(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][df][dk][cm][cn][dq][dp][do][er][fq][jp][mp] AB[db][fc][fe][bn][co][cp][cq][cr][dr][po][pq][qk][pd] LB[fg:B][nc:A][bm:C][mm:D] C[Problem 145. White to play. Black has a lot of profit, while White has thickness in the center. However, Black is also threatening to build a moyo in the center. Where should White play in this position ? ] (;W[fg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capping with 1 is the biggest move. ] ;B[nd] C[If Black defends the upper right with 2, ... ] ;W[lk] C[... White will stake out a vast moyo and wait for Black to try to invade. <= ] ) (;W[nc] C[Failure. Against White 1, ... ] ;B[lc] C[... Black pincers with 2 and ... ] ;W[qc] C[... White must invade with 3. ] ;B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[oc];W[qf] C[But, after 11, ... ] ;B[fg] LB[dh:A] C[... Black jumps to 12, aiming at A, so White must defend. <= ] ) (;W[bm] C[Failure. White 1 here is big, but gote. <= ] ) (;W[mm] C[Failure. White 1 is another moyo focal point, but ... ] ;B[fg] C[... Black 2 leaves White's moyo wide open. <= ] ) )