(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][dc][ck][cn][dp][po][qo][qk][oo] AB[cf][ci][dr][fq][qp][pd][pp][oq][np] LB[jc:A][iq:C][qi:B] C[Problem 130. Black to play. The biggest moves are the ones that have big follow-ups. Where do you think Black should play in this position ? ] (;B[jc] LB[ee:B][fc:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a big move because it threatens A. Next, Black would play B, and a moyo would begin to form in the center. ] ;W[gc] C[This is not to White's liking, so she counters by extending to 2. ] ;B[qf] C[But Black plays 3 and he gets a strong position in the upper right. <= ] ) (;B[qi] LB[pm:B][qm:A] C[Failure. Black 1 aims at an invasion at A, but this is not much of a threat, since White B would be an adequate response. ] ;W[nc] C[Therefore, White will take the initiative and make an approach move at 2. <= ] ) )