(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][gd][ej][cj][cm][pp][qn] AB[ch][eh][gh][cp][fp][nq][pd] LB[ic:A][gj:B][jq:C] C[Problem 122. Black to play. Should Black attack the two white stones at the top with A, attack the three white stones on the left side with B, or strengthen his position at the bottom with C ? ] (;B[ic] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The two white stones at the top are thin, so Black can take profit by attacking them ... ] ;W[he];B[je];W[hc];B[id] C[... with the sequence to 5. ] ;W[hb] C[After White 6, ... ] ;B[cc] C[... Black invades with 7. Because of the three black stones below, White's stones will be under a lot of pressure. <= ] ) (;B[jq] C[Failure. Black 1 is certainly a big point, but ... ] ;W[jc] C[... White 2 is even bigger. Black has lost the chance to seize the initiative at the top. <= ] ) )