(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][dq][rr][qr][qq][qn][oo][op][oq][pp] AB[rq][qp][qo][po][pn][on][ql][no][pq][qd][oc] LB[jc:A][cj:B][co:C] C[Problem 114. White to play. In the joseki played in the lower right, White ended in sente. Of the three moves indicated, which one would you choose for White ? ] (;W[jc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Extending to 1 at the top is the right direction for White to play. This move will make it hard for Black to complete his moyo on the right side. <= ] ) (;W[co] C[Failure. Making a corner enclosure with 1 on the left is not good. ] ;B[id] C[Black will be able to expand the scale of his moyo with 2, giving him the advantage. <= ] ) )