(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cc][fd][qf][qi][po][qn][pm][cq][do] AB[hc][oc][qd][qo][qp][pq][nq][cf][bd][ci] C[Problem 175. Black to play. There are a lot of points that Black might play, but he should focus on strengthening his position at the top. Where should he play ? ] (;B[oe] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the best point in this position, since it prevents White from expanding his own position on the right. ] (;W[kd] C[Next, if White invades at 2, ... ] ;B[he] LB[kd:2] C[... Black will jump to 3 and the white stones on the left, as well as the one at 2, will come under attack. <= ] ) (;W[he] LB[ph:C][qg:B][pg:A][oe:1] C[Continuation. One of the aims of Black 1 is to build influence with the sequence Black A - White B - Black C, so it is not a good idea for White to invade at the top. Therefore, she might exchange 2 ... ] ;B[jd] C[... for 3, ... ] ;W[ck] C[... then extend to 4. ] ;B[hp] C[Black would then take the last extension at 5. <= ] )) (;B[kd] C[Failure. Black 1 is a rather dull move. ] ;W[oe] C[White expands her moyo on the right while flattening Black with 2. ] ;B[nd];W[hd] C[She then defends her stones on the left with 4 ... ] ;B[id];W[gc] LB[kd:1] C[... and 6. Black 1 thinks only of defending his territory at the top. <= ] ) (;B[he] C[Failure. Black 1 also misses the point. ] ;W[df] C[White first forces with 2 to make sure that her stones on the left can escape, ... ] ;B[cg];W[oe] C[... then plays the vital point of 4. <= ] ) (;B[iq] C[Failure. The top is most important in this position. If Black plays at the bottom with 1, ... ] ;W[oe];B[nd];W[ne];B[me];W[mf];B[md];W[lf];B[kd];W[mn] C[... White will expand her moyo on the right side with the sequence to 10. <= ] ) )