(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][dc][ec][gc][hc][ic][oc][oj][ol][pn][po][pp][oq][np][eq][ip][ci][ei][gi] AB[ce][fe][ed][hd][id][jd][ld][od][pc][qd][pq][qq][qp][qo][qm][ql][cp][do][ck][ek] C[Problem 168. White to play. This is another after-the-fuseki problem. Where is the vital point for White to play ? ] (;W[hk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The knight's move of White 1 is the vital point. With this move, White builds a moyo in the center and Black is now unable to use his thick wall above to attack White. ] ;B[fj] C[If Black peeps at 2, ... ] ;W[ef] C[... White defends by forcing with 3, ... ] ;B[dd];W[hh] C[... then playing the diagonal move of 5. <= ] ) (;W[gk] LB[hk:@] C[Failure. There is a big difference between White 1 and the knight's move at @ in the Correct Answer. ] ;B[fj] TR[ck] C[The double peep of Black 2, anchored by his marked stone, is now a strong move. ] ;W[ef];B[dd];W[hh] LB[ef:3] C[After White 3 and 5, ... ] ;B[gj] C[... Black can cut through with Black 6 ... ] ;W[hj];B[hk] C[... and Black 8. <= ] ) (;W[fk] C[Failure. Attaching with 1 only helps Black ... ] ;B[fl];W[gk];B[gl];W[hk];B[hl] C[... to march into White's potential moyo with the sequence to 6. <= ] ) (;W[fo] C[Failure. Although White 1 is often a good move, in this case it is too small in scale. ] ;B[gk];W[ii];B[ik];W[ki];B[kk] C[Black advances into White's sphere of influence with the sequence to 6 while using his thickness to maintain the pressure on White. <= ] ) )