(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ce][dc][fc][dq][gq][qj][dl] AB[de][df][cf][co][fo][pp][qd][oc] LB[dj:A][cq:C][hp:B] C[Problem 131. Black to play. Before pincering the white stone on the left side, does Black need to make any preparatory moves ? Of course, Black would like to finish up on the left side in sente so he can play on the right side before White. ] (;B[dj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black must first play 1. ] ;W[fl] C[When White jumps to 2, ... ] ;B[hp] (;W[hq];B[ip];W[iq];B[jp];W[kq];B[ep] C[... Black can force with the sequence to 9, ... ] ;W[eq];B[hl] C[... then cap at 11. <= ] ) (;W[gp] LB[hp:3] C[White's failure. In response to Black 3, White must not cut through with 4 ... ] ;B[go];W[ho] C[... and 6. ] ;B[hq];W[hr];B[ir];W[gr];B[hn];W[io];B[gm] C[After Black 13, White will be find herself in a severe fight. (See Problem 151 in Get Strong at Joseki 1.) ] )) (;B[hp] C[Failure. If Black plays 1 here, ... ] ;W[hq] C[White will play 2 ... ] ;B[ip];W[iq] C[... to 4, ... ] ;B[jp];W[di] C[... then extend to 6. <= ] ) )