(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][qf][od][nc][oc][pc][qc][ne][nf][ng] AB[jp][pp][pj][pg][qg][pe][oe][pd][qd][nd][md][le] C[Problem 152. White to play. Both White and Black have weak stones in the center. How should White continue ? ] (;W[lg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should force once with 1, ... ] (;B[je];W[mj] C[... then jump to 3, reducing the potential of Black's moyo at the bottom. White's stones are now in no danger. <= ] ) (;B[mc] C[Black could also play 2 here, but White's stones in the corner are safe, so she could just ignore it. <= ] )) (;W[dj] C[Failure. White must defend her stones on the right. If she makes a sanren-sei on the left with 1, ... ] ;B[lg] C[... Black will go on the offensive with the sequence from 2 ... ] ;W[ni];B[li];W[nk];B[lk];W[nm];B[pm] C[... to 8. Black has secured territory on the right, made influence in the center, and White's stones are in big trouble. <= ] ) )