(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][pp][oc][kc] AB[cp][eq][qd][pe] LB[qj:C][cj:B][kq:D][fc:A] C[Problem 141. Black to play. At the beginning of the game, you have to play the best move or your opponent may seize the initiative. Where is Black's biggest move ? ] (;B[cj] LB[kq:A] TR[eq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1, extending from his corner enclosure below, is the most effective move. Since the marked stone is on the third line, Black's position at the bottom would be too low if he played at A. ] ;W[pi];B[qn];W[qo];B[pn];W[np];B[pk] C[The game continued with the sequence to Black 7. <= ] ) (;B[kq] C[Failure. Black's position at the bottom is too low. <= ] ) (;B[qj] C[Failure. If Black extends to 1 here, ... ] ;W[ck] C[... White will switch to the left side with 2, and, ... ] ;B[cf];W[ce];B[df];W[fd];B[ci];W[cn] C[... after the sequence to White 8, the value of the Black corner enclosure is diminished. <= ] ) (;B[fc] C[Failure. Approaching inside White's sphere of influence with 1 is not good at this early stage of the fuseki. <= ] ) )