(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dg][dh][de][dd][dc][ec][eb][hc][jq][dq][dp][do][em][cl] AB[cb][db][cc][cd][cf][cg][fc][pd][pq][qo][bn][cn][cp][cq] LB[lq:C][md:A][pj:B] C[Problem 126. Black to play. White is thick at the left side from the top to the bottom. Although Black has a lot of profit, he still has to prevent White from expanding the scale of her moyo. Where should he play ? ] (;B[md] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 blocks White from making a large-scale moyo at the top while making territory. ] ;W[nq] C[If White answers with 2, ... ] ;B[ko];W[no];B[io];W[jn];B[jo];W[lq];B[hm] C[... Black is satisfied to erase White's moyo with the sequence to 9. <= ] ) (;B[lq] C[Failure. Locally, Black 1 here is big, but ... ] ;W[md] C[... it is too dangerous to let White play at 2. <= ] ) (;B[pj] C[Failure. Black 1 is not good ... ] ;W[nd] C[... because it lets White make an approach move at 2. ] ;B[pf];W[pc];B[qc];W[oc];B[qb];W[nf] C[After the sequence to 8, White has made a huge moyo at the top. <= ] ) )