(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][ed][oq][qp][nc][kc][pb] AB[ce][ci][co][dq][qj][pd][qc][pf] C[Problem 163. White to play. The only moves left are extensions on the side. Where should White play ? ] (;W[iq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should extend all the way to 1. ] (;B[qm] C[If Black 2, ... ] ;W[fq] C[... White can make a checking extension with 3. <= ] ) (;B[gq] C[If Black 2 here, ... ] ;W[ql] C[... White takes the last big extension at 3. <= ] )) (;W[ip] C[Failure. White must not make a high extension to 1, ... ] ;B[gq] C[... because Black 2 threatens an invasion on the lower side. <= ] ) (;W[ql] C[Failure. The checking extension on the ride side with 1 is not necessarily bad, but ... ] ;B[jq] LB[ql:1] C[... Black will extend to 2 and make an ideal double-wing formation from his corner enclosure in the lower left. For that reason, White 1 must be criticised. <= ] ) )