(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][gc][jc][rd][qf][qi][po][qn][eq][en][dh] AB[ce][bc][df][nc][pd][qc][pq][qp][qo][cp][cm][hq] LB[jq:C][ho:B][pn:A] TR[cm] C[Problem 132. White to play. Black has just played the marked stone. Should White aggressively follow up with B or C, or should she calmly connect at A ? ] (;W[pn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should connect at 1, ... ] ;B[op];W[mo];B[mq] LB[op:2][mo:3] C[... then force Black to play 4 with 3 after Black 2. ] ;W[dl];B[cl];W[dk];B[ck];W[dj] LB[jq:A] C[Next, White links up with her lone stone at the top with the sequence to 9. White now threatens an invasion at A, ... ] ;B[kp] C[... so Black must defend at 10. ] ;W[cq] C[<= ] ) (;W[jq] C[Failure. White 1 ... ] ;B[ho];W[jo] C[... and 3 are aggressive moves, but ... ] ;B[hm];W[nq];B[pn] LB[nq:5] C[... Black gets to cut at 6 after 5. White's stones are now scattered throughout the board and she lacks a unified strategy. <= ] ) )