(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][fd][jd][ke][nq][lp][ip][do][dp][dq][eq][er] AB[lc][pd][pf][pj][pp][no][dr][cq][cr][cp][cn][cm][fq] LB[em:A][fo:B][fp:C] TR[cm] C[Problem 133. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. In this position, which of the three points indicated is the best way for White to defend ? ] (;W[fo] LB[fp:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the correct shape here. It is more efficient than playing at A. <= ] ) (;W[em] LB[fo:@][fr:A] C[Failure. White 1 is a large-scale move, but unfortunately Black A or @ could be quite annoying for White later on. <= ] ) )