(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pc][mc][ph][ql][pp] AB[ce][dp][ne][qe][qn] LB[dc:A][on:B][qq:C] TR[ql] C[Problem 117. Black to play. White has just pincered with the marked stone. Should Black answer it by jumping to B, invading at C or making a corner enclosure with A ? ] (;B[on] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Jumping to 1 is the ideal move. ] ;W[np] C[When White answers with 2, ... ] ;B[qj] C[... Black can invade with 3. ] ;W[pj];B[qk];W[pk];B[rl] C[After 7, Black's stones on the right have a secure base. <= ] ) (;B[qq] C[Failure. Invading with 1 is not good. ] ;W[qp];B[pq];W[op];B[rp];W[ro];B[rq];W[qo];B[nq] C[After Black secures his stones with 9, ... ] ;W[qg] C[... White plays 10, attacking the two black stones at the top and strengthening her moyo on the right side. <= ] ) )