(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][ce][cn][cp][dq][eq] AB[ep][fq][fp][jp][pp][pd] C[Problem 171. Black to play. White has made a corner enclosure in the upper left corner. Where should Black now play ? ] (;B[pj] TR[jp] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should make a sanren-sei on the right side with 1. With the marked stone at the bottom, this moyo is like an eagle, spreading its great wings in flight. <= ] ;W[nc] C[Next, White will approach with 2, ... ] ;B[pf];W[pb];B[qc];W[kc] C[... the continuation to White 1 is one possibility. ] ;B[pn] C[At this point, Black will strengthen his position in the lower right with 7. <= ] ) (;B[qj] C[Failure. Black 1 here is too low, as it would be open to a capping move. <= ] ) (;B[jc] C[Passive. Black plays 1 in order to neutralise the influence of White's corner enclosure in the upper left corner, but this move is dubious. ] ;W[qj] C[White will play 2 ... ] ;B[qm];W[qg] C[... and 4 to stake out a position on the right side. Of course, we can't say that Black's position is bad, but it is going to be a long, hard game for him. <= ] ) )