(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][df][ci][co][dp][fp][po][pn][qn][pj][pi][qh][qg][pg][qf] AB[ck][cn][dn][nq][pq][qp][qo][qd][pe][pf][og][oh][ph][fc][kc] LB[ke:A][gf:B][ek:C] C[Problem 136. Black to play. In this position, White has profit while Black has a moyo at the top. However, the black stones on the lower side are not very strong. How should Black continue ? ] (;B[ke] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should strengthen his position at the top with 1. ] ;W[ej] C[White attacks with 2, but ... ] ;B[fn] C[... Black simply jumps to 3 and, ... ] ;W[hp] C[... after White 4, ... ] ;B[kq] C[... Black 5 is a big extension, aiming to slide under White's position on the left. <= ] ) (;B[ek] C[Failure. Black strengthens his position with 1 and prepares to attack the top and bottom. ] ;W[ke] C[But White wipes out Black's moyo with the sequence from 2 ... ] ;B[id];W[nf];B[of];W[lc] C[... to 6. <= ] ) (;B[gf] C[Failure. If Black 1 here, White could easily invade this moyo. <= ] ) )