(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cp][eq][nc][nd][ne][bc][ce][df] AB[pp][od][oc][qd][pf][dh][dc][fd] C[Problem 173. Black to play. Black has to make an important defensive move. Where is it ? ] (;B[ic] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White's three stones to the right are thick, so Black should extend tightly to 1. ] (;W[kc] C[If White answers with 2, ... ] ;B[jq] C[... Black will take the big point at 3. <= ] ) (;W[nq] LB[ic:1] C[Continuation. After Black 1, White will probably switch to the lower right and ... ] ;B[pn];W[pr];B[qq];W[kq] C[... play the joseki to 6. ] ;B[dk] C[After exchanging 7 ... ] ;W[cm] C[... for 8, ... ] ;B[ng] C[... Black will attack the three white stones by capping with 9. <= ] )) (;B[jq] C[Failure. If Black doesn't defend the top, but plays 1 instead, ... ] ;W[hc] C[... White will seize the initiative by attacking with 2. ] ;B[ge] C[When Black runs away with 3, ... ] ;W[ie] C[... White makes territory at the top with 4. <= ] ) )