EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 N17 P17 R18 Q4 SETUP B L16 R16 Q14 R10 E3 C4 MARK B@C10 A@J16 C@R8 D@K3 COM Problem 142. White to play. A joseki has just been played out in the upper right. How should White continue ? Should she play an attacking move or should she be satisfied just making a big point ? ENDCOM W 1 C10 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend to 1, limiting the influence of Black's corner enclosure. ENDCOM VAR W 1 K3 COM Failure. White 1 is not good ... ENDCOM B 2 C10 MARK C@R8 1@K3 A@J16 COM ... because Black can make an ideal extension from his corner enclosure with 2. White A or C are the next biggest points, but 1 and 2 take priority because no stones have been played in these areas yet. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 O3 W 3 R6 B 4 C8 VAR B 4 K4 MARK @@C8 COM If White neglects to play 4 at @ and plays 4 here instead, ... ENDCOM W 5 C7 COM ... White will extend down the left side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 5 P3 B 6 O4 W 7 K4 COM The game continued with the sequence to White 7. <= ENDCOM