(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][fc][co][cp][dq][fq][nc][nb][pc][qc][rc] AB[cf][dj][cn][do][dn][pp][pj][pd][qd][od][nd][lc] C[Problem 156. White to play. Black has made a moyo on the right with his sanren-sei formation, but there is still a weak point in his position. Where should White play next ? ] (;W[md] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Cutting through the black position with 1 ... ] ;B[mc];W[me] C[... and 3 is the standard follow-up to this joseki. ] ;B[jd];W[mg];B[pg];W[jf] TR[fc] C[It is particularly effective here because White has the marked stone in place, making White 7 a severe move. <= ] ) (;W[nq] C[Failure. If White approaches with 1 at the bottom, ... ] ;B[pn] C[... Black simply answers with 2. ] ;W[kp] C[White completes the sequence with 3, ... ] ;B[le] LB[md:A] C[... letting Black defend against the threat of White A with 4. Black is satisfied with this result. <= ] ) )