EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E16 F16 F17 E14 E12 M16 Q4 D4 F4 SETUP B C16 D17 E17 C14 H16 O16 R16 C3 B4 C6 MARK A@K16 C@H14 B@J15 D@M14 \t@O16 COM Problem 150. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. How should White take control of the situation at the top ? ENDCOM W 1 J15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should play the shoulder hit of 1. Black will now find it hard to escape with his stone at the top. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 K16 COM Failure. If White plays 1 here, ... ENDCOM B 2 H18 MARK A@H14 COM ... Black jumps down to 2, threatening to link up to his stones on the left, then jumps to A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 H14 COM Failure. If White caps with 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 K16 COM ... Black can jump to 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 M14 COM Failure. White plays on a large scale when she jumps to 1, ... ENDCOM B 2 H13 COM ... but when Black jumps out into the center, White finds her stones at the top split apart. ENDCOM W 3 K4 COM White plays 3 to restore the territorial balance, but ... ENDCOM B 4 K16 COM ... Black secures his stones with 4 ... ENDCOM W 5 M18 B 6 K14 COM ... and 6. White has a lost game. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR