(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[kc][nc][nd][qo][qp][pq][op][dq][do] AB[dd][cj][ic][oc][pd][pf][pj][po][pn][qn] LB[ke:A][jq:C][cl:B] C[Problem 120. White to play. White has many good points to play, but there is one which takes precedence over all the others. Which of the three points indicated is best ? ] (;W[ke] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should strengthen her group by jumping to 1 and aim at invading the upper right and left corners. ] ;B[ie] C[If Black 2, ... ] ;W[cc] LB[ie:2][df:A] C[... White 3 is the perfect invasion. Black could also play 2 at A. <= ] ) (;W[jq] C[Failure. White 1 is also a good point, but ... ] ;B[je] C[... Black 2 is a severe attack. White must escape, but then Black's moyo on both the left and the right will be strengthened. <= ] ) )