EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W Q17 N17 Q12 R8 Q4 SETUP B C15 D4 O15 R15 R6 MARK A@D17 B@P6 C@R3 \t@R8 COM Problem 117. Black to play. White has just pincered with the marked stone. Should Black answer it by jumping to B, invading at C or making a corner enclosure with A ? ENDCOM B 1 P6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Jumping to 1 is the ideal move. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R3 COM Failure. Invading with 1 is not good. ENDCOM W 2 R4 B 3 Q3 W 4 P4 B 5 S4 W 6 S5 B 7 S3 W 8 R5 B 9 O3 COM After Black secures his stones with 9, ... ENDCOM W 10 R13 COM ... White plays 10, attacking the two black stones at the top and strengthening her moyo on the right side. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O4 COM When White answers with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 R10 COM ... Black can invade with 3. ENDCOM W 4 Q10 B 5 R9 W 6 Q9 B 7 S8 COM After 7, Black's stones on the right have a secure base. <= ENDCOM