(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][ee][fe][gd][gc][hf][pp][kp][jm][hr][fn][fm][eo][ep][eq][cq][cr] AB[cc][cd][eb][fc][fd][kd][oc][qd][qj][hp][gn][bq][cp][dp][dn][dm][cj][cf] LB[oi:A][oj:B][ok:C] C[Problem 140. White to play. Black has made a big profit on the left side and has mapped out a huge moyo on the right, so it is urgent for White to reduce this moyo, but which point should she play: A, B, or C ? ] (;W[ok] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White expands her moyo with 1 while limiting the size of Black's. ] ;B[pl];W[ol];B[pm];W[om];B[pn] C[Even though Black gains some profit up to 6, ... ] ;W[on] C[... the scale of White's moyo is enough to maintain the balance of territories. <= ] ) (;W[oi] C[Failure. If White plays 1, ... ] ;B[pk] C[... Black will respond with 2, and, ... ] ;W[qi];B[ri];W[qh];B[rh];W[qf];B[nj] C[... with the sequence to 8, White's moyo has been greatly reduces and her stones in the upper right are under attack. <= ] ) )