(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][pk][nk][ni][nm][iq][kq][lq][mq][pq][oq] AB[cp][pd][pg][pi][qo][op][no][lp][kp][jp][lm][lk] LB[qm:B][cj:A][eq:C] C[Problem 127. White to play. A sharp exchange took place on the lower right. It is White's move. Should she leave the right side as it is and play at A or C, or does she need to play a move at B ? ] (;W[qm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Before anything else, White must secure her position on the lower right by playing on the urgent move of 1. ] ;B[cf];W[fc];B[gd];W[gc];B[id];W[hd];B[he];W[hc];B[ie];W[qc];B[qd];W[cj] C[The sequence to 13 is one possible continuation. <= ] ) (;W[cj] C[Failure. If White plays on the left side with 1 or approaches the stone in the lower left, ... ] ;B[qm] C[... Black will play 2, robbing White's stones of their base. These stones will now come under a severe attack. <= ] ) (;W[eq] C[Failure. Also wrong. ] ;B[qm] C[Black attacks with 2. <= ] ) )