(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ec][co][ck][kq][nq][qi] AB[cp][do][dq][fp][pp][pn][pd] LB[qg:B][qk:C][jc:A] C[Problem 124. Black to play. White has played in the middle of the right side. Should Black ignore this move and extend to A, of should he attack White with a move at B or C ? ] (;B[qk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Attacking the white stone with 1, driving it toward the star-point stone above, is best. ] ;W[qf] C[White will extend to 2. ] ;B[qe];W[pf];B[nc] C[The sequence to 5 is a joseki. <= ] ) (;B[jc] C[Failure. If Black extends along the top, ... ] ;W[ql] C[... White will make a two-space extension down the right, attacking the black stones below. <= ] ) (;B[qg] C[Failure. Black 1 is the wrong direction. ] ;W[ql] LB[qm:A][pl:B] C[White plays 2, aiming at Black's weak underbelly. The exchange of Black A - White B strengthens White, so it is not good. ] ;B[oc] C[If Black defends his corner at the top, ... ] ;W[kd] C[... White makes a double-wing formation in the upper left with 4. <= ] ) )