(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ed][fd][fc][ef][eh][ld][pp][dp][fp] AB[cd][dc][ec][cf][hd][nd][qd][cq][bp][cn] LB[jd:A][hf:C][ie:B][lf:D] TR[nd] C[Problem 150. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. How should White take control of the situation at the top ? ] (;W[ie] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should play the shoulder hit of 1. Black will now find it hard to escape with his stone at the top. <= ] ) (;W[jd] C[Failure. If White plays 1 here, ... ] ;B[hb] LB[hf:A] C[... Black jumps down to 2, threatening to link up to his stones on the left, then jumps to A. <= ] ) (;W[hf] C[Failure. If White caps with 1, ... ] ;B[jd] C[... Black can jump to 2. <= ] ) (;W[lf] C[Failure. White plays on a large scale when she jumps to 1, ... ] ;B[hg] C[... but when Black jumps out into the center, White finds her stones at the top split apart. ] ;W[jp] C[White plays 3 to restore the territorial balance, but ... ] ;B[jd] C[... Black secures his stones with 4 ... ] ;W[lb];B[jf] C[... and 6. White has a lost game. <= ] ) )