(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][ci][dk][dl][dn][dp][gp][ip][lp] AB[fq][fp][fo][fm][ek][ej][in][pq][pd] LB[ln:A][ir:D][np:B][po:C] C[Problem 147. Black to play. The white stones at the bottom are weak, so Black must find a good way to attack them. Note that Black gave White territory on the left in order to get a thick position in the center. ] (;B[ln] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should play a large-scale move by capping at 1. ] (;W[dr] LB[gq:A] C[White 2 is a good move because it prepares for White A, which threatens to link up or help her group at the center bottom to make eyes. <= ] ) (;W[nq] C[If White 2 here, ... ] ;B[po] C[... Black 3 has a good feel to it. <= ] )) (;B[np] C[Failure. Black 1 is very bad because ... ] ;W[ln] C[... it drives White into the center, compromising Black's thickness there. <= ] ) )