(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][fc][dj][dp][kq][ko][kl] AB[jd][pd][pf][qk][mm][np][pq] LB[fp:A][fq:B][er:C] TR[kl] C[Problem 123. Black to play. White has just played the marked stone, mapping out a huge moyo on the left, so the lower left is now the most important place to play. But where should Black play: at A, B, or C ? ] (;B[fp] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should approach high with 1. ] ;W[dn] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[ip] LB[km:A] C[... Black extends to 3, aiming to exploit the thinness of White's two-space jump by attaching at A. ] ;W[jn] C[White will defend at 4, but ... ] ;B[hn] C[... Black plays 5, wiping out much of White's moyo. <= ] ) (;B[fq] C[Failure. White answers Black 1 ... ] ;W[fo] C[... by capping at 2. ] ;B[cq] C[If Black invades the corner with 3, ... ] ;W[dq];B[cp];W[co];B[bo];W[cn];B[bn];W[cm];B[dr];W[er];B[cr];W[eq] TR[kl] C[... after the sequence to 14, the marked stone makes a huge moyo with White's other stones on the left. <= ] ) (;B[er] C[Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ] ;W[fq] C[... White makes a bigger moyo with 1. <= ] ) )