(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][dd][jc][rh][ri][qi][qj][rk][sk][sl][rm][pm][nn][qn][po][ro][sp][iq][dp][fp][cq] AB[oc][qd][qg][rg][qh][rj][qk][ql][rl][pi][pj][ol][qo][qp][rp][rr][pq][nq][bp][cn][ck] C[Problem 159. Black to play. The fuseki has ended and the middle game has begun. Black has made a thick wall on the right. What is the best way for him to utilise this wall ? ] (;B[hc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Invading at 1 is the best way for Black to use his thickness. ] ;W[je] C[If White 2 ... ] ;B[he];W[jg] C[... and 4, ... ] ;B[hg] LB[he:3] C[... Black keeps up the pressure with 3 and 5. ] ;W[mc] C[White makes a base for her stones with 6, but ... ] ;B[db] C[... Black slides to 7 and White is behind in territory. <= ] ) (;B[lc] C[Failure. Thickness should be used to attack. If Black tries to make territory with 1 ... ] ;W[je];B[le] C[... and 3, ... ] ;W[ec] LB[je:2] C[... White takes the lead with 2 and 4. The black stones on the right are now overconcentrated, while White's stones are taking territory efficiently. <= ] ) )