(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ed][fd][fe][fg][dp][op][pp][qp][qo][ro][pk][ph][kd] AB[dc][cd][de][ee][dh][rp][rq][qq][pq][nq][mq][qn][qd][oc] LB[eb:A][on:C][cn:B] C[Problem 128. White to play. Where should White play: at A, B, or C ? ] (;W[on] TR[mq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. In response to the marked stone, White 1 is the proper response. ] ;B[cn] C[As expected, Black will play 2 ... ] ;W[fp];B[dk] C[... and 4, but ... ] ;W[oe] C[... White will cap at 5, and suddenly a white moyo emerges in the center. <= ] ) (;W[eb] LB[cn:A] C[Failure. Locally, both White 1 and White A are big moves, but ... ] ;B[rn] C[... if Black is allowed to play 2 ... ] ;W[pn];B[pm] C[... and 4, the right side could be thrown into confusion. <= ] ) (;W[cn] C[Failure. Also wrong. <= ] ) )