 B 3 O16 W 4 O15 B 5 N15 W 6 N14 B 7 N16 W 8 M14 B 9 L16 W 10 N6 COM ... White will expand her moyo on the right side with the sequence to 10. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 L16 COM Next, if White invades at 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 H15 MARK C@Q12 B@R13 A@Q13 1@P15 COM Continuation. One of the aims of Black 1 is to build influence with the sequence Black A - White B - Black C, so it is not a good idea for White to invade at the top. Therefore, she might exchange 2 ... ENDCOM B 3 K16 COM ... for 3, ... ENDCOM W 4 C9 COM ... then extend to 4. ENDCOM B 5 H4 COM Black would then take the last extension at 5. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 H15 MARK 2@L16 COM ... Black will jump to 3 and the white stones on the left, as well as the one at 2, will come under attack. <= ENDCOM