(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][pq][mq][pl][oh][qc][pd][qb][oc][oe][ne] AB[cp][eq][no][qo][nd][ng][of][pf][qe][qd][rc] C[Problem 154. Black to play. A sharp encounter has taken place in the upper right. Black's stones are out in the center and he would like to play a big extension on the left. Should Black so this immediately or should he make another move on the right ? ] (;B[qh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the most urgent point. This move makes Black's stones in the upper right absolutely safe and it also takes away space for White to make her own stones safe. ] (;W[nl] C[If White jumps to 2, ... ] ;B[op] C[... Black forces with 3, ... ] ;W[oq];B[lo] C[... then jumps to 5. White is still under attack. <= ] ) (;W[qi] C[If White 2 here, ... ] ;B[ri] C[... Black will play 3. <= ] )) (;B[qq] C[Failure. If Black makes a base for his stones in the lower right with 1, ... ] ;W[qr] C[... White will exchange 2 ... ] ;B[rq] C[... for 3, ... ] ;W[qh] C[... then secure her stones on the right side with 4. The black stones above are still insecure and the game now favours White. <= ] ) )