(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][df][dq][md][nd][od][pc][qd][rd] AB[pq][fc][jd][lc][mc][nc][qe][pe][pg] LB[qk:A][qn:B][po:C] C[Problem 119. Black to play. How should Black play on the right side: at A, B, or C ? ] (;B[qk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since it is a good idea to strengthen your weak stones, Black plays 1, the ideal move to defend his three stones in the upper right. It also works well with his stone below. ] ;W[co];B[jq];W[hq];B[ch] C[The game continues to Black 5. <= ] ) (;B[po] C[Failure. If Black encloses the corner with 1, ... ] ;W[pj] C[... White pincers with 2. ] ;B[ql] C[Black 3 is a good move, but ... ] ;W[ok] C[... White 4 prevents the black stones above from linking up with their allies below. They must flee, so White gets the initiative. <= ] ) )