(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][qq][qp][qn][nq][mp][cq][dp][fp] AB[pd][pp][oq][nr][np][no][kp][bp][cn][ck] LB[jc:A][iq:D][qf:B][qk:C] C[Problem 149. White to play. The joseki played in the lower right corner has ended in sente for White. There seem to be a lot of big points for her to play, but which one is the biggest ? ] (;W[iq] LB[hq:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the biggest point. To convince you that it is really big, imaging the difference if Black were to play at A. ] ;B[nc];W[qk] C[<= ] ) (;W[jc] C[Failure. Another big point, but it takes no actual profit. ] ;B[hq] LB[fr:A] C[Black plays 2. He is now threatening to slide at A, uprooting the white stones there. <= ] ) (;W[qk] LB[ql:A] C[Failure. White 1 here defends against Black A. <= ] ) (;W[qf] C[Failure. If White 1 here, ... ] ;B[nd] C[... Black will jump to 2, and another move on the side becomes necessary. <= ] ) )