(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][jq][qo][qj][qg][oc][mc] AB[cj][dp][op][pq][qd][pe][kc][hc] C[Problem 160. White to play. It is White's turn and if she plays the right move she can seize the initiative. Where should she play ? ] (;W[qb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the vital point. With this move, White makes a base for her stones at the top right and deprives Black a base for his. ] ;B[of] C[Therefore, Black must run into the center with 2. ] ) (;W[fc] C[Failure. White 1 puts pressure on the two black stones at the top, but ... ] ;B[pc] C[... Black turns the tables on White by attaching with 2. Black has taken nearly 10 points of territory and the two white stones at the top are under attack. <= ] ) )