(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[gd][gc][id][hg][fg][bd][bf][cf][df][de][dd][dp] AB[bc][cb][db][dc][fb][fc][fd][fe][cd][ce][be][pq][qd][nc] LB[dm:A][jp:C][po:B] C[Problem 129. White to play. Taking into account White's position in the upper left, where do you think White should play ? ] (;W[dm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should extend to 1, making a moyo on the left side. ] ;B[ip] C[This enables Black to make the good point of 2, ... ] ;W[po] C[... but White can approach with 3, and, ... ] ;B[qo];W[qn];B[qp];W[pn];B[np];W[pj] C[... after the joseki to White 9, Black is unable to make a moyo on the right side. <= ] ) (;W[jp] C[Failure. White 1 is a big extension, but it is premature. ] ;B[cn] LB[dh:A] C[Black can approach at 2, as well as force with A, so White's moyo strategy will have failed. <= ] ) )