EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 C3 N4 M4 L3 K2 J2 N2 O2 Q4 Q5 P5 O5 R5 Q7 P8 O8 N8 SETUP B G3 J3 K4 L6 N6 N5 M2 O4 P4 P2 Q3 R3 R4 O9 P9 Q9 Q8 Q16 MARK B@Q14 C@L9 A@D15 COM Problem 139. Black to play. The proverbs instructs us to play the urgent point before the big point. But sometimes it is hard to tell which points are urgent or even how urgent it is. Where is the urgent point here ? ENDCOM B 1 L9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. It is important for Black to play 1 because it not only confines White to the right side, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 D15 COM Failure. If Black rushes to play 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 L8 COM ... White will jump to 2. ENDCOM B 3 H2 COM If Black makes shape by forcing with a, ... ENDCOM W 4 O1 MARK 3@H2 COM ... White lives in sente with 4, so Black 3 is not a forcing move. As you can see, the black stones at the bottom are vulnerable. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 M7 B 3 L5 W 4 R7 COM ... but also forces her to make life for her stones by descending to 4. After this, ... ENDCOM B 5 D15 COM ... Black is free to play the big point of 5 and take a big lead. <= ENDCOM