(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][df][hd][nq][jp][dp][dq][do][em][cl] AB[jd][jf][nc][pd][pp][pn][bn][cn][cp][cq][pj] LB[hf:A][ek:B][no:C][pr:D] C[Problem 146. White to play. This is another contest of moyos. Where is the crucial point for White to play in this position ? ] (;W[no] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the biggest point. ] ;B[nm] C[If Black caps with 2, ... ] ;W[qh] C[... White will switch to 3. She should have no trouble making a living group there. <= ] ) (;W[hf] C[Failure. White 1 is too narrow. The bottom is bigger, ... ] ;B[lo] C[... so Black will jump out to 2. <= ] ) (;W[ek] C[Failure. Only a defensive move. <= ] ) (;W[pr] C[Failure. White 1 here only seeks territory. ] ;B[lo] C[Black will ignore it and jump to 2. <= ] ) )