(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ce][dd][df][ef][cg][cn][dp][rr][rs][qq][qp][qn][rn][oj][pj][qj][jc][mc][qg][og] AB[cc][dc][fc][cf][dg][fq][jp][qr][pr][pq][pp][po][pn][qm][ql][ol][pi][pd][qe][nd] C[Problem 161. Black to play. Black has made a moyo in the bottom that may need some tending to, but his three stones in the upper right corner are under siege. What should Black do ? ] (;B[fo] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black must complete his moyo at the bottom by jumping to 1. The black stones at the top are not in great danger. ] ;W[ob] C[The best White can do is to play 2 ... ] ;B[pb];W[oc] C[... and 4, ... ] ;B[pc] LB[pb:3] C[... but Black secures a large corner with 3 and 5. <= ] ) (;B[nc] C[Failure. If Black defends the upper right corner with 1 ... ] ;W[nb];B[ob] C[...and 3, ... ] ;W[hq] C[... White will invade with 4 and ... ] ;B[hp];W[iq];B[ip];W[jq];B[kq];W[gq];B[gp];W[eq] C[... wipe out most of Black's moyo with the sequence to 12. This is a big loss for Black. <= ] ) )