(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][cd][de][cg][ci][pp][qd] AB[cb][dc][eb][fd][ef][dp][od] C[Problem 165. Black to play. Taking into account Black's influence in the upper left, what is Black's strongest move ? ] (;B[pf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should play 1, making outside influence and restricting White to the corner. ] (;W[oc];B[nc];W[pc] LB[oc:2] C[Against White 2 and 4, ... ] ;B[nd] LB[nc:3] C[... Black maps out a moyo at the top with 3 and 5. <= ] ) (;W[qf] C[Variation. White could also attach on the right with 1. ] ;B[qg];W[pg];B[qe];W[rf];B[of] (;W[re];B[ph] C[The sequence to Black 9 is a joseki. Since the ladder favours Black, he is happy with this result. <= ] ) (;W[qh] C[If White 7 here, ... ] ;B[re] C[... Black takes profit in the corner ... ] ;W[rg];B[pd] C[... with the sequence to 11. <= ] ))) (;B[jp] C[Failure. Extending to Black 1 at the bottom is not good. ] ;W[pf] TR[cg][ef] C[White will play 2 and stake out a claim on the right side. White 2 also inhibits the development of a black moyo at the top, so now the exchange of the marked black and white stones in not good for Black. <= ] ) (;B[qc] C[Failure. ] ;W[rc];B[pc];W[re] C[The sequence to White 4 is a joseki, ... ] (;B[ld] TR[cg][ef] C[... but the extension of Black 5 is unsatisfactory because it doesn't make an efficient moyo with respect to the marked black stone on the left. ] ;W[jp] C[<= ] ) (;B[of] C[Black 5 here certainly makes a moyo on a grand scale, but Black's position at the top is too thin to support it, so White will have an easy time invading it. <= ] )) )