(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][df][dp][qo][po][om][pl][ql][nc] AB[ck][pq][qp][mq][qm][pj][pd][fc][jd] LB[lc:A][oc:B][pf:C] C[Problem 121. Black to play. How should Black attack the lone white stone in the upper right: at A, B, or C ? ] (;B[oc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a basic attacking move in this kind of position. ] ;W[nd] C[When White stands to 2, ... ] ;B[pf] C[... Black jumps to 3. White's stones are now heavy and no matter how she defends, they will come under attack. <= ] ) (;B[pf] C[Failure. If Black plays 1 here, ... ] ;W[pb] C[... White will slide to 2 and secure her stone. <= ] ) (;B[lc] LB[qc:A] C[Failure. Against the pincer of Black 1, White will not invade at A. ] ;W[pf] C[Instead, she will play 2 ... ] ;B[nd];W[ph] C[... and 4, attacking the black stone in the middle of the right side. <= ] ) )