(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][mc][oc][qb][pp] AB[kd][qd][pf][qj][eq][cp] LB[cj:B][id:A][ql:C][jq:D] C[Problem 142. White to play. A joseki has just been played out in the upper right. How should White continue ? Should she play an attacking move or should she be satisfied just making a big point ? ] (;W[cj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should extend to 1, limiting the influence of Black's corner enclosure. ] ;B[nq];W[qn] (;B[cl];W[oq];B[np];W[jp] C[The game continued with the sequence to White 7. <= ] ) (;B[jp] LB[cl:@] C[If White neglects to play 4 at @ and plays 4 here instead, ... ] ;W[cm] C[... White will extend down the left side. <= ] )) (;W[jq] C[Failure. White 1 is not good ... ] ;B[cj] LB[ql:C][jq:1][id:A] C[... because Black can make an ideal extension from his corner enclosure with 2. White A or C are the next biggest points, but 1 and 2 take priority because no stones have been played in these areas yet. <= ] ) )