(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ce][dc][fc][dp][cn][cq][cr][jp][ko][kp][kq][mq][qj][ph][qf][rf][re] AB[de][df][cf][dj][cl][dr][fq][hp][jq][iq][lp][oq][qp][pn][ql][qe][rd][pd][nd] LB[qc:B][lc:A][fe:C] C[Problem 137. White to play. After Black plays the marked stone, the only interesting points remaining are at the top. Does White have any special stratagem at B or is there something else she should do ? ] (;W[lc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. There are no special tricks that White can pull off in the corner, so it is best for her to play 1, ... ] ;B[nc] C[... forcing Black to defend at 2. ] ;W[id] C[She can take up a position on the top with 3. The middle game now begins. <= ] ) (;W[fe] C[Failure. A move like 1 does nothing to improve White's position. ] ;B[kc] LB[qd:B][qc:A] C[Black 2 strengthens his weak stones at the top and takes profit besides. If White now peeps at A, Black simply connects at B and the stone at A is lost. <= ] ) )