(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][cf][dp][rq][qo][pn] AB[kq][np][pq][pl][pi][qd][od] C[Problem 162. White to play. Where should White play in this position ? ] (;W[jc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should extend to 1. ] ;B[lc] C[If Black plays the checking extension of 2, ... ] ;W[je] C[... White will exchange 3 ... ] ;B[le] C[... for 4, ... ] ;W[dk] C[... then make a double-wing formation in the upper left. White's moyo is bigger in scale than Black's. <= ] ) (;W[mc] C[Failure. White 1 is an overplay. ] ;B[jc] C[Black is strong on the right, so he can pincer at 2 and ... ] ;W[me];B[gc] LB[me:3] C[... extend to 4 after 3. Black has stabilised his stones at the top, but White's are now floating in the center. <= ] ) )