(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cg][cf][ce][de][ed][fd][gd][dp][pn][og][pi] AB[cc][cd][dd][ec][fc][be][bf][np][pq][pd][nd][qg] LB[dn:A][gq:C][nn:B][jq:D] C[Problem 151. White to play. White is satisfied with her thickness in the upper left. However, she would like to use this thickness to build a moyo. Where should she play ? ] (;W[nn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since the right side is thin, White should first strengthen it by jumping to 1. ] ;B[lp] LB[lq:A] C[Black 2 at A is bad because it is too low. ] ;W[dm] C[Next, White 3 starts to build a moyo on the left side. <= ] ) (;W[dn] C[Failure. If White prematurely plays on the left with 1, ... ] ;B[nn] LB[pk:A] C[... Black will jump to 2, aiming at an invasion at A. ] ;W[qp];B[qq];W[pl];B[ip] C[After extending to 6. Black's positions on both the right and left sides have been settled. <= ] ) )