(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dj][dp][jd][jc][nc][nd][od][pp][qo][on][pn][qm] AB[cd][dh][hd][oc][pc][qd][qf][pm][qn][qq][pq][nq] LB[cj:C][ed:A][fh:B] C[Problem 134. Black to play. The joseki in the lower right corner has ended with sente for Black. He must now turn his attention to his thin position at the top. Where should he play ? ] (;B[ed] LB[cn:C][cl:B][ec:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Even though Black's position at the top is open from the side, he must make a corner enclosure with 1 and not at A. Next, he can aim at B or C, ... ] ;W[dn] C[... so White defends with 2. ] ;B[kq] C[In response to Black 3, ... ] ;W[ip] C[... White 4 is a good move. <= ] ) (;B[cj] C[Failure. Black 1... ] ;W[ck];B[ci] C[... and 3 are not good because they strengthen White's position on the left. ] ;W[dk] C[This is a big loss for Black. <= ] ) )